EVH sounds from MKV?

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Oct 8, 2007
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Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo
Have you played one, or are you just going on sound clips?

Anyways, I don't have any clips of my own, but you can get brown sounds no problem on crunch mode in channel 2, especially in variac mode. A boost can help push that over the top.

If you like ENGL, get an ENGL. To my ears, the Powerball sounds like a solid state amp with no mids, but some people like that.
It sucks dude sell it now!!

All kidding aside, I could probably cop a good EVH tone in channel 2 edge with the right effects.
Wait for the Mark E V C+ revision H - it'll have an amazing engl powerball's to the wall early Edward van Halen brown sound in the lead channel... :mrgreen:
I agree that somewhere in Channel 2 (not Mark I) you can get a good Brown Sound.

Keep in mind, alot of that sound is guitar and picking.
along with the guitar / picking.. is a cranked up amp... whether he was using the magic marshall, or a 50 watter.. or some slaving technique, EVH cranked those amps up...
pureoverdrive said:
Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo

hahah.. wow.. those are some of the opposites of how i'd describe the mark v
A Strat w/ a PAF bridge pickup into A MkV set to channel 2, Crunch mode, 45 watt, Variac power setting - this will get you early EVH 'brown sound' tones. Ignore the clips and find a demo amp to spend some time with. Download the manual beforehand and familiarize yourelf with the controls beforehand. This will help you make the most of your demo time. You'll need plenty of time to demo all of the voicing options.
pureoverdrive said:
Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo

You're doing something wrong or there's something wrong with your amp...

Post up settings maybe?
madryan said:
pureoverdrive said:
Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo

You're doing something wrong or there's something wrong with your amp...

Post up settings maybe?

He hasn't played one, he's commenting on clips he's heard. ;)
pureoverdrive said:
Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo

I just read this part and asked myself, why are you here?
Hendog said:
pureoverdrive said:
Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo

I just read this part and asked myself, why are you here?

Every try the EVH flanger and phaser. Probably could save the money for buying a MKV, which you don't seem to be in total lust with, and get a different amp that will do what you want. The little red phaser pedal sounds pretty good. Used they are about $100. I witnessed a kid at Guitar Center, probably 12 or so, trying that red pedal, in a cheap Raven amp, playing some Ibanez guitar and copping a great EVH sound. It was humbling, way better than I can do it... :wink: There is something to be said for the tone and all that, but you have to have the serious chop skills. I mean something fresh out the fridge...
shogun said:
Hendog said:
pureoverdrive said:
Anyone got any clips of them getting a good early van halen "brown sound" from this thing? Im kinda disappointed with this amp, on paper its perfect but all the clips of the lead sounds iv heard thus far sound harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain.Iv tried a few other mesa amps and been quite impressed and I was set on this amp but most engl and the elmwood m90 sound so much better.....Im sure ill get a loada angry mkv owners disagreeing but the sound quality of the mkv is lacking imo

I just read this part and asked myself, why are you here?


OK, I sounded like a dick. Didn't mean to.

What I was trying to say was, if you paid 2k for an amp that you think sounds "harsh, trebely, undefined and muffly, dry and lacking sustain", then sell it and buy a different one. If you want EVH then get a vintage Marshall or a 5150/6505.
Deaj said:
A Strat w/ a PAF bridge pickup into A MkV set to channel 2, Crunch mode, 45 watt, Variac power setting - this will get you early EVH 'brown sound' tones.

This is what I recommend also. I use tube rectifier as well for this but that won't make much difference. The key is channel two / crunch. The first thing you do with a new amp from Mesa or anyone is break in the speakers and get some good tubes. Don't forget, you can't just dime out the bass and treble like on any other amp. To the OP.... I bet Eddie Van Halen could get the brown sound out of the MV. Why can't you?

I have a vintage Marshall 100w and a variac, as well as, most of his effects. I also have some vintage (for clean sounds) Fender amps. My favorite being between my Princeton and my Vibrolux Reverb. I like that the Mesa Boogie MV can do the Vibrolux on Ch1, the Marshall on Ch2 and the Mesa on Ch3. It is my favorite amp for everything now.
Petrucci lists on his web site that he currently uses the MXR EVH phaser and flanger, and the MKV amp. Checked this today at lunch time. He does a somewhat brown EVH tone at times. The phaser is a great pedal. If Petrucci, and all of the resources at his disposal, uses those pedals.... they could be useful to us mere mortals as well.
Petrucci is not a gear snob or a gear collector, apparently. I read some article about this where he and Satch went into the LA GC together, or some store like that, with lots of vintage stuff. Satch was surprised at how little Petrucci knew about gear. Apparently he just finds what he likes and uses it. Whereas some guitarists only play their sig guitars on stage and use all sorts of stuff on recordings, Petrucci basically uses the same stuff all the time, for everything.

By the way, the EVH flanger is wonderful. I had one for a few months. I only got rid of it because I wasn't using it enough to justify keeping it.
JlMMY said:
Deaj said:
I like that the Mesa Boogie MV can do the Vibrolux on Ch1, the Marshall on Ch2 and the Mesa on Ch3. It is my favorite amp for everything now.

Yes, this is my thought as well. Crunch mode on channel 2 gets all the hot-rodded Marshall (or even ADA MP-1) sounds I'd ever want, and channel 1 gets me Fender cleans.
Turn the gain down, Turn the volume up, and play your balls off.

The brown sound is more of a playing style than an actual amp tone. Ed could plug into a VOX AC4 and sound pretty much the same.

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