Can we talk 12" speakers for the 5:25?

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Jan 30, 2008
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I did not care much for the stock Vintage 30.

I am currently using a Scumback M75 with large dust cap. The M75 is a Greenback clone and the large dust cap makes it handle high gain better than the traditional small cap Greenbacks.

I am certainly enjoying the Scumback, but curious about what other people have tried. What is your experience?
I have a 5:25 head, firstly used it with an old english made vintage 30, but it was a bit buzzy in a 1x12 box so I bought an Eminence legend's a great mid priced greenback type speaker and I love it. finally I can use the amps EQ controls from min-max. with v30 the bass control was useless above 12 o'clock. there are no piercing highs anymore also. the speaker is also pretty efficient for a greenback voiced speaker.
Krek13 said:
I have a 5:25 head, firstly used it with an old english made vintage 30, but it was a bit buzzy in a 1x12 box so I bought an Eminence legend's a great mid priced greenback type speaker and I love it. finally I can use the amps EQ controls from min-max. with v30 the bass control was useless above 12 o'clock. there are no piercing highs anymore also. the speaker is also pretty efficient for a greenback voiced speaker.

Cool to hear similar experiences with Greenback clones? Care to share your settings with the bass control above noon? Cheers!
dr_iggi said:
Krek13 said:
I have a 5:25 head, firstly used it with an old english made vintage 30, but it was a bit buzzy in a 1x12 box so I bought an Eminence legend's a great mid priced greenback type speaker and I love it. finally I can use the amps EQ controls from min-max. with v30 the bass control was useless above 12 o'clock. there are no piercing highs anymore also. the speaker is also pretty efficient for a greenback voiced speaker.

Cool to hear similar experiences with Greenback clones? Care to share your settings with the bass control above noon? Cheers!

I don't really have the exact settings 'cus I set them everytime I play, depends on my mood :lol:
but I always keep the middle in the upper half, and treble somewhere around noon (red ch.)...
you can also get nice fuzz tones with the bass maxed...
I changed out the V30 in my combo for a C90 and have been much happier. The C90 gives a really nice smooth singing lead tone in burn mode that the V30 just can't do. Top end harmonics are more pressent, probably because the mids are no longer drowning them out. I still really like V30s, but couldn't get the tones I wanted from the Express with one.

Iv'e always wanted to try a Celestion blue or Gold, but struggle to drop the coins on an experiment :mrgreen:
IMHO, the MC90 is a great speaker, period! For whatever reason I've read folks bad-rap this speaker (who knows, maybe it's simply because it's in a "boogie" and that alone polarizes folks), but the MC90 Celestion is a superb sounding guitar speaker that can cover a wide palatte of music. I'm not a fan of the V30 personally, so there's my tonal bias right there. But the MC often pops up used pretty cheap ...a worthwhile experiment that you can easily turn around should you end up not liking it.

Weber alnico Blue Dog 12" Stuck in a Marshall cab. Coupled with a 10" ceramic Weber Blue Pup installed in the 5:25 combo or with just the Dog.... Sounds incredible.
I'm with STEVENL on this. Weber alnico Blue Dog is my fave speaker.
Going to try a Weber Legacy in a thiele cab. My 525 is a 110 so can't try the Legacy in an open back, so the thiele cab will have to do. Will report back!

BTW, I plugged my 525 into my MC90 112 widebody and it sounds glorious! ...and not just on its own but even better with the 110 combo. I guess I'll just have to decide on which 12" tone I want to hear in concert with my 10" combo (which is a Weber 10V ceramic ...better, more balanced overall tone that the stock E50, IMHO). I've found I love what this 10incher brings to the table: defined mids that crunch and mid-highs that are chimey and simply very musical. So whatever 12" I prefer, it will be because it compliments the Weber 10 ...sorry, I guess that muddies the OP's point somewhat.

I used a Celestion G12-65 speaker once. The G12-65 does not bark like the Vintage 30. It's a bit more 80's rock and roll as advertised. I like it, it's very usable. The speaker was out of my buddies Marshall 2x12 combo.
I bought the Express 5/25 blonde head with matching thiele cab, also did not like the C90. I put an Eminence Red Fang in it, love the cab now, was going to sell it before but it changed the sound of the cab a lot, also, it let me scale back on the bass and treble countrols on the head, now I can start somewhere in the middle of the pots travel and have room to adjust tone controls to the room we're in. Been playing a very long time, this Mesa head with the Thiele cab and Red Fang combination is a very happy one for me!
Hey guys, new here.

I have an express 5:50, and i'm playing neo-soul, funk, and jazz through it. I find that the amp is too dark for my tastes and what I "hear" my sound to be is a nice chimey clean, sort of like a Fender Blues Deluxe, or a Deville. However, i'm not about to go buy another amp. What speaker, if any, should I use to get a nice clean, open sound to it? any thoughts? I'm also looking to weight relieve this beast, so if y'all know of any speakers that are lighter than the stock that would be awesome.
I recently got a 112 cab and loaded it with Weber's Legacy 12" (their response to the Scumbacks they used to build up on em). Great sounding spkr with smooth highs and good lows (I hate overbearing low end and this one has good bottom w/o sounding too big for me). Nice mids content ...even wish it had a bit more in the mids dept, but perhaps that is due to my smallish cab volume. I would actually like to try this Legacy in a different cab because I like its tone. Just thought I'd throw that in...
