DC-5 Appreciation

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Birmingham, AL
Well, it may have not been the DC-5 I thought I was getting, but after a tune-up, it sure is the one I'm keeping.

When I got it, it looked to have the original Mesa Sovteks in it. The whole thing was kind of dull and lifeless, but I could hear the potential. So I threw in a pair of SED =C= 6L6 I had left from when I sold my Roadster, and ordered a Mesa kit (with an extra Penta for V4) from DougsTubes.

I also did the volume pot mod which made a world of difference at all volume settings.

The kit came in Friday and let me tell you what a night and day difference! I've read here the DCs are dark amps, and with the old, stock setup that's right. But now I find myself backing my treble and presence back down to more "normal" settings.

The clean channel simply slays every Mesa clean i've ever owned before except the Roadster, and then not by much. I owned a Mk IV for three years, and aside from the fact that ch 1 and 2 share tone controls, and what sounds good for one makes the other one suffer, I just don't like that tight, funky, clean the IV has. I like a bigger, rounder, low-end with a sparkly top... Like the DC-5 has. In fact, I like everthing about this ch. over a Mk IV. It's more "Fendery" than anything this side of a Lonestar, it dirts up better than either ch1 OR 2 of the IV, and the reverb... Well the reverb is no contest. The DC's is great and the MK IV's isn't.

I like it better without the pull boost engaged, but pulling it makes me wish I had something with P-90s around to grab. Upper-mid-heavy and in your face.

The McNasty channel is pretty darn good too. Similar to the IV, but looser with more of a lower-mid hump than the IV has. I was worried I wouldn't like that lower-midness inherent to the tone, but in a band setting makes it very "punchy" (Something I missed with my Stiletto, that 6L6 punch). A Mk Iv can cop just about any tone this DC-5 has, but it can't match it's feel. My Mk IV always felt like their nickname, "Master of Puppets in a box". Tight, compressed distortion living in the ninties. This DC-5 lead ch. isn't very Recto (like the desctription would have you believe), but it is more agressive, bigger, and has more gain on tap than the IV. Yep, I always ran my IV on 7-9 for the gain and lead drive, and I find myself leaving my DC's gain around 5-6 for humbuckers, and that's singing, fluid lead, too.

I don't like the standard Mesa "v" for the geq. I'm leaving the 1st slider in the middle, dropping the 2nd just under the middle line, the 3rd halfway between the middle and the bottom lines, the 4th is just touching the top line, and the last is between the top and middle lines.

I've read that there's a certain amount of nasty always in the DC's ch2 no matter how much you back off the control, but you know what that works well for?


I don't play power-pop, but this might be the perfect amp for it with a Strat. The clean channel already rules, and with the lead channel gain on around 5, coupled with the lower-midness of ch2 makes the 10k stacked singles in my Strat cut through with authority. Big and clear and full with great drive that cleans up nicely as you back off the vol control. Just great all around.

I've got some JAN Phillips 12ax7s to try in V1 for sure and maybe another position, and a JAN Phillips 12at7 to try in the PI. Even a decent as Doug's kit is, I bet these make a big dfference.

Well, sorry for the book. I just couldn't wait to tell about my experiences with this under appreciated gem. Of course, they only seem to be under appreciated by Mesa, eh? With the DC-5's being Mesa's best seller, and the fact that you don't see that many for sale compared to MKs and Rectos... maybe that's saying something I'm just now understanding.

So, my Mesa journey has been:

2ch Dual Recto
Stiletto Duece II

I'm done. It sounds great clean. It sounds great dirty. It sounds good at soft volumes and phenomenal turned up though my halfback 4x12. Yep, I'm done.
DC-5's are dang good amps. Cant believe they quit making them.

The Express Amps which supposedly replaced the DC's dont come close.
Nomad said:
DC-5's are dang good amps. Cant believe they quit making them.

The Express Amps which supposedly replaced the DC's dont come close.
JOEY B. said:
Fxrs said:
Nomad said:
DC-5's are dang good amps. Cant believe they quit making them.

The Express Amps which supposedly replaced the DC's dont come close.

