Finally settling into disappointment with the Roadster

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I disagree with you there, maybe wrong for your type of music, but look for the tones he is trying to get. He defintly needs those upper mid's as it would make the amp more like a marshall that is loaded with upper mid's and it seems that is the tone he is going for.

If anything I think the C90's are more wrong for the recto, you already have a mid cut amp, why would you want to add a mid cut speaker, talk about getting lost in the mix!

I have seen many bands, and I am not just talking metal bands, i am talking, rock, punk, emo, screamo, 80's metal, 90's grundge, and it always seems that the bands that use V30's cut through the mix better and make the band sound so much thicker.

Besides would so many artists use V30's if they were really that bad! Probally 95% of all music in the last 10 years has been recorded and played with V30's, i think that pretty much speaks for itself.

I am not putting down the C90's, I just personaly dont like them for an everyday speaker, they have there place for certain styles, but if they were so great wouldnt they be more popular?

Besides V30 cabs smooth out once they are broken in, you have heard my cab you know what I am talking about!

All in all, it just comes down to personal preference, let your own ears be the deciding factor. Dave and Mike prefer the C90's and I am sure there are alot more people out there that like them too. As to me and many other people we prefer the V30's.

noodles said:
eaeolian said:
Honestly? Before selling your amp, change V1 to a TungSol 12AX7 reissue. I had similar issues with my Triple Rec before I changed tubes...

+1 It really smooths the top end out a lot. The other culprit in my rig was the V30s. I ditched them for C90s, and I couldn't be happier. I think a lot of people who complain about the harshness of Rectos are hearing the ugly upper mid bite of the V30s that they load the Recto cabs with. It's such a wrong speaker for that amp.
V1 is the tube closest to the input jack.

The tube layout is the same as the RK. I downloaded the RK manual, printed the tube layout sheet and stuck it in my Roadster manual.

IMO the JJ's tend to darken up the amp when used in V1. The Tung-Sol is a better choice for V1. However, the JJ's do sound nice in V2.

I go through a love and hate relationship with the recto's. I go through phases where i just love the tone, then i get sick of it for awhile and venture into my Bogner XTC land, then all of a sudden I am so into the recto tone again.

You just have to love the recto for what it is, if you get sick with it jump to something else for awhile, but trust me you will be back, it never fails.

twostring said:
Finally settling into disappointment with the Roadster

So after a couple of months, I'm noticing a few points about the Roadster I'm not liking.

First, contrary to the typical heavy bass characters I would associate with rectififers, this amp is directly opposite. I've never had a problem with boomy bass, rather I have a problem with high end. I am now hearing a harsh edge on everything, even the cleans. Dial down the treble and presence a bit and it's gone, but it now sounds like the amp has a blanket over it.

Second, the modern channel isn't very usable because of the harshness stated above and the power tubes don't really break up in a pleasing manner. Once I hit the level where power tube distortion would begin, I start hearing major compression on the mids...almost like there is a mid boost at a certain volume level. Not that I don't like mids, but there shouldn't be this much midrange variance in volume levels. In my experience, you usually need to boost mids once a certain volume level is reached, but once I hit that level, I can't dial them back no matter what I do...drop the mid control to 0 and that characteristic is still there.

Third, I'm hanging out on channels 2 and 3 the most...I'm not enjoying the crunch tones and the modern settings on channels 3 and 4 just don't seem to like me. I used to set up rigs for guitarists and I have experience as a guitar tech, but I can't get this amp to play nice.

So here's my problem. I'm feeling that the Roadster just doesn't have what I'm looking for. The tones I'm looking for go like this...

Cleans - Eric Johnson sparkle tones. I want pristine here, but I also want to be able to get fatter, more even cleans without all the high end (think Petrucci's clean tones).

Clean drive tones - Andy Timmons all the way. I can get that bouncy, compressed clean drive tone from my Fender HRD, but I don't want to have to carry two amps around with me, and I'm also looking to sell the HRD because I need the money and I need the space in my house. This tonal range should also be able to cover SRV type stuff (I usually run my amps with a tube screamer or two, but in my tone descriptions above, I'm not counting the TS in those examples because those tones were dialed in without any effects).

Vintage grind tones - I'm looking for a decent crunch tone...Satriani's rhythm tone is a good example.

