Do i need a new bass pot for my DRG IIc+

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2009
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My amp sounds heavenly and all the eq sliders and knobs/ and pulls work like the should without eny crakeling .

The amp has sounded basicly the sam since i got it , the only thing im a littel skeptical about is the 80 HZ bass slider on the EQ, for my sound i need to have it maxed out or just a hair from the top.

This way it sounds strong and great bass extension and dynamics, but i remember on the quad pre if i set the 80 hz slider to max my speakers would litteraly break because it was way to much bass.

I thourgt it might be my brand new 4*12 cab that needed to be played for a while , but i just got a simual sattelite and when i use the 80 hz eq slidder on that one i have to have it close to in the middel beacue otherwise its to much bass.

Also when i look at have other set the 80hz slider its way lower then where i have mine.

It sounds just the way i want it to, but the 80 HZ slider needs to be on max, is there some DRGs that just are that way ?
Sounds normal to me. On the Simul Sat. you are basically re-EQ'ing the original signal, so why would you need to add more 80Hz.
Please also allow 10-20% deviation in components. These amps were not built to .1% Military Specifications. :D
Boogiebabies said:
Sounds normal to me. On the Simul Sat. you are basically re-EQ'ing the original signal, so why would you need to add more 80Hz.
Please also allow 10-20% deviation in components. These amps were not built to .1% Military Specifications. :D

I thourgt so also, amp really kicks butt and sounds perfect with the agressiv V eq setting , espicialy now when the new power tube have been running for a while and I have started to turn up the master 1 up more, that latter really thickens up the sound.

BTW I use the simual sat for my clean sounds only , and not as a slave amp for the c+.

(The Sat sounds great but the cleans the c+ produces is everybit as good as the lead channel and sounds just plain better then the simual sat.)

But the simual sat has monster power.

The Simul Sat. has an input tube, phase inverter. The signal is not degraded by tone stacks, lead channels etc.
and it produces a very clean and loud response. Since trying my 85 DRG head through a 4X12 slaves out to a Simul 295
and two more 4X12's, I think a lot of people are missing out on what tones the C+ can actually do.

Regarding the EQ faders, they generally last a very long time but start to get spotty in the lower part, or below the mid line as the
dust and goo goes to the bottom from gravity and sliding .
Hi again.

Have do i connect my DRG to the simual , i want to try i hear have my DRG sounds as a pre for the Sat ?

Do i just connect the DRG slave out to the simuals instrument input ?

For just the preamp out, use the second jack on the left on the bottom of the chassis.
For the full amp's effect, use the slave out. The Sat in or effects return should be used for either
with varying results.
Boogiebabies said:
For just the preamp out, use the second jack on the left on the bottom of the chassis.

Hmm im nor sure i can follow you here , do you mean the DRG effects loop send outlet ?

I tryed the slave out to the simual sat effects out, that sat amp is a monster very deep round bass , i swiced its eq of .

Sounds very thunderish, great but the DRG direct to the speakers sounds more analog and has that distentiv Haul sound when i hit angry power chords .

Basicly with the Simual sat as slave amp sounds more like a Rack setup, basicly more digital sounding.

Still want to try out the other combination.

No, the DRG has a jack under the chassis to the left of the reverb input jack. It's a
preamp out and contains just the preamp and GEQ. The second output is the Slave which combines
the preamp, GEQ and a slight signal from the 8 Ohm speaker jack. Two different birds IMO.

Looking from the back of the amp on a table you will see a jack on the left, reverb input center and REV/EQ jack right all in a row
behind the power tubes.
AH i see, cool :)

I had no idea that the C+ have so many functions, also i have never experinced a more tweakeble amp, every knob or dial litteraly changes it behavior.

It reminds me more of a akustik instrument then a amplifire.

I found out that when turning the bass(or mud control) down to 1.5 the sound gets more tight, along with some other ajustmenst i can honestly say it sounds 3 times better then when i got it.

I dont know why , its undoubtly also contribuated by my new Cabs needed run in time but after i have turned the master vol up 2 steps louder the the lead master and turned the bass to 1.5 i need to turn the 80 HZ slider down a bit, its like its a different amp now.

Im loving it more and more.

Its 24.00 houres now now so i better wait till tomorrow before i play again, :wink:

il get back with have the pre/sat combo sounds.