I would take a DC over any of its successors. But that's just me. :)
No it isn't! :wink:
Couldn't agree more. I just got my DC-5 about a month ago. According to the build number mine was one the last 100 made. I'm guessing end of 98 or early 99. Unbelievable amp. Great cleans and roaring drive channel. I couldn't believe how loud this amp is on the drive channel. My Lonestar has great cleans too but the DC-5's cleans are really close. I don't know if the earlier models had it but mine has a recording out and a headphone out and both work beautifully. I have the Lonestar and DC now running in stereo, both with Bogner 212's, and what a great sound they make together.
You gotta love the DC-5.
Here are some pics of mine.



I absolutely love my DC-5, it really can do everything. I also use SED =C='s and a Doug's Tubes kit (the one he suggests if you E-mail him). I also use a Maxon OD808 overdrive for when I need it a little tighter, but really I am satisfied with every aspect of this amp. This is definitely a model they need to bring back.

cb101, mine is also is from the last run of DC-5's. I e-mailed Mesa with my serial number and they said it was December of '99 and that it was in the last set.
Me three with the SED "C"'s. To me they sound much better than the 440's. I am running stock Mesa preamps. It just sounded so good with the stock Mesa's that I thought why replace them! I have a rack unit that I run with the amps in stereo but when I'm just running them alone it's just an OCD and Xotic effects RC into the front and an Eventide Time Factor through the loop. It's kind of funny that they built almost 32,000 of the DC series amps and yet you see very few of the DC-5's come up on ebay. Got to be a reason for that and I'm finding out why.
lockbody said:
I also did the volume pot mod which made a world of difference at all volume settings.
I've read about that mod now several times, but I could never really make out what it really did. Does it just affect the range of the pot or does it also change the tone at all settings?

Oh, and thanks for your great review :)
Fxrs said:
Nomad said:
DC-5's are dang good amps. Cant believe they quit making them.

The Express Amps which supposedly replaced the DC's dont come close.

Sorry left the F series out.
They are all great amps but the DC-5's are the shiznit in that lineage. Which I use the Mark III but the DC is some good stuff.

The Cleans are very nice and the Gain is a highe Gain than the III's will produce. It's Recto Gain.
lockbody said:
I also did the volume pot mod which made a world of difference at all volume settings.

I really want to do this mod, I'm just worried that I'll snip the wrong resistor. I wish there was a picture of where it is located. If anyone has or is willing to take a picture of where its located (on the later models for me, as the earlier ones its located somewhere else).

I have yet to take out my chassis, but its probably time to take a look in there, as the amp is almost 9 years old it will eventually need a cap job soon.

Here is a picture I found on google, now where I circled, is that where the resistor should be according to that post? (really cant see it at this angle though).
Hahaha ...preaching to the choir :)

I've loved my DC5 for almost 10 years now. I still can't believe I was considering selling/trading it one time ...one time, then came to my senses when I found out the grass is no greener with other amps. The DC5 is just that good sounding, and covers vast tonal ground to boot.

As much as I liked it before (with Svet winged Cs), what pushed me over the edge to adoration is a NOS 5751 in the v4 (rhythm channel) and a NOS 12AT7 in the v6, the PI. This really gave Ch1 some lovely "chime" but also smoothed out the highs (just more pleasing up top, less "edgy"). And also made Ch2 smoother up top as well. I still have more gain than I'll ever use, but it makes the sweep of the gain knob much more usable and musical, at least for my musical style. Enjoy! I know mine is a keeper!!

edward: I'll have to give the 12at a shot in the PI. I love the rhythm channel just the way it is but I 'm going to have to try and tame the lead channel. When I first got the amp I set the gain, masters and output on 4. The rhythm channel was beautiful, just right, chimey, full and crystal clear. I then switched to the lead channel and there was some noise. Well I found out why. I hit a full chord and it was like I was Marty McFly hitting Doc's super rectifier in "Back to the Future". Just blew me away. And this was with a Strat with Lace Sensors. I can't run the lead channel higher than 2.5 on the gain and master with the output on 2. My home studio is not small either. Measures almost 20 by 30. Maybe I could try and tame it with 5751's or 12at's in V2 and V3. Of course there's always the volume knob on the Strat but hey that's no fun. LOL I'm really having some fun with this amp!!
edward said:
Hahaha ...preaching to the choir :)

As much as I liked it before (with Svet winged Cs), what pushed me over the edge to adoration is a NOS 5751 in the v4 (rhythm channel) and a NOS 12AT7 in the v6, the PI. This really gave Ch1 some lovely "chime" but also smoothed out the highs (just more pleasing up top, less "edgy"). And also made Ch2 smoother up top as well. I still have more gain than I'll ever use, but it makes the sweep of the gain knob much more usable and musical, at least for my musical style. Enjoy! I know mine is a keeper!!


