Express 5:50 to MKV Combo?

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
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Lincs UK
Hi and Merry Christmas to all,

My first post for sometime as I've been a contented Express 5:50 owner. I'm seriously considering a MKV combo in the new year for the extra versatility and hopefully improved overall tone. I'd be interested to know if anyone on these boards has gone to the MKV from an Express and what their thoughts were. Unfortunately, I'd have to trade my Express to be able to afford it. So, with that in mind,

Any regrets?
Are the Express tones achievable with the MKV?
Bearing in mind the extra cost is the MKV a worthwhile (hopefully) upgrade? I've had a quick blast on the MKV but not long enough to be able to get my head around the beast.

Any thoughts, encouragement or otherwise appreciated.

Thanks BP.
Hi Pete; I tried all the Mesa amps in a store in Amhearst NH I really liked the express series..I was really set on a Roadster Combo...until I tried to heft it...(108 lbs..) Then the owner of the store asked Me If I had tried the V...end of story... But just beware it take awile to get your "Head around the Beast" as you said..I have had mine for about a year now..and still learning how to use this wonderful amp....Have fun...
I still have my 5:50 and like it alot. My new MKV can imitate and/or improve on the 5:50 in every area but I haven't tried to replicate everything from the 5:50 on the mkv. If I decide to sell my 5:50 I would miss it just because it is so musical. My consolation would be that my MKV is even more musical and many, many times more versatile.

I like my 5:50 but I like my MKV much more and am glad I bought a MKV.

Good luck.
Thanks for all your comments guys! 8). It's looking likely that I'll 'pull the trigger' in the new year and go for it. I wish Mesa gear wasn't so expensive here in the UK as I'd really like to keep my Express. However, I'm going to try and fix up another hour or so tinkering with the MK V just for re-assurance before making a final decision.

Thanks again. BP
Dude, Mesas are expensive everywhere! :) I'm lucky to live in the US so the percentages weigh in our favor a little, but it's still a chunk of change.

I'm really happy you're going for the Mark V. I played my Express 5:25 yesterday alongside my dad's Mark IV Widebody combo. Seeing as how my combo is the 10" version (love the portability), I used the speaker in the Mark IV for both amps as to get an accurate comparison. I'll be damned if the two didn't sound eerily similar. The cleans in the Express were remarkably better. The Mark IV had more gain available, but the tones of the gains were about the same.

With that in mind, I don't think you'll miss your Express at all. The Mark V has improved cleans over the IV, so that's taken care of. The same sounds that exist in your 5:50 will be available in the V.

Now one piece of unsolicited advice: don't get the combo! I used my dad's Mark IV combo for a couple years, and it is a HEAVY beast! If you get a road case (which in my opinion is a necessity with this caliber of gear), it's impossible to move it alone in certain areas. Most of the time it's luggable, but all misconceptions of "manhood" aside, it's not worth the damage it does to your back. So yeah, head/cab for sure!

Cheers, man. Can't wait to read your review of your new amp!
I went to a Mark V head/cab setup from the 5:50. I REALLY liked the 5:50, it's a great amp. However, I LOVE the Mark V! The other post was correct, you will never miss your Express. There are so many sounds you can get with the amplifier. I've had mine since it came out(SN#000042), and I love it as much today as the day I got it. This is a no-brainer, get a Mark V and see for yourself!