Effects loop boosting volume when pedal activated

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Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
Jensen Beach, FL
I apologize if this is rehash of an already beaten thread. I have a 2 channel dual rec (black face, serial number 962). I have always played dry with no effects. I just recently purchased some modulation effects (TC Electronics chorus and flanger toneprint pedals). I set them up in the effects loop with the loop select dial switch to fx on orange and red, and the effects signal dialed to 5. When I activate either pedal, the volume rises. I tried various setting with the signal strength, only to have the same volume increase. So, I thought maybe it was the pedals. However, when I hooked up both pedals in front of the amp, the problem was solved. One of you boogie gurus must have come across something like this in the past. I would be grateful for any insight on how to resolve this issue. Maybe the answer is to play with the effects in front of the amp????
Hey man. I had a very similiar problem for a long time that I just fixed. How ? A buffered pedal in the loop. I don't fully understand it but it's got to be an impedance thing. You can try putting the tone print pedals into buffered mode with the dip switch inside but I have a hall of fame and that didn't work for me , but for some reason putting my ibanez buffered flanger into the loop cured all the issues I was having in one swoop, and I did it by accident
Thanks for the tip. I imagine that I would have the same results with the dip switch adjustment due to your toneprint hall of fame pedal experience. It is really weird. Once upon a time, long ago, I had the reverse happen to me with the Line 6 MM4 (it would drop the volume). I sold it. That was when I was using an 01 Triple channel dual rec. The sound with the pedals in front of the amp is alright. TC Electronic claims that these pedals are "true bypass." I guess I inherently question that phrase, but I really don't hear any coloration when the pedals are deactivated. However, it would be nice to have the option to use the loop.