High gain/lead - looking for Satch/Petrucci tones here, with the ability to do heavy rhythm stuff like Petrucci and Tremonti.

So there's the breakdown. I'm afraid I will not be able to find an amp that can cover that kind of range. I'd rather have the cleans/mid gain stuff over the high gain tones. Right now I'm split between the Mark IV and the Lonestar. Can the Mark IV perform on the cleans and mid gain stuff and sound as sweet as the Lonestar?
I ordered 2 Tungsols from the tubedepot for my DR and SR today . This **** site gives me the worst GAS ever. I have never tried these before but all these people on the Boogie Board cannot be wrong......
Hey twostring...... I think I know the Timmons sound you are looking for. There is a demo on youtube of Andy Timmons doing a demo with an Xotic BB preamp overdrive pedal. I bought the Xotic BB after seeing Timmons demo on youtube.

I owned a Roadster and I would think that using channel 2 in fat mode and then putting the Xotic preamp tube in front would get you awful close with a little delay in the loop. The Xotic BB breaks up real nice when playing thru a clean channel. It gives you that nice " grit" and slight distortion when you use a good amount of pick attack.

Timmons does have great tone! If you find it or get close to it let me know. Good luck!
I've contacted Doug at Doug's Tubes and this is his rundown of the tubes I would need to get the Roadster closer to what I'm looking for...

V1 - Tung-Sol Reissue
V2 - JJ ECC83S
V3 - Penta/Shuguang 12AX7C
V4 - EH
PI - Sovtek LPS

Power Tubes - Ruby 6L6GCMSTR

As far as speakers go, the V30's don't have that harsh edge with the other amps I've run through it (Fender HRD, Epiphone Valve JR) far the edge is only present with the Roadster. I was hoping to get out and run a Mark IV through this same cab to see what would happen, but no one in Houston has a Mark IV from what I can to guitar center...if it's not a SC or DC then they want you to put down 60% to even try one out.

EDIT - And about the BB Preamp...I would love to have one. I'm starting up production on those TS-808 clones soon. I'm building a few single pedals and a few double pedals (2 tube screamers in the same box...maybe one to 808 spec and the other to ts-9 spec) and a few mods here and there. I'm building prototypes sometime in the next couple of weeks. Also, I build pedalboards. If you'd like to help me to achieve my tone goals, maybe you can buy some stuff from me :D But yeah, I could gut a nun for that Timmons tone on that BB Preamp video.
+1 on the Tubescreamers and running more than one at a time. The Analogman King of Tone pedal is great for that.

Are you building pedalboards also ? I hate my Furman......

Gut a Nun ........sounds like a band name that should open for Spinal Tap ! Maybe Nigel's side project even.......
siggy14 said:
If anything I think the C90's are more wrong for the recto, you already have a mid cut amp, why would you want to add a mid cut speaker, talk about getting lost in the mix!

C90s don't have a mid cut. They just don't have a mid spike, which is wha V30s have. Plus, Mesa specs out there own V30s now, and out of all the different V30 variants out there, I like Mesas the least. They sound nothing like the ones they throw in Marshall cabs. My old 1960AV cab sounded much better than your Mesa V30 cab IMHO. It wasn't so peaky.

I have seen many bands, and I am not just talking metal bands, i am talking, rock, punk, emo, screamo, 80's metal, 90's grundge, and it always seems that the bands that use V30's cut through the mix better and make the band sound so much thicker.

Dime used to cut through mix, but that didn't stop his tone from sounding like crap. I've seen plenty of bands with those Mesa V30 cabs, and the guitar always sounds honky with flubby, undefined low end. I rather have a punchy low end, smooth highs, and let the bassist thicken things up. That's his job, after all.

I am not putting down the C90's, I just personaly dont like them for an everyday speaker, they have there place for certain styles, but if they were so great wouldnt they be more popular?

They're not more popular because they are more difficult to obtain. Most people don't know that they have to ask for them specifically, they just go into GC and buy a Mesa cab. By your reasoning, the G12T-75 is the greatest speaker in the world, because more guys play through a Marshall 1960A cab than any other 4x12 out there.

Besides V30 cabs smooth out once they are broken in, you have heard my cab you know what I am talking about!

It sound all right, but I still vastly prefer the C90. It is a far more balanced speaker with higher power handling to prevent beak up. I prefer the freedom of being able to eq my tone from the amp, rather than be locked into the characteristics of a specific speaker.

