Has anybody a/b'ed or played a roadster and a tremoverb?

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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Hey guys,
I just bought a roadster last week and i think it's a little bit too much for what i really need. I have a single recto which i'm pretty satisfied with, however, i kept hearing how the roadster has a better clean and a smoother modern mode, and i do agree that it does, however, i think i really don't need any of the extra stuff it has.

I was wondering if the tremoverb's modern mode was closer to the roadster or not and in general, how would you compare both amps?

Thanks for the advice guys!
metalmm785 said:
Hey guys,
I just bought a roadster last week and i think it's a little bit too much for what i really need. I have a single recto which i'm pretty satisfied with, however, i kept hearing how the roadster has a better clean and a smoother modern mode, and i do agree that it does, however, i think i really don't need any of the extra stuff it has.

I was wondering if the tremoverb's modern mode was closer to the roadster or not and in general, how would you compare both amps?

Thanks for the advice guys!

i'd say the heavier voicing of the tremoverb are very comparible to the roadster in its smoothness and i find both are a little darker in their presence (but that could just be me). As far as cleans go, the tremoverb has some pretty good cleans, probably better for someone who like a little grit to their clean. I myself like a very pristine clean and i can say thats where the tremoverb would lack as compared to the roadster.

You might want to take a look at the express 5:50. I find with a little conjuring of the eqs and maybe an OD you can get **** near as heavy as the roadster and get some of the best cleans mesa has ever put out. yes i said it, i think the express cleans blow away the roadster and even top the lonestar. Trust me there have been many times ive considered dropping the roadster for an express 5:50 2x12 combo and getting my recto type tones with help from an eq in the loop and an OD out front. There are many options.
Thanks for the advice man! I did end up putting the roadster on craigslist a couple minutes ago. I need something a little bit more simple so i'm hoping the tremoverb is a better fit. I gotta take a more in-depth look into the express series too because i really don't know much about them. I have a mark iv as my other amp but i want something where i can just turn on and rock, if that makes any sense :lol:
The tremoverb modern channel is voice slightly different, yes it is the modern channel, but instead of emphasizing the lower mids it emphasizes the upper mids.

Some great groups that use tremoverbs are everclear, incubus and I believe the original POD guitarist also used one. Probaly many other bands too.

metalmm785 said:
Hey guys,
I just bought a roadster last week and i think it's a little bit too much for what i really need. I have a single recto which i'm pretty satisfied with, however, i kept hearing how the roadster has a better clean and a smoother modern mode, and i do agree that it does, however, i think i really don't need any of the extra stuff it has.

I was wondering if the tremoverb's modern mode was closer to the roadster or not and in general, how would you compare both amps?

Thanks for the advice guys!
I love my Tremoverb and find that if you switch out the tubes from the stock mesa tubes you can get any incredible tones you want out of it. I love channel cloning and as for mentioning bands that use the TOV, who can forget that the 'tallica boys STILL use them to rehearse with and jam on... class act right there...

As far as cleans go, mine sound amazing with the famous boogie glassy sound. Wouldn't trade them for anything, I use my Maverick for the gritty tones (I saw someone mentioned the cleans being grittier) Hope this helps, its all in the tubes but to me the ToV takes the cake for versatility with ACCURACY. Many amps are versatile and get you in range of a tone but the ToV actually gets me that tone with terrific reliability.
This is my very 1st post here....but I've been reading/studying many of the posts here for a few months....so 'HI & THANX' to you folks!

I'm a total newbie on Boogie stuff, but I just lived out this very question, so I had to share my quick opinion.

Boogies in general have always required too much tweaking and knowledge for me, so I've always admired them from a distance but have never owned one.

I've spent the last couple of months trying new amps out and reading up on them, since I've been wanting to get another combo amp going. Having friends with awesome gear and the Mesa Boogie store right near me really made this fun for my 'Boogie Experiments'.

I love the Road King, just like I've always loved MarkIVs, but quickly realized it was too much for me to deal with. On paper, the Roadster was the perfect amp>"A Road King but simpler".

Though I liked it a lot (played through 2 different ones)....I was quickly feeling that familiar annoyance with spending too much **** time finding great sounds.

I came across a used Trem-O-Verb combo and WHAM!....I found my amp. It's just SO easy to dial in GREAT sounds on the Trem-O-Verb. A lot's been said/written about the foot-switchable limitations on the T-Verbs, so I'll skip that....but I just had to speak out on your comparing these 2 amps, since my search of MANY different amps out there eventually got narrowed down to these exact 2 choices.

I know I'm missing some flexibility & features....but I can get great sounds up SO much easier & quicker on the T-Verb. (if my amp always sat in the same room, maybe I'd have gotten the Roadster) I'm under the impression many posters on boards like this are far more into tone tweaking then many other guitarists like myself.....so I'll probably get 'corrected' big time for my simple mentality on this one. (but I had to get my vote out here!)

THANX Again for all the great info guys. This is a seriously brilliant forum you've got going here!
metalmm785 said:
Hey guys,
I just bought a roadster last week and i think it's a little bit too much for what i really need. I have a single recto which i'm pretty satisfied with, however, i kept hearing how the roadster has a better clean and a smoother modern mode, and i do agree that it does, however, i think i really don't need any of the extra stuff it has.

I was wondering if the tremoverb's modern mode was closer to the roadster or not and in general, how would you compare both amps?

Thanks for the advice guys!

I own both and are looking at both of them at the moment.

Honestly, your selling the Roadster to go simpilier?

I believe tone wise they are comparable, especially with the loop bypassed, they are very close.

I would just keep the roadster man, and not get hung up on the sale transfer.

If you can, get both and enjoy them for what they are I would do that. I bought mine and I don't have the footswitch although it was advertised with the footswitch. So make sure you buy from a guy / forum member who is on the up and up.

My opinion, keep the roadster, its a special amp. IF you can afford it, just get a T-verb and rotate them you will be glad you did.

That is my honest opinion....
EMGguitarist said:
I love my Tremoverb and find that if you switch out the tubes from the stock mesa tubes you can get any incredible tones you want out of it. I love channel cloning and as for mentioning bands that use the TOV, who can forget that the 'tallica boys STILL use them to rehearse with and jam on... class act right there...

As far as cleans go, mine sound amazing with the famous boogie glassy sound. Wouldn't trade them for anything, I use my Maverick for the gritty tones (I saw someone mentioned the cleans being grittier) Hope this helps, its all in the tubes but to me the ToV takes the cake for versatility with ACCURACY. Many amps are versatile and get you in range of a tone but the ToV actually gets me that tone with terrific reliability.

what i meant by gritty is that little bit of dirt you hear on some ofthe odler rectos as compaired to the road king or roadster which can get super clean. maybe grit wasnt the best word to use.
thanks for chipping in guys. Any more comparisons would be more than welcome
love my single rec.

it sounds like you like yours too.

So why don't you ask your self "how would having another recto weather its a TOV or a roadster improve your life?" I mean they are not free.

as far as different voicings. How close do you think you can get with an EQ pedal in the loop?.

maybe a new guitar might improve you life more than a new recto.

just a thought
As an owner of both amps I ask you to consider this: Do you want versatility or personality? I have found that the Roadster does many different sounds very well. I does the Solo's dirt and the Lonestar's cleans. The Tremoverb doesn't really do that. Instead, It sounds like a Tremoverb. I had to put the Roadster on the backburner because of the personality the TOV had.
You guys are starting to make me regret trying to sell off my Tremoverb. :(

Maybe all it needs is a retube?

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