Need help reverting modded Badlander 100 rev 6 to stock

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Sep 29, 2024
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Hey fam,
I bought a modded Badlander that blew the filter caps so I want to revert it to stock and could use a bit of help figuring out what the capacitor values on the gain pot are supposed to be. There was an added capacitor at C32 that must've been too much for the filter caps to handle. The amp could've also been abused a bit and cranked all the way up with IRs. It's amazing the filter caps blew at such a young age...I don't want to deal with it again so I'm reverting it to stock. I will likely get the Mr. Scary Mod and hope that doesn't cause similar problems. No schematics available, obviously, but it's a simple little bit of soldering I can do myself if I can figure out what's supposed to be there. Don't want to bother with a tech. I've already removed the added capacitor and replaced the filter caps, but IDK exactly how it's supposed to be wired up. There's an empty hole in the PCB now...also not sure if the remaining cap is stock. I've seen close up pics of other revisions (5 and 7) that don't have the two holes in the PCB for the caps, unsure if that was added by who modded the amp and exactly what I should do to fix it. The disconnected cap in the pics is the mod that was added. Anybody with a stock rev 6 Badlander 100 that can help?


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The orange cap above the 82.5k resistor has the same numbers on it as the one on the Rev 5 and Rev 7 boards. Not sure what that value is as I believe it is just some sort of part number. Also they are soldered to the two outmost pads. I did not see any other holes as you mentioned. I doubt that was a mod done to the amp as the copper pour in your pictures shows a square cutout around the pad. May be for use with a different capacitor? Are you sure it is damaged (other than the one lead being cut short) ? You can check for continuity between the inner pad and the outer one. If there is no continuity, I would assume it is a different circuit.