F-50 combo help!!!

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Dec 22, 2005
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I'm new to this forum, so hello and Happy Holidays!!!

I just bought a F-50 / 1-12 combo amp. I love the way it sounds. I have never owned a Boogie before, so I need help from the vets out there!!


Is this silver bar part of the amp, or something they attached for shipping that the music store should have removed?


Same thing with this screw between the power tubes. Is this something that they put in to hold the circuit board in place during shipping? Is this a screw that needs to be screwed back in? Should it be removed?

Help answer this mystery for me! Thanks!!! Chuck
These are both normal pieces of equipment. The bar across the back is to protect the tubes from getting hit accidentally. The screw presses up against the cabinet frame and keeps the amp chassis from vibrating. It may be more important during shipping, but still has an effect during normal playing.

What you are seeing are some of the details that come with a Mesa product. look at the way the covering is trimmed, and the way the inside of the cabinet is finished. Mesa puts a lot into their product everything is well thought out.

Enjoy the F50. It is a real powerhouse. You'll love those 6L6's!
Yep. What Jerry said. I actually took the bar off when I retubed my F-50 for easier access, however, if you do this, make sure that you tighten it back down well when your done. Mine rattled and I thought that I had a tube issue at first. Live and learn.
Thanks Guys!!!

I never saw that before on any amps, so I thought I'd ask!!

Thanks Again,
