how did you get your mesa?

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I found my Tremoverb in great shape, in a pawn shop, for $500. I just totally lucked into it. Six months later, I joined a band that is endorsed by Mesa Boogie. So, I sold my Peavey Triple XXX and Tremoverb, and bought a Road King. I also sold the two Mesa 2x12's I had to but a 4x12.

Since all my orders have to go through the artist relations department (about a 90 day wait), I decided to get a custom speaker install in the cab. I decided to get two V30's and two C90's in an x-pattern, similar to the Bogner Uberkab. I can tell you that this config sounds absolutely amazing, with the best of both worlds: all the crisp highs, tight bottom end, and massive headroom of the C90's, with the warm midrange crunch and thick, loose feel of the V30's.

I didn't bother with any custom options on the head, since it was just going in here:

My first post here, I just got my first Mesa, an LSC 1x12, a couple weeks ago. I recently separated from my wife, so, for the first time in years, I didn't have anyone to tell me NO! I've been playing solid state amps for 25+ years, and have wanted to go back to tubes for a long time. I started out with a pre-master volume Twin years ago, but never played anywhere that I could crank it up enough to get the crunch I wanted. So, I traded in four amps, a couple of multi-effects units, a couple floor controllers and a bunch of cash to get the Lone Star. I took a hell of a loss on the stuff I traded in, but it is totally worth it for the tone I now have. This amp is beautiful!
noodles said:
I Six months later, I joined a band that is endorsed by Mesa Boogie. So, I sold my Peavey Triple XXX and Tremoverb, and bought a Road King. I also sold the two Mesa 2x12's I had to but a 4x12.

How do you go about getting a product endorsement from Mesa? Just wanted to know the process.....may get started on that haha. Thanks bud. Nice Rack/Head unit!!

Having had some problems with my left arm and hand, I had to look for a way of easing the load. A combo was the obvious choice, but since the rig I had been using was a modular one (drive rack, power rack, 2 x spkr cabs), I was having a hard time finding a combo that gave me the versatility I needed from a single unit.

Then I saw a Road King 2 x 12 combo.

After I checked out the features, I realized it was the only amp I had seen that had everything I needed in one box - I was rather excited.

Then I was told the price - I was rather deflated. Impossible. No chance.
Even with the very generous deal that my local dealer offered, the amp was still so far out of my reach that I simply gave up and tried to figure a way of condensing my existing rig. I had just released a new CD in my home town, and had to get it together to go sell the thing.

In another up-and-down turn of events, my father passed away, leaving me a modest inheritance. But after all the expenses that go with executing an estate, it was very modest. Enough to pay my bills off and do something for the kids. By this time, I really didn't give a rats about amps anyway.

Then I got a phone call from my mate at the music shop. He had done something, and shown my stuff to someone somewhere, and had a rather surprising offer for me - a Mesa endorsement. *thud*

I have explored a few of the amazing tones of my new Road King, but I still tend to just sit here and stare at it with this stupid grin on my face, thinking what a funny old place the world is. Guess I better pull my finger out - I've got a clinic to do. I have a feeling Dad would be laughing at me about now. :D
My experince was not dramitic. I had a Peavey triple X before and a Peavey JSX after that and was still unhappy with my tone. Walked into my local shop..Played a a couple of Krank's...didn't like them at all...walked over to the Duel recto and bottom cab. Pluged in and starting playing "We Die Young" (AIC) and new right away I had found what I was looking for...AND THAT doesn't happen very often!!!
Hehe... I'm no-one you'd know, but I was playing rockstars back in the 80s and 90s down here in Oz. The band was called Ice Tiger, and we released an album through Europe, Scandinavia & the UK back in 1991.
Now I just do my own solo thing, and teach what I know. The Mesa endorsement is a gratifying way of both enjoying my career's 'mature years' and giving something back to the industry that has treated me about as well as I've treated it. :)

If you'd like to know a bit more, most of my relevant details are on my website:
Hello all

This is my first post. I've been lurking here for a while and decided it's time to join in on the fun.

To make a long story short....I got my Mesa gear when I came out on top of an insurance settlement. Lightning hit my house back in '01 and after replacing all the stuff that got zapped, I had some money left over from my homeowners settlement. Also I was using a RCA surge protector on all of my home theatre stuff....which got zapped....and it had a good insurance policy. I called up RCA and told them what happened and that my homeowners was covering it all. They were very nice and even offered to pay my deductible. I accepted and they sent me a check and a replacement surge protector.

So I took the money that I had left over and traded in a Peavey Transtube halfstack and got the Mesa gear in my sig.

Just on a side note.....I had to exchange the head three times before I got one that worked. The first one died as soon as I barely cranked the volume. The second one was D.O.A. It wouldn't even power up. So on the third one I had the shop plug it in and crank the volume to make sure it was OK before I picked it up.

I've had it over five years now and not a minute of trouble. I think the first two must have had some bad power tubes.
Crate GX65>'79 Mark IIb>(V-Twin Pedal)>Mesa Subway Rocket>Mesa Trem-O-Verb>3 Channel Triple Rectifier>Mesa Oversized 4 x 12>Marshall 1960A 4 x 12 (GT-75 Speakers)

I have to say I just wanted more gain all along..
Its been a journey and I still cant say Im completely 100% on my ear. I think I still want a tighter bottom end but I dont know if its in the tone controls or in another amp. Id hate to get rid of my triple and I probably wont--I wish I still had my Mark IIb...but oh well! :wink: