DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

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I accidentally stumbled on a solution - my V-Twin...on it's clean mode! I was planning on twiddling the V-Twin to see if it cold do a satisfactory job as a distortion stomper on the DC's clean channel. But when I hooked it up, the DC was on dirty, and I wondered . . .

So the V-Twin smoothes out the grittiness, and the whole effect is a very pleasing hi-gain sound. But it's still kind of a complicated fix - I mean, with two EQs and features galore alread, why do I have to add yet another chunk to the signal - and stomp on two things to get from clean to happy dirty? Oh well...
Sixstringpsycho said:
try these setting
Gain - 6
Treb - 7
Mid - 5.5
Bass- 2
pres - 2
reverb - 0
master - 3
output - 3

if its still buzzy it needs some tubes IMO. I get a warm sound from mine with these settings. I never heard a buzzy complaint normally people do not like how dark the lead channel can be.

Almost similar to my favourite settings on my DC-3. I love the mids, have no need for bas (we have a bass player in the band havent we? ;) ) and the highs to cut through the mix along with the mids. Nice
Well, I think it was ultimately a mismatch between me and the amp. Got some great tones out of her, tons on he clean channel, and finally got a good working relationship with the high gain side. Ultimately, not the amp for me. Look for it in the classifieds!