DR 3 ch. versus DR 2 ch.

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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Hey guys, I already have the current production 3 ch DR, great amp, but I keep reading good things about the older 2 channel Pre500's. What are the main differences in tone between them? And is it worth it to look into getting one or am just as well off with what I have? Thx.
I would say stick with what you've got,its more versitile,if you have the cash to splash out on a pre500 dual rec just so you get a smoother lead tone go ahead by all means,but then again they arnt as smooth as a MKIV so then again if its smooth leads go for this not only is it smoother but its an amazing amp,a 3channel DR and MKIV rig would be really awsome

The 3 channels have alot better clean channels,some would argue that the 3 channels cleans are still rubbish but that only opinion I love the sound of my cleans from mine,the 2 channels cleans were mearly an after thought It almost says this in the mauals these heads were only really made for solo tones,hence the name solo head

My verdict I wouldnt bother with a 2 channel the 3 channel is more versitile than the 2 channel it also has better cleans but has less of a smooth lead tone some might say,then again if you want smooth lead tones these lie in a MKIV or MKIIC+,my opinion

Like I said, I'm happy with the tone that I'm getting my 3 ch. but was just curious about what all the talk was about the 2 ch. Hey Mesanomad100, I have the opportunity to latch onto a 50 cal + for a good price, would that be an economical choice compared to the pricey MarK IV? Or are they two different beasts? Thx
OH NO NOT THIS THREAD AGAIN ! you just opened up a huge can of worms. get ready to be bombarded with opinions. it all boils down to over the years Randal Smith got greedy and stupid, so he started making amps that all of a sudden werent good anymore. he said to himself, now that the rectifier is good, i should make it sound bad and still charge top dollar. ha ha ha ha says Evil Randall smith. :evil: i am so evil and mean.

really now... for all you literal people i am joking. the 3 channel is a great amp. it may not sound as good to all those death metal players that turn the gain up past 3:00 and run there crappy basswood guitars that they bought for 2 hundy with some 5 dollar cords with duct tape all over them.... a great amp needs a great guitar with great cables.

oh, and yeah your marshall MG cabinet isn't gonna cut it either.
if you're happy with your 3ch, don't worry. you have a great amp. i personally am happy with my 2ch (after comparing to my 3ch). just do searched on the forum and do what you want.
JMPMAN said:
Like I said, I'm happy with the tone that I'm getting my 3 ch. but was just curious about what all the talk was about the 2 ch. Hey Mesanomad100, I have the opportunity to latch onto a 50 cal + for a good price, would that be an economical choice compared to the pricey MarK IV? Or are they two different beasts? Thx

Hi again,the MKIV is a completly different beast altogether,a MKIV is a MKIV thers no other way round it, the 50 cal+ are good amp,I have never owned one but did play a one the other year,great sound but evrything it can do the recto does better and the MKIV will smoke it on the lead sounds,I would jump ahead to the Vintage section on here and thread a whats better,50cal+ or MKIV,the result will be the mark but it would give yoyu a great idea on both amps.My aim,amp wise is to have 2 seperate rigs that I can put stereo,a recto (dual) with my recto 2x12" cab and a MKIV short head with my 1x12" theile,smooth lead tones a crunch from the MK and great rythm and a different lead sound from the rec. all in due coarse though will have to get saving for the MKIV head and switcher

my opinion
When I had a 3ch Recto, I had the same dilemma. Ended up trading it for a 92 Blackface Dual which absolutely and utterly smoked it.

IT's not just smoother lead tones, it's an overall tighter, thicker tone. No buzz, not as much woof in the low end. And yes, better lead tones. Cleans blow, but you can roll your volume back for them on the Red channel - works pretty well.

Also, Orange/Modern has one SERIOUSLY thick rhythm tone.

