Finally got it, my MARK IV, need help in retubing

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
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I finally got it!!
In my old amps (dual rect. tremoverb and single rect.) I have always changed the sovtek or mesa stock tubes for JJ's from
In this mark IV there are 4 6L6 sovtek tubes and I took the
5 JJ ECC83S's that I ordered for my single rectifier and replace the other tubes that were in it.

I would like to know waht tubes you are using!? Should I try 2 EL34/6L6?
I don't to pay 100$ per tubes! I mostly play punk rock (like Nofx, Pennywise, Strung Out) but also lots of Metallica, AC/DC and Guns...

Thanks for your help!

There's always the ever popular Doug's Tubes pre-amp concoction which he made up for no good reason, but seems to work well for a lot of people..... and not so well for others. Check out his website...

Another alternative would be old production tubes which a lot of people prefer, for good reason. RCA 12AX7A is a very popular tube which can be had for under 20 bucks from ebay. If you're a bit leary, buy one and try it in V1. Buy from someone who provides warranty.

EL34 on the outer sockets will give you less headroom, more crunch and less bottom. Try it, you may like it.

Looking from the tolex your amp might be the A revision. If it is the A, don't forget to put only ECC81/12AT7 for V4.
Yes the amp is very very clean, beside a button that does a full 360 but still works! Here's the link from ebay where it was listed, The guy lives a 10 mintues from my house and he was selling it for a friend.
So I called the ' friend' and he sold it to me outside ebay!
I paid 1300$ canadian for it and no shippping!!
Great amp with lots of buttons! :p
I'm buying an ATA case for it so it will stay clean because I may want to go for a roadster or roadking someday!

Beter pictures there
WTF, i've been on ebay everyday for the last month and i did NOT SEE THAT AMP. I would have out bid you for sure :twisted:

lucky lucky lucky