Just my 2c.
twostring said:
Power Tubes - Ruby 6L6GCMSTR

Hmm, Mesa uses Rubies as their standard power tube. You might want to check and make sure that you're not just buying a replacement that is the same or inferior to what the amp ships with. I know that Mesa basically has first shot at Ruby's stock, and they pick out all the best ones for themselves.

As far as speakers go, the V30's don't have that harsh edge with the other amps I've run through it (Fender HRD, Epiphone Valve JR) far the edge is only present with the Roadster. I was hoping to get out and run a Mark IV through this same cab to see what would happen, but no one in Houston has a Mark IV from what I can to guitar center...if it's not a SC or DC then they want you to put down 60% to even try one out.

In my experience, modern Rectos just don't sit nice with that speaker. A JCM800 sounds great with V30s. The best sound I was ever able to get out my XXX was with V30s. Even a 5150 sounds pretty good with them.

However, with my Road King, I had all the problems you are describing until I got rid of the V30s. I felt like I was finally hearing what the amp was supposed to sound like for the first time. When my band hit the road in the late summer, and one venue provided our other guitarist (eaeolian) with a 5150 cab (Sheffields are basically V30 clones), the tone of his Triple Rec went to crap. Flubby lows and honking mids. We play sevens, so anytime he touched the low B it sounded completely indistinct.

I think V30s are good for that wall of sound, which is why all the nu metal guys with sevens played them. Hit a B power chord and sound huge. However, we are much more Bay area thrash, so chunking away rapidly on the low strings absolutely requires a speaker with a tight bottom end. I would take a G12T-75 over a V30 any day of the week.
stompboxfreak72 said:
+1 on the Tubescreamers and running more than one at a time. The Analogman King of Tone pedal is great for that.

Are you building pedalboards also ? I hate my Furman......

Gut a Nun ........sounds like a band name that should open for Spinal Tap ! Maybe Nigel's side project even.......

Yup...I build pedalboards. Just trying to work the parts vendors to try and get the best deal. Right now, the cost for me to build a board/case is around $220 for a standard 18"x28"x7" case. I'm hoping to get my costs down to around $120-$140. I'm shooting for a sale price around $180 - $220. As it stands, I'm having to charge around $320 just to be able to have enough to roll back into the production costs to make it somewhat worthwhile to even build them, but no one's buying. The reason I want to get the costs down is because I want to change from the carpet interior to a laminate over a false floor so wiring can be run under the board surface. That, and try to factor in some true bypass loops and make them part of the board. I think I'm trying to do the impossible here by building quality boards and offering them for cheap :(

Pics of the pedalboard below...


Thats the best looking tolex pedalboard I have ever seen. I might consider on of your boards very soon. I'll pm you in a few days. Can you do black hardware instead of chrome?
OK lets clarify a few things here Dave. First Mesa Speakers are just the opposite of what you say you dont like about them. Mesa would get V30's that had more of a mid cut and deeper bottem end. The normal V30's have alot more Mid's, I have had other V30's and can tell you the mid's on them were crazy.

As to the V30's in your recto cab, well personaly those oversized cabs are kinda boomy, and I dont really care the way the V30's sound in a oversize cab unless you are playing downtuned wall of sound type of music.

As to c90's not as availible, well that is not really true, Celestion just calls them the classic lead, in typical mesa style they took that speaker, voiced it slighty different and made it handle ten more watts. And trust me if the V30's where so bad you would not see so many great players useing them like they do. the would be looking to change the speaker as fast as they could

C75's, i love how celestion claims they are the most sold speaker around the world, well yeah of course, because there popularity was back int he 80's when everyone used Marshalls that had alot of mid's, so they wanted speakers with relaxed mid's which is what the C75's have.

As to them being the most sold, yeah overtime yes, probaly because groups in the 80's would line the stage with 20 or 30 cabs so there were alot of those speakers sold. Since the 80's you relaly do not see that anymore unless you goto a show with older bands, and even they have cut way back.

In the last ten years, I would say V30's outsell the C75's probaly by 3 to 1. I would almost venture to say because of the last ten years that V30's have surpased or are **** close to taking that title of most sold away from the C75's.

Dime, he did not use either speaker so not sure why you really bought him into this other then to say he cut through but sounded like crap, not sure the spec's on his speaker so we wont to go there.