Just my opinion.
See, that's the dilemma, is it worth it to change? To be honest, some of the Mark IV clips that I've heard really sound great, but then when I listen to the recto stuff, it's different but still cool. I have had opportunities to get the 2 ch DR but have changed my mind at the last minute because I second guessed myself as to if it's worth the trouble of selling my 3 ch to get one and on top of that I just scored a deal on a 50 cal plus which I remember sounding killer because I had one years ago that was sorry that I sold. And so the journey continues.......
The 3 channel Rec's seem to be very unpopular right now on almost every forum I've seen.
I've had two dual rectos (a 2 channel and a 3 channel) an early Mark IV, a TriAxis/2:90 como and a DC-5. In my opinion, the 2 channel rectos smoke the 3 channel rectos hands down. Whether you have a 2 or 3 channel recto, your clean channel is going to suck either way. A lot of people argue that it's not that bad, but it's one of the worst clean channels I've ever heard on an amp in that price range. So, let's forget about the clean channel and move on to what the amp was really made for. The 2 channel rectos are much tighter, smoother, and sound more organic. I originally had a 2 channel recto, bought a Mark IV, and then sold the recto because I never used it after getting the Mark IV. About a year later though when my band at the time was getting ready to record, I wanted another recto for the album. So I found a good deal on a 3 channel recto on Harmony Central and snagged it. When I got it, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought it had to be the tubes, so I retubed it and gave it another whirl. Total crap. I'm not knocking anyone that has a 3 channel recto, I'm just saying that you don't know what you're missing compared to the 2 channel ones. The difference really is night and day.
I've just been busy with the new band and building a studio. I bought a whole ProTools rig and yes, I switched back to Mesa/Boogies. I was using an ENGL for a while, but I picked up a DC-5 and it's just sick. Out of every amp I've had, that's definitely my favorite. It's like a more pissed off sounding Mark IV. The clean channel isn't as nice as the Mark IV's...but it's still pretty awesome.

I'm just waiting for my external hard drive to show up and I'll get started tracking with the new band. There will be a lot of new clips soon 8)
Ok guys, after listening to this, you have changed my opinion. The tone is just awesome. Too bad it was in England :x

Oh yeah, does it really matter too much if it's not one of the fabled pre500's and is a later model? I know there were some revisions along the way. But the way the price of the Pre500's are going, I'm thinking the later models can still get me in the same ballpark, if not the same. Any thoughts?

They are great amps, when friends of mine are going back into the studio to record they are borrowing my R0005 for solo's.

Of course if anyone is in the VA area they are always welcome to stop by and check it out!
3 channel, With the right tubes, and getting it loud enough to its sweet spot, it sounds **** good, however the 2 channel does sound better. But honestly if you put both a 2 channel and 3 channel on stage you probaly wouldnt be able to tell much difference if they were dialed in close to the same.

Now to the three channel, the pushed mode is so great, i think I would own the amp just for that! Plus the vintage also sounds great and the modern is good enough if you ask me!

Melodyman said:
The 3 channel Rec's are bashed and hated on almost every forum I've seen.
i love the pushed mode so freaking much it isn't even funny. raw is equally awesome and very overlooked. it's just that **** modern mode that gets to me....
But what about the comparison of the PRE500 to the Post500 models before they switched to the 3 Channel's? Is there much of a difference to be worth it to shell out the extra money?
Actually you can get pree 500 for about the same as a post 500 if you are willing to settle with the normal color scheme of black chassis and chrome diamond.

I am starting to see more pre 500's in the normal recto colors we know and they sell for pretty much the same as all 2 channel rec's. Only here on the board will they sell for more, on ebay, or Craigslist you can have them pretty cheap. AND YES they are worth the little extra you might have to pay.

Honestly, if i was to buy another pre 500 I would make sure it was with the RF-C board like i have on my R0005, I have had the RF-D and it is not as agressive or close to as a slo as the RF-C.

JMPMAN said:
But what about the comparison of the PRE500 to the Post500 models before they switched to the 3 Channel's? Is there much of a difference to be worth it to shell out the extra money?

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