Change DC-5 for MarkV or Lonestar?

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Jul 6, 2010
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Hi all,

I own a DC-5A and I am really satisfied with the sound at medium to high volume level. For band rehearsal it is always too loud though. Thus I want to change it for a MarkV or Lonestar. Any recommendation? Playing styles: Blues-Rock, Rock, Top-40

Thanks for your comments!
Have you tried the volume pot mod? It really makes the DC's sound much better at medium to low volume.

I really like my Maverick for lower volume bluesy stuff. Not as much gain as the DC, but way better sounding distortion than the Lonestar.
I have a DC-5B and a MK III - both have waaaaaay to much volume for rehearsals but my view is the gig is the important test of tone. I had a band once where we practiced through little Pignose amps to make sure the band was tight and playing the right parts. drummer played on practice pads. Then rehearsal studio at med volume, then the gig. I wouldn't get hung up on the rehearsal sound unless you are rehearsing more than gigging.
You may want to invest in a PowerSoak or the Weber products to get your useable volume down but still let the amp work....This is only if you are already happy with your tone.

I take my MK III for rehearsal and use it on the class-A/15watt setting which is a reasonable volume and the tubes get nice and toasty. Hell, you could probably pick up a cheap Line6 Spider for rehearsal and not have to lug around your live rig. I've taken my POD XT Live and an old Dean Markley SS amp to a rehearsal.....light and lean.

Just some food for thought. Good luck.
Hi Monsta-Tone and Herrball,

thanks for your replies! I did not try the Volume mod, 'cos I am not a technician and really do not know how to do it. I checked some Power attenuators (e.g. from TAD) but I feel that they are too expensive. I'd rather keep the DC-5 then and buy a new amp.

@herrball: Thanks for your thoughts. I've got a little Line-6 Spider for playing at home, but would like to have a good sound when rehearsing with the band. Also I do not like to change amps between rehearsal and gig ('cos I want ot be familiar with the amp when gigging). This is why I think of buying an amp with switchable power.

I think I'm gonna test the Mark-V and find out....