Hella More Roadster Clips! - Cont. from my Do i need help..

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
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Alright Fellas here we go,
So this continues my thread from other one, in my search for a tone that makes me happy and fits well within my band and Compliment my lead guitarists' 6505+
If you dont want to read all this crap head down to the clips below and if you wana share your thoughts go for it.

What ive learned so far, or new but helpful:
- Loop in Hard Bypass May Tighten everything up
- A Tung Sol in V1 rather than all JJs Preamp tubes
- Get a Mills Afterburner 4x12 Cab
- Dial Bass Counter Clockwise- Anti Flub nob
- Maybe Get a boost - May Help my sustaining issue
- Got a new guitar comming, Maybe Emgs are not working for me, my first guitar had passives and changed to gibson 500t/498s and still loved how "natural" they sounded. My next guitar will have Seymour Sh-1/Sh-4
- Can i live with out effects!?!?

I figured id make a new topic and have the clips at the top. Ill try to keep the blabbing short...So ive spent bout 4 hours last night and the last 3 hours today putting them together, And im liking the sounds of most settings in the mix. However had another rehearsal with the settings i thought gave me a boner (#4s)and was another disappointment. One reason was i was pretty sloppy i guess, the other my notes werent sustaining nor chords, id hit a chord and it would ring for maybe 5 seconds and go into that feedback mode, i have had that problem off and on, any way to fix it? The roadster should sustain. Next option is boost i guess. But i just cant wrap it around my head that if im going to spend 2gs on a head, why have to color over the natural tone with a Boost or an eq i fell like it makes things unnatural.. i might be crazy for sayin that, but i feel like by doing that it ruins things? maybe? maybe not? opinions?

Anyways here comes the guts of all my work, as i said i will try to be short but its going to get detailed, ill list the settings and a few things why i like them and why i dont like them...blah blah.
Now i dont expect everyone to listen to every second of this 6 min song, by all means do so if you enjoy it.
However if youd rather search around for the dynamic parts of the song heres a quick break down:

0:0 - :26 Intro
:26 - :43 Harmony
:43 - 1:18 Verse
1:24 - 1:40 Chorus
1:40 - 2:15 Verse
2:15 - 2:32 Harmony
2:32 - 2:55 Chorus
2:55 - 3:10 Chrorus Octiave Change
3:10 - 3:33 Breakdown thing (Palm Mute City)
3:33 - 3:58 Pre Solo
3:58 - 4:50 SOLO - Not me ( i play rhythm :))
4:50 - 5:05 Solo Out
5:05 - 5:33 Chorus
5:33 - 5:56 Outro Verse
5:56 - 6:03 Harmony Out

So heres what i did.. Took 4 different Amp/Eq settings and recorded 2 Tracks for each setting, one Track has the Loop Engaged but i wasn't actually using effects, the other Track the loop hard bypass switch engaged.

We won some studio time for winning a battle of the bands and we did 2 songs, Lead guitarist recorded everything guitars and what not with his 6505+ So heres my chance to be on our own stuff.
I did no Post Equing ONLY Panning and Volumes, Ive got lead guy playing his parts and his rhythm, Double tracked with 2 different mics coming out of the right side, and another section of Double Tracks for his Actual Lead stuff coming up the Middle.
And i did not do any doubling...one track with a Senhiser E609. I tryed to keep the mixes as identical as i could but in the first few tracks somethings i found too loud and some too quite damn drums so many tracks...but whatever, probably wont even notice.

You will have the Choice to listen to the Guitar In my Mix of our song called The Dawning (Me Left Side)
Or Just my Guitar Track Alone in Stereo

Here are the Settings for all 4 Takes -- IN O'CLOCK:
Channel 4 Modern Mode
1030 430 1200 1100 230 300

1030 12:30 1100 200 100 300

1030 930 900 1200 1100 100

#4 YETTI LIKES SETTINGS - Or so i thought i would like them..
1030 500 1200 400 1230 300

So here we gooo! - Id recommend right clicking the links and opening in a new window, cuz the board opens in same window, At least for me... :)

#1 My usual settings - Loop In
- Pretty surprised how it sounded in the mix, very similar to 6505+ Thought this was my least favorite setting but might be almost okay with it,
lil slop going on, and a lil off sync i think
- Kinda flubby over the solo
-Bass guitar too loud - clippage

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/90-%231Loopin_myold_eq_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/89-%231LoopinUsual_Settings_Solo%20Guitar.mp3

#1 My Usual Settings - Loop Bypassed
- A Tad Tighter - Seems to almost breathe more, doubling this with the loop in sounds kinda cool. But maybe anything doubled will sound better
- Pretty sick sounding in the mix.
Bass Guitar i noticed is too loud, some low end clipping, probably going on.

