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OK so the Mark-O-Recto project is finally moving forward. I found a nice big rack recently, a Mesa Sus-4 with 22 spaces w/front/rear rack rails. I've been moving things around a bit but I think I'm going to roll with this configuration for a little while. I don't have the wiring all pretty yet, that can be the next big project but everything is at least operational. So I added in my Dual Rectifier rackmount using a THD hotplate as a load box and then slaved it out so it goes to the TC G-major and then the Mesa 295.
That rack dwarfs even my oversize recto cab but its nice to have the Quad knobs high enough that I can interact with them easily.
This project is all about the knobs. It's been alot of fun putting this gear together and now I get to have some fun with it : )
Here's some more details on the rig and signal chain.
Guitar into HGAS (Mesa high gain amp switcher)
HGAS sends to
Quad 1
Quad 2
Dual Rectifier
HGAS returns from
Quad 1
Quad 2
Dual Rectifier
HGAS mono out to Rocktron HushUltra (Hush is Midi controlled per preset),mono output to TC-Gmajor and stereo out to Mesa 295
So I am running a stereo FX rig.
I do have the option of using the parralell A+B input on the 295 and using left mono output from TC G major if needed
Mesa 295 has presence knobs and
Choice of ....
Class A 30 Watts a side EL34
or Simulclass 95 Watts side EL34
& 6L6
All the preamps are using the same FX processor.
GCX #1, 8 tip/ground switches
Quad 1
Lead 1
Lead 2
EQ 1
EQ 2
Quad 1 select on HGAS
Quad 2 select on HGAS
GCX #2, 8 tip/ground switches
Quad 2
Lead 1
Lead 2
EQ 1
EQ 2
Dual Rectifier select on HGAS
Dual rectifier channel select
Voodoo lab ground control
Sets midi settings for Fx and Hush
Selects GCX loop/switches for controlling HGAS, Quad functions, dual rectifier channel.
Build your presets based on your choices and assign them to floor board however you like.
The steps to that are the following
Select preset to edit say 05
Hit edit button .
1. G-Major2- preset# select
2. GCX-1 loop select,
tap on buttons 1-8 to select loop/switches
3. GCX-2 loop select,
tap on buttons 1-8 to select loop/switches
4. Label preset
5. Assign preset location on board
Save to "05" confirm.
Switching functions. So when you activate a GCX switch a light appears on that loop switch on the front if the unit. And in this case a light turns on for every function on the quad, dual recto,or HGAS which is nice because you can see its working.
OK so you may be wondering why I would possibly need 2 Quads.
My thinking with the two Quads was to eliminate the tone control sharing and most importantly the channel input volume sharring which greatly effects the personality of each channel and its potential gain. That means getting a crystal clean tone on channel 1 RHY1 and a super high gain lead tone on Channel 1 Lead1 can be challenging depending on your needs.
So my solution is to use the two Quads like one but to split up the channel duties into respective camps as follows.
Quad 1 channel 1 RHY1 clean clean, Input Vol 4 ( I am using output A on Quad 1 which gives me the pull deep function.)
Quad 1 channel 2 RHY2 dirty clean, Input Vol 5
Quad 2 channel 1 Lead 1 , Input Vol9 Also higher Treble setting for gain.
Quad 2 channel 2 Lead 2 Input Vol9.5 Also higher Treble setting for gain.
( I am using the FX send as my output for Quad 2 for its more aggressive raw nature. )
And of course you can use the EQ's
however you like because you have one dedicated to each Rhy1,Rhy2, Lead 1,Lead 2
So basically 4 mark channels covering clean , dirty , lead melody and lead rhythm with no compromises. At least that's the idea and we have all those lovely dials to tweak.
I am also using a Dual Rectifier Rackmout set to Vintage High Gain "Orange Channel" and Modern High Gain Red Channel.
The Dual rectifier has its own power section (amp) so I needed to use a load box device to safely allow me to tap a line level signal from this amp without risking damage to the unit. For this task I am using a THD hot plate 8ohm Attenuator.