As to the C90's, yeah ok they are great for your music where you need them tighter at the bottem, however I do not think they are that much tighter in personal opinion and i think they just sound very thin in a mix and you loose the punch you need and where the guitar is suppose to sit.

Sorry guys we dragged you into this, Dave and I always debate about speakers, dont get us going on pickups either, I like ceramic, dave likes alinco, we debate that all the time too.

noodles said:
siggy14 said:
If anything I think the C90's are more wrong for the recto, you already have a mid cut amp, why would you want to add a mid cut speaker, talk about getting lost in the mix!

C90s don't have a mid cut. They just don't have a mid spike, which is wha V30s have. Plus, Mesa specs out there own V30s now, and out of all the different V30 variants out there, I like Mesas the least. They sound nothing like the ones they throw in Marshall cabs. My old 1960AV cab sounded much better than your Mesa V30 cab IMHO. It wasn't so peaky.

I have seen many bands, and I am not just talking metal bands, i am talking, rock, punk, emo, screamo, 80's metal, 90's grundge, and it always seems that the bands that use V30's cut through the mix better and make the band sound so much thicker.

Dime used to cut through mix, but that didn't stop his tone from sounding like crap. I've seen plenty of bands with those Mesa V30 cabs, and the guitar always sounds honky with flubby, undefined low end. I rather have a punchy low end, smooth highs, and let the bassist thicken things up. That's his job, after all.

I am not putting down the C90's, I just personaly dont like them for an everyday speaker, they have there place for certain styles, but if they were so great wouldnt they be more popular?

They're not more popular because they are more difficult to obtain. Most people don't know that they have to ask for them specifically, they just go into GC and buy a Mesa cab. By your reasoning, the G12T-75 is the greatest speaker in the world, because more guys play through a Marshall 1960A cab than any other 4x12 out there.

Besides V30 cabs smooth out once they are broken in, you have heard my cab you know what I am talking about!

It sound all right, but I still vastly prefer the C90. It is a far more balanced speaker with higher power handling to prevent beak up. I prefer the freedom of being able to eq my tone from the amp, rather than be locked into the characteristics of a specific speaker.

Just my 2c.
twostring said:
But, I've got a problem...can't figure out which tube is V1, and the layout diagram is missing from the manual. Any ideas?

It is near the power cable, completely on the opposite side of the amp from a Road King:


siggy14 said:
OK lets clarify a few things here Dave. First Mesa Speakers are just the opposite of what you say you dont like about them. Mesa would get V30's that had more of a mid cut and deeper bottem end. The normal V30's have alot more Mid's, I have had other V30's and can tell you the mid's on them were crazy.

:shrug: I'm going by what my ears tell me, and my ears tell me that Mesa V30s have a big midrange honk and flubby low end that I can't stand. They were nowhere near that bad in my 1960AV, but a) Marshall also has a custom V30 different from the Celestion standard, and b) the particle board baffle probably did a lot to suck more of the highs out of the sound.

As to the V30's in your recto cab, well personaly those oversized cabs are kinda boomy, and I dont really care the way the V30's sound in a oversize cab unless you are playing downtuned wall of sound type of music.

I'll agree with you here, because I can tolerate the V30s in your standard cab. I hate them in the oversized cab.

As to c90's not as availible, well that is not really true, Celestion just calls them the classic lead, in typical mesa style they took that speaker, voiced it slighty different and made it handle ten more watts. And trust me if the V30's where so bad you would not see so many great players useing them like they do. the would be looking to change the speaker as fast as they could.

No, it really is true. If a speaker doesn't come stock in a cabinet, then I consider not readily available. Most guys don't go through the trouble of custom ordering something different, especially if they haven't heard it. How many cabs are readily available at Guitar Center, Sam Ash, etc that have Classic Leads in them?

We also have a very different definition of great players. Most of the guys I admire don't use V30s.

C75's, i love how celestion claims they are the most sold speaker around the world, well yeah of course, because there popularity was back int he 80's when everyone used Marshalls that had alot of mid's, so they wanted speakers with relaxed mid's which is what the C75's have.

I think you're going too much on what you see happening on the national scene. I'm at local shows all the time, and I see as many Marshall cabs as I see of all the others put together. C75's everywhere. Not too many guys have Mesa cabs because $500 versus $900 is an easy decision when you're a broke college kid living with your folks.

