First recto gig tom night and I need fx help!!! (pod)

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Well-known member
May 18, 2005
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First gig w. the dual recto 3ch tom night and my singer and i cant seem to figure out the loop. We have a regular little red pod.

Connections are:
-Mesa send into input of Pod
-then output to the return of mesa
-set pod to 100%
-the assign control is set to FWSTCH

Now the problem arises here. We set the send and return to 100% also. However, we get lots of weird fluctuating feedback, weird noises. Basically it doesnt go well at all. Maybe for like 3 minutes. then it goes haywire.

What Am i doing wrong??
Is it possible i can use the Pod's midi switcher into the External Jacks??


ps. the effects are necessary for clean channel and for some leads on channel 2.
I have a pod and a tripple rec and really only like to run it into the front of my amp through the clean channel. I wanna get a midi amp switcher so I can change the amp channel with my pod as well , its the xt live model. I never really experamented with it going through to fx loop, just didnt like it the first time. Sorry, not much help to ya.
I say just make sure the fx send level is adjusted properly( try 100% and then maybe 50%) and I prolly wouldnt run the pod at 100%, make sure the pod isnt clipping. Try to run the pod at around 50% and adjust the fx send level acordingly.
I ran a podxt in my triple recto's FX loop for delay and reverb and had no problems, but being a parallel loop you cant get any good modulation FX (chorus, flange, phaser, ect...) only time based FX like Delay and reverb seem to work well in the FX loop.

I had the Boogie set close to 10% and then just tweaked the PODxt until it sounded the way I wanted, I think I had the reverb mix at around %70 and the delay mix arund 75%... I had the amps and cabs all bypassed and only used the delay and reverb.

I don't really like the parallel loop in boogies, but I love boogies and either have to live with it or mod the loop; which means getting an amp repair guy to re-route a few wires and put a new jack in place of one of the FX jacks, this usually runs around $50-$75 on average.

In the end, I ended up getting a few pedals and using them in front of the amp (chours, delay, reverb). I have since up graded to the Road King and still use a few of those pedal in front of the amp and the delay in the series loop on the RK.

You might try messing around with it a bit more and if you cant get it figured out or it doesnt sound the way you want it to, you may want to run your guitar in the POD and then go to the Boogie (kind of like a stomp) or check in to getting it modded to a series loop.

Good luck and keep us posted.
I yet have to try it with my DR, but chorus and flanger (from a multi-FX device) worked perfectly in the parallel FX loop of my previous amp, Engl Fireball. The loop mix was set to around 1/2. The key is to set the FX device to 100 % wet output and control the amount of FX with the output volume of the FX device, which could be different for different FX/sounds.

And a question. If you set the loop to 100 % mix, does it not become a serial loop? It did on my Engl and it also works like this in my DR with Intellifex in the loop. If I set HUSH correctly, then there is absolutely no noise from the would not work like this in a parallel loop...
Umm, I'm not sure the original POD 2.0's can bypass the amp modelers? Therefore rendering it useless as an effects processor!

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