compressor and Mk IV/IIc+

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Newcastle , Australia
i pulled out an old boss CS-3 i had laying around and put it in the FX loop to try and make it alittle more compressed and smooth on the clean channel and more fat for the gain..I Really liked what it did but i know the Boss pedals are just rubbish..


Can anyone lead me to a good compressor that i can leave on All the time in my Rack and will Sound SUPER good??

i have it set up like this right now

guitar into a couple of pedals ( volume+ts-9+phase 90) into amp then FX loop go's to my little rack of the compresser and then into a rocktron inteliflex out of that back to the amp...

Any help would be awesome..


For a straight guitar pedal type, the old script logo MXR Dynacomp was a good choice. A little noisy and very basic, but a good tone.

I always preferred the guitar going direct into a the pedal.

If you use a pro rack model, then that can work better in the loop but you have to look at your levels. A compressor is really an "insert" FX

I sometimes use an LA Audio Classic (modelled on the Urei 1176) for times when you need more control.

PS, how's the Delany ?
i would strongly suggest a Barber Tone press.

parallel compression rules.

dial it in, wherever you want, as much of it as you want, and leave it on.
Maybe you can try an older Boss CS-2.


Tom try the older Boss pedals with the print label underside "Made in Japan" far better quality than the crud they churn out in Taiwan these days ..
I sometimes incorporate a Boss flanger and delay into the loop ...they are still quality pedals ,affordable and with good effect

If you want a high quality rack compressor, check out the DBX 266XL. It's even got a gate on both channels.
I love boss pedals...not all of them are good these days, but the older ones were great.

I don't use compressors (yet), so I can't recommend one. :)
Thanks to all..

I had a look at a keeley compressor box. that has seemed to get some really good reviews.. the DBX stuff sounds pretty sweet to.. i will have a look at the old boss stuff and mxr..

Thanks Again Tom..
When I asked for a comp people advised me to check the Diamond comp and the T rex Comp nova, really transparent and good sounding gear apparently
+10 on the DBX
I run my Mark IV FX loop through a DBX266XL and it sounds amazing XD
+1 more on the DBX. Great little unit... and it's got two channels so if you really wanted to play, you could run one channel before the amp and one through the FX loop...
could someone give me a simple explanation of how a compressor affects your tone?thanks
it balances out the dynamics of your playing. So, let's say you have a sound wave that's really choppy in volume because you are not consistent with your pick attack. Compression will squeeze those extremities in so you have a more consistent volume. For bassists this is good because often the thinner strings have less output than the fat ones, so compression helps the thin strings sound even.

For our purposes though, compression is a great tool to use to add sustain when playing guitar solos.

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