Hello there. This is all just my opinion, for what it's worth.
That way the controls are laid out (such as that Vol 1 control, and push-pull pots, etc,) on a Mark series amp is vital. For me, the Mark Series is defined by the input/gain structure. I will agree with anyone that says that the Mark V can get a close approximation of a true Mark sound, but it just doesn't cut it for me. The whole feel of the amp is completely different from every Mark amp I have played or owned (hence my opinion that it isn't 'really' a Mark amp). However, that's just me, some people might think that's a good thing. I totally respect that. Let me say this, I know my opinion isn't worth that much because it took me years to learn to use/like the Mark IV, because IT'S controls are quite different from a II or III.
The Mark V is truly a cool amp, I used one for several months, and it always sounded pretty cool.