Can I Sue Mesa for making me DEAF?!?

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Hey Mightywarlock,
Mixing the Stiletto Deuce and Recto together is the Balls, isnt it. I've been running them together for about 6 months now, and would never go back to just one amp at a time.

BMarchant said:
Hey Mightywarlock,
Mixing the Stiletto Deuce and Recto together is the Balls, isnt it. I've been running them together for about 6 months now, and would never go back to just one amp at a time.


what are you using to get the signal to both amps?

(2 amps, 2 cabs, or 2 amps, 1 cab)? what pedal or aby?
wilerty said:
If people can sue the tobacco companies for giving them lung cancer, I'm sure you could sue Mesa Boogie for deafness.

One can always file a suit. Doesn't mean it will proceed to trial. In the case of tobacco they plaintiffs argued the tobacco companies knowingly pushed a product they *knew* was harmful to consumers and DID NOT warm them of the dangers.

So to use the analogy one would have to argue that (a) Mesa builds amps that are somehow harmful to consumers in a way the consumer is not today aware of, and (b) they knew this was the case and covered it up.

Putting a warming label on the amp certainly suggests Mesa is trying to protect the consumer from the known dangers of loud music.

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