Well poo! I sold off my JAN 5751s when I sold my Triaxis. :(

But, I did put a JAN Phillips ax7 into V1 and that sure added another dimension to the sound. Seemed to open it up a tad more. I've still got to try the at7 in the PI spot, though.
tetsubin said:
lockbody said:
I also did the volume pot mod which made a world of difference at all volume settings.
I've read about that mod now several times, but I could never really make out what it really did. Does it just affect the range of the pot or does it also change the tone at all settings?

Oh, and thanks for your great review :)

Can anyone answer my question?
If there was a DC appreciation club I'd join. Love my combo DC-50 and am considering buying a DC-10 head from a guy locally today only because I want a head version. Certainly don't need a 100 watts! And I also use winged C's.

I've got instructions for mods on the master volume, parallel to series loop and sketchy info for ch1 pull switch to foot switch mod but haven't done any yet.

Being the cheap/froogle, ******* I am, I've always bought my Boogies used but if they came out with a reissue of the DC-5 I'd buy it new in a heartbeat.
tetsubin said:
tetsubin said:
lockbody said:
I also did the volume pot mod which made a world of difference at all volume settings.
I've read about that mod now several times, but I could never really make out what it really did. Does it just affect the range of the pot or does it also change the tone at all settings?

Oh, and thanks for your great review :)

Can anyone answer my question?

From what I can tell, the resistor simply alters the taper of the vol pot ...I do not think it would affect the entire range. If it helps you any, I recall that before I did the mod, the volume knob on the output master didn't affect the actual volume much (if any) once you turned past 6-7, yet was enormously touchy under 2.

Eliminating said resistor from the circuit changed the taper such that knob settings of 1-3 is far more usable, and the sweep more "linear" (don't take that literally); and unintended benefit is the tone at bedroom levels is certainly improved to my ears. But it did nothing to change the tone at regular playing levels that I can tell.

Hey mj,
I never played a DC10, but from those who have, the tone/girth is purportedly "bigger" ...prob by sheer nature of the larger trannies. I would not ignore a good DC10 in head config just because you don't think you "need" the wattage. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

edward said:
From what I can tell, the resistor simply alters the taper of the vol pot ...I do not think it would affect the entire range. If it helps you any, I recall that before I did the mod, the volume knob on the output master didn't affect the actual volume much (if any) once you turned past 6-7, yet was enormously touchy under 2.

Eliminating said resistor from the circuit changed the taper such that knob settings of 1-3 is far more usable, and the sweep more "linear" (don't take that literally); and unintended benefit is the tone at bedroom levels is certainly improved to my ears. But it did nothing to change the tone at regular playing levels that I can tell.
Thanks edward!
I wonder why Mesa put the resistor there in the first place. Are there any techs out there who can explain that? Until then I'm not really secure in cutting it off. I mean, it might make the pot more useable, but what if it has some kind of security function for power tube failure or whatever - You won't even notice until a certain point - but then it might be too late and the damage done too great...that's what I fear.
i went ahead and clipped the resistor for the output level pot last nite, it certainly drastically changes how u use the output level knob, i went ahead with it as i use the amp primarily in a bedroom setting and the sensitivity of the knob in question prior to the mod was a bit of a PITA in regards to adjusting volume levels. Alot more usable now at soft levels, and i find i can dial in more preamp level on teh lead channel where as before id have to have the output level knob on 2 for any sort of heavy tone, as under 2 it got very very thin tonewise. before id have to keep the pre-amp at around 1 so as not to blow the roof off the house, i can now get a healthier mix of pre-amp and power-amp with the mod though, not to mention u can turn the output knob without fear of the prior hair trigger sensitivity.

here's some pics i took when i had the amp pulled from the combo


