GC loses Mesa?

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Guitar Center has to have about the worst customer service around. The teenage puke kids that work there have absolutley no knowledge of any of the products they sell. This is standard in any retail business to have some remedial knowledge about your inventory and having some information on the stuff you are trying to sell. I went to 2 GC's in Denver a few weeks ago and was sorely disappointed. I asked them about Mesa stuff and was told that the store in Colorado springs was the Mesa dealer in the area. So I call that store and they tell me the Denver stores are the Mesa's dealer. Just had to scratch my head on that. I was on a mission to find a Mark IV or a Stiletto that day, if any of those dumbasses would of had it together that day, they would have made a decent sale. My experience was also that the floor products were beat up and not priced accordingly to the scars on them. I still prefer the ma and pa type stores that know you by name and have knowlegeable staff working there. GC really needs to examine it's business practice if it wishes to remain in business.
I LIKE GC...ya,,,they're a Walmart type joint but when I want the INTERNET price on a pedal or something they usually HAVE IT and will give me the Price I want. Also, I bought a Floor Model 5:50 and they ordered me a NEW one which was in the store in 7 days! Called me up and I went in and exchanged the Floor Model for the new one...easy. Also, there are NO other Mesa dealers close to me!
creekhed said:
I LIKE GC...ya,,,they're a Walmart type joint but when I want the INTERNET price on a pedal or something they usually HAVE IT and will give me the Price I want. Also, I bought a Floor Model 5:50 and they ordered me a NEW one which was in the store in 7 days! Called me up and I went in and exchanged the Floor Model for the new one...easy. Also, there are NO other Mesa dealers close to me!

+1. True, most of their sales people have limited knowledge or experience, so I do my research first and walk in ready to demo...or better yet, try it for 30 days at home for free. Heck, I demo'd a Recto-verb for a month! This is a great option that local Mom & Pop's around me don't offer, not to mention a broad product offering. I would need to travel over 2 hours to get to another Mesa dealer, and they wouldn't let me keep it for a month. I would sorely miss GC if they went away, so I'll gladly take the good with the bad!
I would be looking for GC to go under any day. They are severly in debt and unless someone bails them out they arent going to make it.

The problem I had recently with GC trying out some new Boogies is all the stuff they had was dirty and dinged up. I went to another Boogie dealer which had a much more friendly atmosphere and the amp looked new and hadnt been abused.
Jak0lantern01 said:
Having the Mesa line pulled from the Walmart of music stores would certainly hurt their brand. Sure, Mesa is a small outfit to begin with, but they get a lot of exposure through those stores. I would never have gotten into Mesa's if they were not available through GC, and I'm sure a lot of other people are in the same boat. Unless, of course, Mesa is intentionally scaling back.

i somewhat disagree... mesa's exposure is through magazines like Guitar World and just bands in general.... now truning that exposure into sales is where GC comes in because there aren't many of us that will take the dive on word and exposure alone..... we want to test drive an amp first before we throw down a good chunk of $$$.... but at this point even if GC dropped mesa it would have very little effect on their sales... in fact they might get more because it wont take 10-12 weeks for amps that people want.... if their production line is just concentrating on orders and supplying smaller shops, you wouldnt have to wait so long for an amp.... it would also give their QA dept a chance to keep up
If my guitar center went out of business, I think it would probably be a good thing. Every time I go in, they try to sell me on something else when I know what it is that I want. Typically I do my research online and go into the store strictly to demo it and then make the purchase but the kids behind the counter are just that, kids. The only knowledgeable guy that works there is Adam in accessories who is a bassist in a local band but he can tell you everything about everything. He and I can carry on intellectual conversation regarding gear for hours whereas the other kids in there seriously don't know the difference with solid-state and tube. Now I only use GC for stuff like strings and minor stuff. If I want anything amp related here in Atlanta, I hit up Andrew's Tubes which is 10 minutes farther drive. Guitar wise I simply hit up craigslist, musicians friend, or pawn shops.
I've had nothing but bad experiences with the staff at GC.

I went to the one in Fort Wayne In to look at some guitars. The sales guy came up and asked if I needed any help, and I told him I was looking for a new guitar. He told me to look around and walked away. I walked down by a $3000 PRS, and he came back asking if I needed help. I told him I was looking for something higher-end, and he got all excited and said "Well now we can talk!" :roll:

Not to mention that every amp I've played had something wrong with it...beat up, scratchy pots, broken jacks, etc.

