JP2C vs Mark V

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I have the Mark V 35 combo and a JP-2C. Truly, I love both amps. I sold my Marshall mini-Jube combo as soon as I heard the Mark V 35! What a difference. Had them both side by side and while the Marshall is very nice combo amp, it didn't have the gain structure that the Mesa has, nor the features.

Honestly, I play them both fairly equally. I do a lot of the smaller gigs with the Mark V 35 for obvious reasons and when I get the opportunity to play a venue that is larger or outdoors, I'll use the JP. I play a regular gig in an orchestra pit about once per month and we aren't allowed to bring any cabinets or combo amps into it due to noise and space restrictions. I bring my JP-2C head and Torpedo Studio with a small pedalboard and I am good to go! Sounds killer through FOH!