I apologize if this is rehash of an already beaten thread. I have a 2 channel dual rec (black face, serial number 962). I have always played dry with no effects. I just recently purchased some modulation effects (TC Electronics chorus and flanger toneprint pedals). I set them up in the effects loop with the loop select dial switch to fx on orange and red, and the effects signal dialed to 5. When I activate either pedal, the volume rises. I tried various setting with the signal strength, only to have the same volume increase. So, I thought maybe it was the pedals. However, when I hooked up both pedals in front of the amp, the problem was solved. One of you boogie gurus must have come across something like this in the past. I would be grateful for any insight on how to resolve this issue. Maybe the answer is to play with the effects in front of the amp????