Did I do the series mod correctly pics inside please help..

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Active member
May 7, 2009
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Hi all...

I followed the simple steps in the series loop mod and I was sure it was done. But when I use the 4 Cable method with my Boss GT-10 and select the volume pedal off, so there should not be any sound, I still get 20% of sound comming through.

Guys at Boss central forum told me, that I needed to do the mod, or that my mod had not worked correctly..

So i need your help.

Before the mod - factory standard

after the mod and yes I didn't have a soldering iron, I will get one, so I just used electrical tape, and wound the wires together...

did you make sure you plugged the send of the mesa to the return of the boss, and the send of the boss to the return of the mesa? I sometimes put the send to send and return to return, but there is still a little sound coming through. It may just be a simple mix up.
You will need a soldering Iron to do this, and some good soldering Skills. With this mod you turn the mix pot into a send pot instead of just connecting the wires together. All you have to do is move the two wires you put together with tape to the middle post of the pot.
ibanezfreak777 said:
Can someone just look at my mod pictures above and tell me if i did it correct ??
Yes, you did. Not being soldered shouldn't make any difference as long as the wires are twisted tightly together, even if it's not "right".

Check it without the GT - guitar into front of amp, two unconnected cables into the loop. You *should* get a hum but no guitar signal... if so, the problem is with the GT. If you still get the 20% signal, it's bleeding through in the amp somehow.
I did this to my recto-verb just like the hand-drawn picture and it worked fine. As the other poster said, what you did should work just as well.

The only other thing I can think of that *might* produce this effect is how hot the fx loop is. The fx is a line level signal and I've heard single boss pedals don't like how "hot" it is. I have to turn down the channel masters so that the level hitting the fx loop doesn't send my timefactor into clipping (and the timefactor accepts line level signals). So I'm guessing that the fx loop is a pretty hot signal.

If I am understanding the four cable method correctly, the "send" of the recto is feeding the "return" of your GT-10. If your masters are up, maybe the "send" is so strong that signal bleeds thru even with volume pedal down.

I am not an amp tech or anything, so someone else may chime in a correct any assumptions above. All I can say for sure is that the recto's fx loop, even in series, is hotter than any of the other amps I had. Adjusting the level of the channel masters seems it correct for this IMOP.
Just an update for future modders. I sent these photos into Mesa and they confirmed it correct and that the bleeding sound im getting is a normal thing.

I still own the amp and it plays great..

Recently bought a G system and the importance of a series loop instead of parallel, is more then important
ibanezfreak777 said:
Just an update for future modders. I sent these photos into Mesa and they confirmed it correct and that the bleeding sound im getting is a normal thing.

I still own the amp and it plays great..

Recently bought a G system and the importance of a series loop instead of parallel, is more then important
I have a triple rec with a series loop and the bleed is normal. 20% may be a bit much, I'd say mine maybe is half that. I discovered the bleed when tuning with the G System. I called Mesa about it and was told any tube loop will have some bleed. For me, its only an issue at low volumes. Stage volume you cant hear any phasing whatsoever. At lower volumes, you only hear it with no time based effects.