I only go there to look around and get ideas.
mikey383 said:
I've had nothing but bad experiences with the staff at GC.

I went to the one in Fort Wayne In to look at some guitars. The sales guy came up and asked if I needed any help, and I told him I was looking for a new guitar. He told me to look around and walked away. I walked down by a $3000 PRS, and he came back asking if I needed help. I told him I was looking for something higher-end, and he got all excited and said "Well now we can talk!" :roll:

Not to mention that every amp I've played had something wrong with it...beat up, scratchy pots, broken jacks, etc.

I only go there to look around and get ideas.

haha.... reminds me of the time my buddy was in a GC (he's not a gear head and just uses whatever as long as it sounds good... knows nothing about any gear he has)..... anyway he picks up this fender while he's waiting for me to finish demoing eqs and a guy comes up to him and starts talking to him asking how he likes the guitar... he responds with the usual just looking around ..... the guy comes back like 5 more times and finally asks him to leave if he's not going to purchase anything ..... my buddy was floored at how disrespectful this little emo kid was (especially since me and my buddy are good friends with that store's manager)..... he didnt realize he was playing a 3500 fender start (reissue with the worn in look)... he thought he was playing a used guitar..... anyway this kid starts going off on my buddy that its rude to tease a sales person and how his comission is his life yada yada.... so our friend the manager comes out asks whats going on... when my buddy told him what happened he fired that emo kid who actually started crying..... all of this in the matter of 30 minutes.... thankfully that GC has a good staff and the manager there takes care of the equipment in his store
EMGguitarist said:
If my guitar center went out of business, I think it would probably be a good thing.


Now I only use GC for stuff like strings and minor stuff. If I want anything amp related here in Atlanta, I hit up Andrew's Tubes which is 10 minutes farther drive. Guitar wise I simply hit up craigslist, musicians friend, or pawn shops.

I think Guitar Center still owns Musician's Friend, so you're still buying from Guitar Center.

I actually don't think it would be good if GC went out of business. Because they carry a large stock, it's a good place to just go check stuff out. Also, they help set a pricing standard (though there are enough online retailers now that this is less of an issue vs. 7-10 yrs ago).

I wouldn't buy anything off the floor from them, but if it's in a box, who cares whether it's GC or the local guy? I typically would purchase based on price and availability.
simonich said:
EMGguitarist said:
If my guitar center went out of business, I think it would probably be a good thing.


Now I only use GC for stuff like strings and minor stuff. If I want anything amp related here in Atlanta, I hit up Andrew's Tubes which is 10 minutes farther drive. Guitar wise I simply hit up craigslist, musicians friend, or pawn shops.

I think Guitar Center still owns Musician's Friend, so you're still buying from Guitar Center.

I actually don't think it would be good if GC went out of business. Because they carry a large stock, it's a good place to just go check stuff out. Also, they help set a pricing standard (though there are enough online retailers now that this is less of an issue vs. 7-10 yrs ago).

I wouldn't buy anything off the floor from them, but if it's in a box, who cares whether it's GC or the local guy? I typically would purchase based on price and availability.

i think its just the difference between some of the local shops where for the most part (not all) the people that work there know their stuff.... GCs are hit or miss depending on who's working there or what part of the country your in..... i travel a lot for work and always try and find a place to play guitar when im away for more than a week and usuallly that place is a GC..... most of the ones i've been to have people working there that dont know enough for me to even get an intelligent answer..... not all the people, just most.... its just nice to go to a more mom and pop place where the people working there know what their talking about..... but as far as GC going out of business that wouldnt be a good thing.... mesa just needs to stop dealing with them unless they're going to stock as many mesa's as they do marshalls and fenders
I don't care much for GC either, especially for the fact that you can never try out something that hasn't been abused to the point of not playing/sounding right. BUT, there's no one around here that carries Mesa aside from them. I guess once the Express 5:50 I ordered gets here I won't care if they carry them or not. :D :lol:
EMGguitarist said:
If my guitar center went out of business, I think it would probably be a good thing. Every time I go in, they try to sell me on something else when I know what it is that I want. Typically I do my research online and go into the store strictly to demo it and then make the purchase but the kids behind the counter are just that, kids. The only knowledgeable guy that works there is Adam in accessories who is a bassist in a local band but he can tell you everything about everything. He and I can carry on intellectual conversation regarding gear for hours whereas the other kids in there seriously don't know the difference with solid-state and tube. Now I only use GC for stuff like strings and minor stuff. If I want anything amp related here in Atlanta, I hit up Andrew's Tubes which is 10 minutes farther drive. Guitar wise I simply hit up craigslist, musicians friend, or pawn shops.