In the last ten years, I would say V30's outsell the C75's probaly by 3 to 1. I would almost venture to say because of the last ten years that V30's have surpased or are **** close to taking that title of most sold away from the C75's.

And...? Just because it is most sold doesn't mean it is the best. Britney Spears outsold most rock bands, I guess that means she is the best? No, the simple fact of the matter is most kids buy what they see their heroes playing. That is why gear endorsements exist.

Dime, he did not use either speaker so not sure why you really bought him into this other then to say he cut through but sounded like crap, not sure the spec's on his speaker so we wont to go there.

I was trying to make a point. Dime cut through, but he did it with a crappy solid state Randall. Cut isn't everything.

As to the C90's, yeah ok they are great for your music where you need them tighter at the bottem, however I do not think they are that much tighter in personal opinion and i think they just sound very thin in a mix and you loose the punch you need and where the guitar is suppose to sit.

A metal band is mixed differently. You want a bright top end, not a honking middle. Plus, the bottom needs to be punchy, not thick. A thick bottom will just bury the bassist. Remember the bass lines on ...And Justice for All? Yeah, me neither, because I don't know what they sound like. :lol:

Sorry guys we dragged you into this, Dave and I always debate about speakers, dont get us going on pickups either, I like ceramic, dave likes alinco, we debate that all the time too.

Yeah, guys here should know that we're actually really good friends before we both get banned. :lol:
I think the reason Justice is bass weak is because Lars really took advantage of the fact that Jason wasn't Cliff. That being Jason was the new guy and had his toes stepped on. I think Lars may have been unconsciously compensating for the loss of Cliff even though it seems he like he always wants to be heard more anyway. Listen to tunes like Blackened where it is almost overpowered by Lars' double bass. This is probably the most extreme example of what I am trying to get at. Cliff was such a big part of Metallica's early sound that Jason couldn't possibly fill the shoes jumping in there even though he could play the songs. I still think it is funny that even though Jason was relieved of his duties for wanting to expand sonically the band did just that after his departure. I also think it is funny that when Rob left Ozzy to join Metallica that Jason went to play for Ozzy. Though Metallica is still one of my favorite bands I find it hard to like their recent stuff. I think that Lars needs to chill some on his influence on songs. To me, his snare was enough to make me not want ot listen to St. Anger.
noodles said:
eaeolian said:
Honestly? Before selling your amp, change V1 to a TungSol 12AX7 reissue. I had similar issues with my Triple Rec before I changed tubes...

+1 It really smooths the top end out a lot. The other culprit in my rig was the V30s. I ditched them for C90s, and I couldn't be happier. I think a lot of people who complain about the harshness of Rectos are hearing the ugly upper mid bite of the V30s that they load the Recto cabs with. It's such a wrong speaker for that amp.

AFAIK the only difference between a V30 in a Marshall and a V30 in a Boogie is that the Mesa speaker is made in Ipswitch, England, not in China.
barneyc4 said:
Thats the best looking tolex pedalboard I have ever seen. I might consider on of your boards very soon. I'll pm you in a few days. Can you do black hardware instead of chrome?

I might be able to do black hardware if I can find a supplier...I don't think the latches come in black though. The chrome corners and other pieces are easily painted, but the latches just wouldn't look good with paint (the paint would quickly be worn off after the first few unlatchings).

siggy14 said:
Sorry guys we dragged you into this, Dave and I always debate about speakers, dont get us going on pickups either, I like ceramic, dave likes alinco, we debate that all the time too.

No problem at all...nothing wrong with a few good ol' guitar pub debates. If it helps someone, it's good...I'm learning quite a bit here.

You poor mis guided fool LOL but serious alot of these marshall cabs you now see on stage are loaded with the V30's as well. Of course you pretty much only go and see metal shows, so more then likley they are the C75 cabs.

I tend to see alot of different types of music and most rock/hardrock/screamo/emo/punk use the V30 cabs.

By the way on a side note, yes Brittney spears is the best, um well she is still hot even bald and after two kids, I would still hit her baby one more time.

Just you guys know, dave and I were talking on the phone about this thread last night, you guys must think we hate each other! Honestly we debate all the time about things, trust me he will come to the dark side of the V30's someday! That is if he ever gives up his gay ways!

