Finally settling into disappointment with the Roadster

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Few more things I left out, rather than edit...

I've never really cared for power tube distortion so I don't use it. This amp was designed to combine vintage-like and recto preamps in one amp.

Here's a quick run down of how I'm using the Roadster, but each channel has more mid-range than I prefer thanks to the cabinet and V30, but the extra cabinet helps, but not enough:

Channel 1: Tweed Mode, Gain cranked (Dirty Clean)
Channel 2: Fat Mode, Gain half way (Clean)
Channel 3: Modern mode, Gain half way (Hard Blues)
Channel 4: Vintage mode, Gain at 3-5 o'clock (Hard Rock or Lead Tone)
really don't want to get in the middle of this v30 speaker discussion....but.... i've never had any of the problems with any of the mesa amps i've had through either the traditional or standard recto cabs (triple rec, tremoverb, mark IV, RV, or Triaxis/2:90).... always delivered a huge tone and at the same time was tight and articulate..... when i went to a vetta combo after my band broke up and i needed the money (had about $5000 worth of gear at that point) i found i needed a 2x12 to get rid of some of the flubbiness of the vetta's speakers...... i ended up settling on a Basson 2x12 cab because the specs seemed close to what i needed and i picked it up for under $200 on ebay (what a deal the thing looks and sounds brand new..... got it right before Basson started getting bigger which had an effect on their pricing which used to be low)..... ANYWAY......

Once i landed a job that provided me with the financial state that would allow me to splurge on a tube amp i ordered a Roadster (was looking at an ENGL SE but 1900 sounded better to me than 3500).... i was sceptical about whether the Basson could handle the Roadster and to my pleasent suprise the thing is amazing...... I would highly recomend a Basson to anyone looking for a tight, punchy cab that delivers across the whole tonal spectrum..... mine is loaded with eminence legends 75 watts..... they build their cabs out of mdf board which because of its density lends itself to a bigger sounding cab... plus the cab is air sealed which is why it is so tight.... sealing the cab air tight creates an air spring in the cab ... this constricts the speaker distortion which means the speakers are running almost clean at high levels..... so for those not happy with the mesa cabs, i would try and get your hands on a basson while they're still relatively cheap

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