Got my first Tremoverb

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May 14, 2008
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Hey thanks to all you guys I came across a really nice '94 Tremoverb head. Man this thing sounds good. It is a low 3000's serial number and the board revision is "E". As I was cleaning it out I noticed the bright cap on the red channels gain pot. Having owned an SLO with the Haynes mod I figured with all the talk about the Buzzy overdrive on this channel I would clip that little bugger right off. Well I tell you I have never heard a DR sound like this , man is it smooth. AND I can use the Treble and Presence controls now without it getting buzzy or ice-picky.
Just thought I would pass on an easy quick mod.
Seems like this guy has the original tubes ( STR-430's) also so a new set is order I figure soon, anyone try a set of 5881's? I see people talk about all the different 6L6's and changing over to EL34's but not dropping in the 5881's...Just curious.

Oh and one more thing anyone using and open back 2x12 cab, what speakers? was thinking about maybe a set of Golds...

interesting mod I'd like to try on TV combo. what value is that cap anyway?
mixn4him welcome to the forum.

Could you be a little more to the point of the mod and tone changes. I am interested in this idea. :mrgreen: and congratulation on the amp. I like my Tremoverb a lot..
It was a .001 Pico F bright cab on the input gain knob. All I did was snip it off with a pair of small wire snips. What I noticed is that the Red channel was not as buzzy or sizzlly on the high end at low or moderate volumes. Also it gave me the ability to use the treble and presence controls more to my need instead of cutting the high end. Also the Blues mode now is stupid good. with the gain cranked up it sounds closer to the SLO100 I had with the Haynes mod. Very full sounding without being the chugga chugga of the high gain mode.

I did notice there are 2 caps on the orange channel and I need to replace that pot anyhow so may try pulling one or both off.

Hope that helps. I like the way it sounds and you could always just unsolder it and replace it if you did not like the way it sounded.

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