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/72-%231Loop_BP_oldeq_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/13-%231LBP_Usual_Settings_SoloGuitar.mp3

#2 Erics Suggestions - Loop In
- Pretty Nice sound, More clarity to it in the mix
- Tight? Yes I digged it

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/57-%232Loopin_eric_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/60-%232Loopin_Erics_Solo_Guitar.mp3

#2 Erics Suggestions - Loop Bypassed
- Nice again, At first i might have liked the loop in, still hard to tell between the too
- Tight! on the solo - Cuts very well - but in the loop i feel it may fit a little better?

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/50-%232Loop_BP_eric_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/78-%232LBP_Erics_Settings_SoloGuitar.mp3

#3 Yellowjackets Suggestions - Loop in
- Could call this the traditional recto tone.
- Pretty nice in the mix, lacking in the gain department, kinda flubby
- maybe needs more low end growl, gain boost might fix that

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/56-%233Loopin_yellowjack_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/23-%233Loopin_Yellowjacket_SoloGuitar.mp3

#3 Yellow Jackets Suggestions - Loop BP
-Still Honky - needs additional Crunch
-Good Sustaining - Epic Screw up in Second harmony

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/53-%233Loop_BP_yellowjack_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/25-%233LBP_Yellowjacket_SoloGuitar.mp3

#4 Yetti Likes Loop IN - Settings i combined from what i liked and didnt like from Erics and YellowJackets suggestions. Thought i liked them but not so well in band rehearsals...
- Might have too much presence
- Maybe Too much Mids
- Sounds Alright in mix...too much of something tho

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/69-%234Loopin_yetti_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitar - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/46-%234Loopin_Yettilikes_SoloGuitar.mp3

#4 Yetti Likes Loop Bypassed
- Not To different from Loop IN
- Sounds alright but maybe its the mids theres too much of
- Would like it so sound a bit smoother

Dawning Mix - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/36-%234Loop_BP_yetti_Dawning.mp3
Solo Guitat - http://www.netmusicians.org/files/12-%234LBP_Yettilikes_SoloGuitar.mp3

Well there we have it, Have a listen further fellas if you have some criticism, or comments.
Dont mind the sloppy playing, was too loud in the room with my cab going so i was standing in the garage outside of my rehearsal space with the door shut with my ipod playing while the owners walked back and forth remodeling and using saws and ****...annoying.

Thanks to everyone so damn much for reading, helping, suggesting, and everything else as i search to get the best out of the roadster.

I actually like the stock preamp valves in my Boogies, but it seems pretty clear that I stand alone on this issue... :lol:

I did change V1 on my Roadster head to a Mesa SPAX7 preamp valve, and the quad of poweramp valves to Winged C 6L6s. But other than that, everything else is stock. People should mail me all their discarded Mesa 12AX7s... :lol:
I recently had a JJ EEC83 gold pin (V2) and 1 Tung Sol 12XA7 gold pin (V1) in my recto (shuguangs in V3/V4/V5). It worked for a while but there is something about those shuguangs and a EH that came with my dual that made me put em' back in (EH in V1, shuguangs in the rest), sounded warmer and they loved being overdriven more so compared to the others :?

I like the stock tubes myself, so you're not crazy KH :lol:
So far I like the #4 settings best. I was first leaning toward the dryer yellow jacket sound but I think the #4 sound lusher, i.e more harmonic content. #2 settings are bit darker than the rest.
i think i liked number 4, maybe with a TINY bit less bass. but all in all i like it. i really like the song too.
KH Guitar Freak said:
I actually like the stock preamp valves in my Boogies, but it seems pretty clear that I stand alone on this issue... :lol:

I did change V1 on my Roadster head to a Mesa SPAX7 preamp valve, and the quad of poweramp valves to Winged C 6L6s. But other than that, everything else is stock. People should mail me all their discarded Mesa 12AX7s... :lol:

I have actually put all the stock pre's back in my Boogie. EH in V1 and Chinese in the rest of the positions. Love em!

And I have Winged C EL34's. Winged C's are so awesome!
I just updated my rig with an boss 7 band eq, and wow fells much more awesome to play. Still have a bad taste in my mouth bout ruining the natural tone with an eq. But wow helps out grips for tightning. Still would love to try a 2 channel triple out.
Try the MXR 10 band EQ's, they really make rectifiers shine :D I suggest the MXR KFK-1 I compared it with the boss and The MXR sounds much better and fuller. Just My .02 cents
#4 sounds the best to my ears as well. I'm glad trying different settings is allowing you to refine the tone you want. I personally prefer less gain for chording but I'm seriously considering a Maxon 808 for more saturation during solos.

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