help running two dual recs in stereo

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Well-known member
May 1, 2007
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hey everyone. hopefully someone could help me out. I have a zakk wylde over drive pedal, dd-6 delay, ch-1 stereo chorus. I have two dual recs. How would i configure a stereo rig using the ch-1 chorus but only having to use one of the dual recs to raise the overall volume, eq, etc. Any help would be awesome. Im really a newbie with this so if anyone has direction for me act as if your teaching a 1st grader. haha. thanks everyone. -ron
When I was messing around with stereo effects, I did it like this:

Amp #1 w/ the stereo chorus pedal in the fx loop

While the left channel output of the chorus pedal is running into the fx return of Amp #1, I ran the right channel output of the chorus pedal into the front input jack of Amp #2. This won't sound very good with the distorted channels though, but I was trying the effect with the clean channel on both amps and it sounded awesome.

Off the top of my head, you could run the chorus pedal in front of the amps, left and right channels out to each amp, and use a volume pedal in your chain before the chorus.
Try this:

Guitar into Zakk OD, then into amp #1 input.

Dial your tones using amp #1. This will be your "master amp."

Connect the FX send of amp #1 to the input of your CH1 chorus.

Connect the stereo outs of the CH1 to the stereo ins of the DD6. To make it easy, connect the CH1 output A to the DD6 input A and the CH1 output B to the DD6 input B.

Connect the stereo outs of the DD6 to the FX loop return of amp #1 and also to amp #2. Again, to make it easy, connect output A of the DD6 to the FX return of amp #!, and connect output B of the DD6 to the FX return on amp #2.

Using this setup, you will be able to use your OD in front of the amp and both the CH1 and DD6 are run in stereo, and out to separate amps for true stereo.

Amp #1 is the source of your preamp tone since the preamp from amp #2 is bypassed. You are only using the power amp of amp #2.

You will need to mess with the FX loop level controls to get the best sound/least noise/smallest phasing issues.

Good luck!
awesome. so when i do this, should i hook up the foot controller for changing channels to AMP 1 (the same amp that will be active with the eq, etc.) and will that change both heads for me?
i dont think you need the 2nd one to change channels because you arent using its preamp, so just changing the main amp you have the guitar plugged into will change both to distortion/clean
If you wanted to use the preamps of both and you have money to blow.....

Get an amp switcher like Mesa's High Gain preamp switcher or something similar. Run your guitar into the switcher input, use send 1 of the switcher into the input of the first amp and the second send of the switcher into the input of the second amp. Now plug your FX loop send of the first amp into the first return of the switcher, then plug the FX loop send of the second amp into the switchers second return. Plug the output of the switcher into your stereo effect(s) and return the signal left and right to both amps FX returns.

Of course now you have to buy pedals so you can select select which amp you want and if you want to channel switch on them both. But if you're willing to set it up you can have monstrous sounding 6 channel amp rig haha.

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