Adam dosnt work at GC anymore. Cool guy though.

Also thats Andrews Amp Lab. :lol:
ThunderMonkey said:
"... I can't see indie's being able to afford the distro license that they demand them to have.
It would make it more difficult for guitar players to get their hands on a great Mesa amp. I really doubt that's going to happen."

This is exactly what happened to the Mesa dealer where I live.
Forced out because the distributor buy requirement is too large for this area.
I don't recall ever seeing Mesa at my local GC, but it just opened late last year. I guess it also might be the fact there is already a local Mesa dealer, but I think they have only been selling Mesa within the past couple years at most. But til recently, I was never treated like they wanted my business. I've always driven to the Mesa dealer in the next town over who treated me well.

This new Guitar Center is my first experience. I soon realized they just don't stock the quality items I buy. But rightfully so, they do train their sales droids to be professionally aggressive.
I guess it all depends on the GC you deal with. THe closest one to me is about 15 miles away. In a 15 mile radius there are 4 of them I can deal with. The 2 I like the best are in Manhattan, and East Brunswick NJ.
I just bought a LP 1960 VOS from the Manhattan store and it was in excellent shape. I just ordered my Roadking combo from the one in NJ.
The guy helping me with the amp knew what he was talking about and was a pleasure to deal with. No pressure at all.
im sorry if this was answered already.. its a long thread.. ididnt read it all...

GC still carries mesa... they lost mesa BASS stuff..
The GC here in sacramento carried only used mesa stuff. I have to go to this ma and pop store, northridge music to get my mesa crap, and some of the *** hats in there think they are the sh!T!
Yes this my first post, and I only have a 5:50 on order. I have wanted a Mesa for many, many years and have been frequenting the forum. I am from the Denver, Co area and there are many GC's here, in which only one carry's Mesa. When I finally went to pull the trigger, the salesman was absolutely dumbfounded. To add to insult, there was 2 different prices on the amp. When asked about the difference his reply was "the lower price is last years price", I said that I should be able to buy it at that price, he said "NO". The manager even said that it would not be possible due to Mesa's pricing standards. So I went to a local m/store and ordered one. I could have gotten the floor model but I decided to order a new one.
So any way, back to GC rant, I went to the one closer to my house and one of the managers I have dealt with for the last 5 years said that the whole company has changed there ways. They changed the way they do sales and pricing, and more changes are on the way. We'll see.
Keep in mind that most of you on this board are serious players and have been at it for years. You are looking for " upscale " gear. GC probably sells alot more $400 guitars than LP Customs, Prs private stock and Mesa amps. To me GC is really targeting the high school student who has no budget. Remember when you were that kid ?

I take GC for what it is. It's a place to pick up strings/ accessories and try gear out. I would never, ever buy a high ticket guitar from them again since every time I have the guitar has proved to need repair that took me a few months to realize. I would order a new piece from GC online after trying one in the store if I was gasing bad enough. Hasn't happened yet.

GC would be a better store for you the "serious" musician if they did not let 16 year old kids who dont have a penny to their name beat the hell out of nice gear. Unfortunately, GC sells more beginner guitars because the market is much bigger. Most players dont keep with it long enough. For those of us who do GC is a big disappointment.
ugh gc... don't get me started.
I went to gc with my dad when they first started carrying boogies and we were checking out what they had there. My dad was talking to the sales guy.. but I seemed to be answering all the questions. Once I discovered Mesa I soaked up all the knowledge I could find. The sales rep offered me a job right there on the spot. I politely declined. The only reason I would go into guitar center was to get strings (the local guitar store doesn't carry ghs tnt's) but I joined a band that was endorsed by SIT strings so now I only stop in to see if there is any good traded in gear.

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