Home Recording my Mark III – (Direct out).

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Jan 8, 2013
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Could someone give me some tips here. I’m basically going from the Direct out on the back of the amp to the interface/soundcard on my PC so as I can record to cubase.

On clean everything sounds hunky dory but on the other two channels the distortion sounds really fizzy. It would be nice to get somewhere near the sound of the amp even if I need to tweak a little in cubase but at the moment the sound isn’t very usable at all.

I’ve tried the mic up option but my studio is tiny so the acoustics aren’t all that and I don’t want the physical sound of my plectrum on the strings to come through in the recording if you get my meaning.

I used to use a Boss GT-6 and plug that straight in but I sold that and pretty much everything else to buy this amp.

What are my options here without spending any more cash.


The direct out on the MIII is really more of a "slave" out meaning it's meant to drive another power amp and speaker cab. The fizzy/buzzy sound you're hearing is really the "true" sound of the amp but what you want to hear is the sound of your amp "filtered" through a speaker cab. (The speakers in a guitar cab act as a bandpass filter cutting out the highs and extreme lows.)

There's a process called convolution that enables you to superimpose one signal onto another. In your case, you would want to use a convolution plug-in (assuming you're recording to a computer) with a speaker impulse.

A google search of "guitar speaker impulse" should point you in the right direction.

Alternatively, you could look into boxes like the Palmer, Motherload, Redbox, Groove Tubes Speaker Emulator, or any other number of cabinet emulation hardware devices out there.
Fantastic thank you. Looking into the speaker impulse stuff now and it's looking pretty promising.


google Lepou Plugins

he offer a really good free cab simulator.
all you'll need to find is a Impulse that you like

heres a link to some i've made.