So I have a speaker cable from the 8ohm jack on the Dual Rectifier connected to "Input from amp" jack on the rear if the THD Hot Plate 8ohm model. And the front dial is set to "Load". I am using the slave output on the recto as my line out which returns to the HGAS.
That rack dwarfs even my oversize recto cab but its nice to have the Quad knobs high enough that I can interact with them easily.
This project is all about the knobs. It's been alot of fun putting this gear together and now I get to have some fun with it : )
Here's some more details on the rig and signal chain.
Guitar into HGAS (Mesa high gain amp switcher)
HGAS sends to
Quad 1
Quad 2
Dual Rectifier
HGAS returns from
Quad 1
Quad 2
Dual Rectifier
HGAS mono out to Rocktron HushUltra (Hush is Midi controlled per preset),mono output to TC-Gmajor and stereo out to Mesa 295
So I am running a stereo FX rig.
I do have the option of using the parralell A+B input on the 295 and using left mono output from TC G major if needed
Mesa 295 has presence knobs and
Choice of ....
Class A 30 Watts a side EL34
or Simulclass 95 Watts side EL34
& 6L6
All the preamps are using the same FX processor.
GCX #1, 8 tip/ground switches
Quad 1
Lead 1
Lead 2
EQ 1
EQ 2
Quad 1 select on HGAS
Quad 2 select on HGAS
GCX #2, 8 tip/ground switches
Quad 2
Lead 1
Lead 2
EQ 1
EQ 2
Dual Rectifier select on HGAS
Dual rectifier channel select
Voodoo lab ground control
Sets midi settings for Fx and Hush
Selects GCX loop/switches for controlling HGAS, Quad functions, dual rectifier channel.
Build your presets based on your choices and assign them to floor board however you like.
The steps to that are the following
Select preset to edit say 05
Hit edit button .
1. G-Major2- preset# select
2. GCX-1 loop select,
tap on buttons 1-8 to select loop/switches
3. GCX-2 loop select,
tap on buttons 1-8 to select loop/switches
4. Label preset
5. Assign preset location on board
Save to "05" confirm.
Switching functions. So when you activate a GCX switch a light appears on that loop switch on the front if the unit. And in this case a light turns on for every function on the quad, dual recto,or HGAS which is nice because you can see its working.
OK so you may be wondering why I would possibly need 2 Quads.
My thinking with the two Quads was to eliminate the tone control sharing and most importantly the channel input volume sharring which greatly effects the personality of each channel and its potential gain. That means getting a crystal clean tone on channel 1 RHY1 and a super high gain lead tone on Channel 1 Lead1 can be challenging depending on your needs.
So my solution is to use the two Quads like one but to split up the channel duties into respective camps as follows.
Quad 1 channel 1 RHY1 clean clean, Input Vol 4 ( I am using output A on Quad 1 which gives me the pull deep function.)
Quad 1 channel 2 RHY2 dirty clean, Input Vol 5
Quad 2 channel 1 Lead 1 , Input Vol9 Also higher Treble setting for gain.
Quad 2 channel 2 Lead 2 Input Vol9.5 Also higher Treble setting for gain.
( I am using the FX send as my output for Quad 2 for its more aggressive raw nature. )
And of course you can use the EQ's
however you like because you have one dedicated to each Rhy1,Rhy2, Lead 1,Lead 2
So basically 4 mark channels covering clean , dirty , lead melody and lead rhythm with no compromises. At least that's the idea and we have all those lovely dials to tweak.
I am also using a Dual Rectifier Rackmout set to Vintage High Gain "Orange Channel" and Modern High Gain Red Channel.
The Dual rectifier has its own power section (amp) so I needed to use a load box device to safely allow me to tap a line level signal from this amp without risking damage to the unit. For this task I am using a THD hot plate 8ohm Attenuator.
So I have a speaker cable from the 8ohm jack on the Dual Rectifier connected to "Input from amp" jack on the rear if the THD Hot Plate 8ohm model. And the front dial is set to "Load". I am using the slave output on the recto as my line out which returns to the HGAS.