ENGL INVADER -The next Mark IV???

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
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Guys I'm just a little scared!
My friend just purchased an Engl Ivader 100W head... Wow it's so bloody amazing. Midi controlled (So many options) A noise gate which shits on the Powerball version. A wall of el34's and 4 channels of madness.
My favourite part, channel 3 is voiced specifically for Rhythm tones and 4 is voiced with more mids with Lead work in mind. It's not your triple rect with 3 and 4 basically the same sound. I personally believe for all round use and options this amp is like the modern Mark Iv. I mean this in Tone also. It's much fatter and warmer than the Road King and Roadsters I've played and if my bank account suits me I think I have a nice second amp to look at purchasing :)

What do you guys think? Anyone played on one???
I'm a big fan of engl's, I think they have some amazing tones and are versatile as well. The invader is sweet, but I've actually been eyeing a screamer combo.
I've got an Invader 100 on the way myself.

I shall definitely post some thoughts about it when I get it.

If you think you want one as your second amp though, and you've played your friend's one, then go for it.
Yeh, once I get the cashola!!! Then it will be mine! But even if I don't, the mark IV doesn't need to be complimented by something else right now :p
I'm getting a Boss GX-700 this week, should be a nice addition to the rack XD
Peavey 5150 preamp built in, might be nice to try!
ToneAddictJon said:
I'm a big fan of engl's, I think they have some amazing tones and are versatile as well. The invader is sweet, but I've actually been eyeing a screamer combo.

Just FYI

I had a Screamer 1/2 stack.
Awesome amp but I found I HAD to have a seperate EQ to make her sing properly and the build quality is crap compared to a Boogie.
Here's the new baby:





So far, it's incredible. This fellow can do some helluva good tones, I can tell you! Still tweaking with it.
While I love the tone of the ENGL Screamer, (truly), ENGL's build quality is not comparable to Mesa Boogie.

I've wanted to buy an ENGL Screamer for sometime now, but, I haven't been able to justify the expenditure to the little lady. She was with me when I tried one out. I loved the tone and thought it was just different enough from my other amps to consider as an addition.

The wife, on the other hand, kept pointing out the plasticy looking this or fit and finish of that, (she's been spoiled over the years by some top notch amps. I lost a Marshall Plexi handwired reissue because the volume pot didn't have a smooth entrance :roll: ).

Anyway. I just wanted to say that the tone of these amps is really, really good, but, don't expect Mesa's build quality.
im pretty sure that the germans know how to build a solid amp too..

karl! clips of the invader NOW! :p

if you guys want info on ENGLs, perhaps hit up www.sevenstring.org/forum - ENGL fanclub on a guitar site, if ever I saw one.

if i could actually play an invader, i'd probably want one lol
just as a side note strategy, bulb does most of his recordings with a podxt. though he does have one or two engl clips on there, he uses them mostly for live playing i believe. awesome musician though, and you guys should check out his other band periphery. http://www.myspace.com/periphery

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