By the way dave, how was heaven and hell show last night?

noodles said:
siggy14 said:
OK lets clarify a few things here Dave. First Mesa Speakers are just the opposite of what you say you dont like about them. Mesa would get V30's that had more of a mid cut and deeper bottem end. The normal V30's have alot more Mid's, I have had other V30's and can tell you the mid's on them were crazy.

:shrug: I'm going by what my ears tell me, and my ears tell me that Mesa V30s have a big midrange honk and flubby low end that I can't stand. They were nowhere near that bad in my 1960AV, but a) Marshall also has a custom V30 different from the Celestion standard, and b) the particle board baffle probably did a lot to suck more of the highs out of the sound.

As to the V30's in your recto cab, well personaly those oversized cabs are kinda boomy, and I dont really care the way the V30's sound in a oversize cab unless you are playing downtuned wall of sound type of music.

I'll agree with you here, because I can tolerate the V30s in your standard cab. I hate them in the oversized cab.

As to c90's not as availible, well that is not really true, Celestion just calls them the classic lead, in typical mesa style they took that speaker, voiced it slighty different and made it handle ten more watts. And trust me if the V30's where so bad you would not see so many great players useing them like they do. the would be looking to change the speaker as fast as they could.

No, it really is true. If a speaker doesn't come stock in a cabinet, then I consider not readily available. Most guys don't go through the trouble of custom ordering something different, especially if they haven't heard it. How many cabs are readily available at Guitar Center, Sam Ash, etc that have Classic Leads in them?

We also have a very different definition of great players. Most of the guys I admire don't use V30s.

C75's, i love how celestion claims they are the most sold speaker around the world, well yeah of course, because there popularity was back int he 80's when everyone used Marshalls that had alot of mid's, so they wanted speakers with relaxed mid's which is what the C75's have.

I think you're going too much on what you see happening on the national scene. I'm at local shows all the time, and I see as many Marshall cabs as I see of all the others put together. C75's everywhere. Not too many guys have Mesa cabs because $500 versus $900 is an easy decision when you're a broke college kid living with your folks.

In the last ten years, I would say V30's outsell the C75's probaly by 3 to 1. I would almost venture to say because of the last ten years that V30's have surpased or are **** close to taking that title of most sold away from the C75's.

And...? Just because it is most sold doesn't mean it is the best. Britney Spears outsold most rock bands, I guess that means she is the best? No, the simple fact of the matter is most kids buy what they see their heroes playing. That is why gear endorsements exist.

Dime, he did not use either speaker so not sure why you really bought him into this other then to say he cut through but sounded like crap, not sure the spec's on his speaker so we wont to go there.

I was trying to make a point. Dime cut through, but he did it with a crappy solid state Randall. Cut isn't everything.

As to the C90's, yeah ok they are great for your music where you need them tighter at the bottem, however I do not think they are that much tighter in personal opinion and i think they just sound very thin in a mix and you loose the punch you need and where the guitar is suppose to sit.

A metal band is mixed differently. You want a bright top end, not a honking middle. Plus, the bottom needs to be punchy, not thick. A thick bottom will just bury the bassist. Remember the bass lines on ...And Justice for All? Yeah, me neither, because I don't know what they sound like. :lol:

Sorry guys we dragged you into this, Dave and I always debate about speakers, dont get us going on pickups either, I like ceramic, dave likes alinco, we debate that all the time too.

Yeah, guys here should know that we're actually really good friends before we both get banned. :lol:
Sorry I've only skimmed this thread, but (if you haven't seen my comments already) the Roadster cabinets and speakers seem to emphasize mid-range.

I agree the modern mode in channel 4 is a little too harsh for my 1x12 combo, but its still a pretty impressive mode if used in the right situation (hard rock) and I attribute a good deal of the harshness to my crappy bridge pickup, I stick to vintage mode here.

I use GE 5751 in clean positions and Philips 12AX7s in lead positions, would like to try the new TungSols. Also my 3/4 tuned back cabinet doesn't emphasize the mid-range as much even with the same Celestion V30 speaker.

I'm thinking about getting a head instead and consider two 3/4 tuned back C90 cabinets. This amp has 4 tones in one that I can't get anywhere else.

I also don't want to find out that the combo can't be mic'ed for studio recording because of the fan (I realize its required), I don't see how you can turn it off so this seems to be the case. Lessons learned. :lol:


Those red covers are for shipping protection. :p :?


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