FX Loop Mod for Series II Single Rectifier

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Orlando, FL USA
Since there has been a lot of recent discussion on converting our Recto head's parallel loop to a series loop, I thought I'd start yet another thread with pictures and details on the mod that a buddy and I just did with my Series II Single Recto. I know that it would have been helpful for me to see the mod done before we attempted mine!

In this mod we also removed the FX mix knob in the back. Now the whole signal is beinig sent through the FX loop. I wanted this mod so that I can use my EQ pedal in the loop and have it affect the entire signal. I am very happy with the results. This amp's solo function still works when doing this mod as well. This method also works with the RectoVerb since it has the same design.

Here is a picture before the mod.

Here is a picture after the mod.
So the first two pink wires on the right get connected, then the pink wire on the left just gets cut?
Correct... the two on the right in my picture get joined together on the board and the one on the left is just removed from the pot. I kept it there in case there was ever a reason to go back to parallel (which I doubt)
Does anyone know if this schematic for the mod works for the 3ch Dual Rec as well? I'm guessing that it's probably the same or very similar. How were you able to keep the Solo function working? I thought when you did the mod, you lost all control over the Solo switch.

I posted a topic asking if anyone know what's Mesa were on the mod.
Thank you for the pictures.
I did this tonight and it seems to work wonders for my multi-effects pedal.

I can utilize the send and return function even better now.

One question however...being that I am still learning on modding things like this....any way to tell if I did it right? I mean I removed the left and middle wires. Then I connected the right wire to the middle post and put the combo back together. Everything sounds like it is working though.

Thanks again for the help.
It looks like you could even throw a DPDT switch in and choose either Series or Parallel.


Has anybody else completed this mod. I am thinking of doing this on my amp.

FYI: Since doing this mod I now have been running a TC Electronic G Major in the loop for about 3 weeks and have had fantastic results...
ams2ek said:
Has anybody else completed this mod. I am thinking of doing this on my amp.


Do It! Its the best thing I've done since buying the amp. Now I cant do without my GT8 (4cm).
I am considering the mod, b ut I have 2 questions...

When the mod is completed, does anyone have noticed a modification of the tone? (I mean as is, without using any effects)

Also, when the mod is done, does it mean you have to always plug an effect or cable in the loop to "jump" the preamp and power amp or you can still use the head as is, without any external cables or effects?

I've just send an email to marcus at mesaboogie.com
I asked them about this mod if it's safe and will not alter the tone of the amp
I'll let you know what mesa think about this
IME, it did effect the tone a little after the mod. It was a little tighter and had a little less gain. Not a huge difference, but noticeable still. Well worth the added benefit of running whatever effects you want through the loop though!
Here's the reply I got from Mesa Boogie :

Hello there,

I've attached a sketch of our series mod for the Solo 50/Rectoverb. This is safe and will work, it's also easily reversible if you do not like it.

Best Regards,

Marcus Daniel
Customer Service/Product Specialist

The sketch can be downloaded or seen there : http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?p=107909

Good Luck
I have a question...
I tried this but my wires were grey inside and i took one out and it seems like its broken like it snapped...
It looks like yours just popped out but mine didn't, i had to tug at them. Please help someone.
What amp are you doing this to? What series amp? When you say the wire "pulled out" you de-soldered it right. Don't Yank on em'!
RyanDM said:
What amp are you doing this to? What series amp? When you say the wire "pulled out" you de-soldered it right. Don't Yank on em'!

I did this to the Single Rec series II amp. I couldnt pull out the wire very easily. I might post some pics later to show what happened. My wires were grey, so does that have something to do with it? Mabye it was an older single rec because i bought it used?