Best Clean tone from a boogie?

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Oct 2, 2010
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Hi all
Just joined.. :mrgreen:
I'm thinking of going for a Boogie but not sure which. It can be recent or older btw.
I had a Cream IIb+ ages ago and loved it's cleans (as well as the lead) but was just wondering what other Boogies are known for a having the best clean sound?
I have a great old Laney Supergroup for the 60's for classic rock, so really need something to take pedals well and give me that rich fender or Vox type clean sound (and having a boogie lead channel will obviously be a nice bonus too)
With the current lineup of Boogies, I honestly believe you cannot get a bad sounding clean from any of them. Best Boogie clean is going to be subjective nevertheless...
In no particular order:

Electra Dyne

Lonestar Special


Dual Rectifier Tremoverb

Mark V

While preference plays into things, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a Mesa with a bad clean.
YellowJacket said:
While preference plays into things, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a Mesa with a bad clean.

Yes, I guess it's a bit like asking which Rolls Royce is quietest!
Still, for a clean with character it seems like I should check out the Electra Dyne.
European prices make new Mesa's expensive but ultimately, worth it I guess. Even the TA-15 is $1500 here.. the Mark V over $4000!
another vote for the lonestar and Tverb.

The stilettos have a great clean too. Not as crystal clean as the other two but the stiletto has the best feeling clean of the boogies IMO.
Now that I think about it, the only boogies with what I would call a "bad" clean ch would be the early recto solo heads
EWWWWW. Even freight does not justify those prices, especially considering the value of the Euro vs the American Dollar. Boogies are way overpriced, even in Canada vs the US.

If I was in Europe I'd just suck it up and buy an Orange amp.
YellowJacket said:
EWWWWW. Even freight does not justify those prices, especially considering the value of the Euro vs the American Dollar. Boogies are way overpriced, even in Canada vs the US.

If I was in Europe I'd just suck it up and buy an Orange amp.

I may have too!
Orange are very cool too..just a shame about new boogies..
Of course used Boogies are more affordable.
i have not heard it myself so i cant speak for it, while i was underaking the same search as you i found, in several different forums, people saying that the blue angel had the best clean sound out of the boogie line. the compared it to that fender sparkel. hope it helps, but orange amps are bad-a any who. although they lack that boogie lead flavor.
I would definitely say the Blue Angel. I love the clean on my Tremoverb but it isn't even close to how good the BA I had was - totally in a league of its own. It has the best reverb of any amp I've ever heard, too. Of course, the BA is a non-master amp with only one channel, so it's not very versatile... which is why I sold it (to a good friend, I wouldn't have otherwise) and kept the Tremoverb.

But, the BA needs different tubes from the stock set to really bring out the best in it.
Blue Angel

Maybe you can find an ebay guy or someone here to write a lower value on the declaration form and just get a used one.
$4,000 for a Mark V! It wasn't worth the $2,000 they wanted here! Sorry fan boys.