Vogelsong said:
A head with a 2x12 rec. cab. fitted with v30's or take out a 30 and put in a c90?
I hear this can be a nice combination of the 2 speakers.
A combo fitted with a c90 and a single v30 or EV thiele?
Just curious what you guys think.
v30 + c90 is a great speaker combination.
Consider this: Some sort of open back design is usually better for warm and 3D clean tones. Distortion tones tend to benefit from a more directional close back design. What do you play primarily? If you are into blues and more clean / overdrive stuff, get something that facilitates that. If you are into metal, get something that is close back that will maximize distortion tone.
My take: The Mesa Boogie Road King 2 x 12 is basically two speaker enclosures in one box, a closed back v30 chamber for punch and thump as well as a 3/4 back c90 chamber for open cleans. It is a very even and huge sounding cab which would be great if you want some that is versatile. A 1 x 12 v30 combo paired with a c90 thiele would also sound great too and would also be versatile.
A head is versatile in a different way. You can have a 4 x 12, a 2 x 12, an EV thiele, and an open back cab and you can pick your tools for what you need. Just evaluate your needs and the decision shouldn't be too hard.