Couple of sound clips of my Studio preamp

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Vestavia, AL
I've still got quite a bit of tweaking to do with this amp and I haven't even tried to do anything with the EQ but here are a couple of clips I did yesterday.

I plugged the recording output into the FX loop return of my 100 watt (set to 50 watts) carvin valvemaster amp. It's got a 5 year old quartet of =C= 6L6GC's in it so that probably doesn't help much.

that's sent to a 2X12 cab with earcandy clone speakers and one of them is mic'd with an SM57 into a studio projects VTB1 preamp into my M-audio fast track pro usb box.

Recorded with adobe audition 2.0. I didn't do any post recording eq'ing or anything. The andy timmons backing track recording had the two tracks run through the waves SSL compressor to balance stuff out. The chugging clip didn't have anything done to it. I did have a little delay coming from my gmajor but not a lot.

Mistakes aplenty on the timmons track as it was all one take.

I don't have my eq settings here at work but if any of you are interested, I can post them when I get home.
Would you mind me asking how much you paid for the Maudio and preamp? I'm looking for simple recording rig and the tone you captured is pretty nice and dry.
liked the timmons clip, the chugging clip has got a strange character to it... don't you prefer the main outs for such heavy rhythm parts? good work however
I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way or not but the main outs have a much harsher and brittle sound to them. The recording out is much darker and WAY smoother but not as bright/tight as the main outs.

I'm hoping that once I get a good power amp or at least new tubes for the amp i've got now, it'll tighten the tone up and just improve it all together.
bumppity up

new clip.. just mindless wanking but nothing over the top. I don't want to embarrass myself too bad.

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