Best Amp I Ever........

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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....plugged in and played with minimal adjustments.

A Diezel Herbert.

*Had to edit this. Bought it last year. Still do.......................... :lol:
Mine would have to be my dual rectifier. While it took a little more adjustment than any other amp i've owned it was well worth the adjustments.
Finest amp I ever played => my guitar instructor's Howard Dumble Amp.
Here's a similar model.

Top 10 Reason I do not have one or consqequence if I do get one:
1) expensive:
- don't want to jeopardize my childern's college tuition.
- my current salary is decent but geting another job such as newspaper route is still not going to cut it.
2) Not sure if I could justify owning one.
3) to sound great playing the guitar is in the fingers. Don't blame the euqipment.
4) wifey would make me sleep with our pets.

Ways to supplement my income to afford one:
5) I guess I may have a second use for my ski mask ... wear it when going to the bank.

6) Trading in my Yugo for cash still won't get me enough cash for one.

7) Now if I put my kid's baseball card collection on E-Bay (which includes rare cards) that his that his grandpa gave him up ... I know he won't ever talk to me again but is that necessarily a bad thing[?]

8') ways to save=> bring family to homeless shelter for our meals a few times a week ...

9) after I purchase one, maybe family would qualify for food stamps.

10) ... collect aluminum cans perhaps[?].
I get that feeling sometimes myself....

Best amp I have ever plugged into would depend upon what type of music I was playing.

Some of my fav's are the ones that I currently own: 1977 JMP Master Model 50 watt MkII Lead, 1988 JCM800 2210, and Mark IVa.
RR: Kudo's to you for noting the "Real" #1 reason that's kept me from shelling out the dough for my favorite plug 'n' play amplifier, and has also cured me from my "GAS" syndrome that I'm sure has plauged pretty much everyone that post's on this board. Otherwise, why are we all wasting time typing all this opinionated crap here instead of "Practicing" and making the best out of what we have?

Kudo's RR, Kudos.............

"3) To sound great playing the guitar is in the fingers. Don't blame the euqipment."


Now what say we all go back to our day jobs whether it be flippin' burger's or writing multi-million dollar bank loans and think about what we really need to do to improve our "Tone"?

MetalMatt said:
RR... you could always sell the kids? I'm sure another family would love to have 'em :p
Uh, ... well, you see with Loan Sharks I promised them "You could have my 'first born' ..." well kinda running out of "first born".

ooohhh Zinky Blue Velvet ... is that the amp where it has stored "preset" that's recall-able and still all-tube not some modeling amp?

RR said:
"3) To sound great playing the guitar is in the fingers. Don't blame the equipment."
I play rock 'n' roll and blues through through a Tweed Champ type amp (Allen's 5F1+) and its as sweet as it gets. Forgot to mention it does have a Weber Blue Dog speaker.
the best sounding amp for me personally:

LANEY GH100L w/ the matching 4x12 that originally came with it....

other than that i would have to say this guy i knows rig:

Mesa/Boogie MKIV through a Fender 2x12(it looks like a 4x10 with a 12 in the upper right and lower left)
RR said:
ooohhh Zinky Blue Velvet ... is that the amp where it has stored "preset" that's recall-able and still all-tube not some modeling amp?

That's the 120W Superfly. Zinky only offers this to touring musicians at the moment. So the rest of us have to use the 25 or 50W Blue Velvets for now. I ordered a custom 50W Blue Velvet head that should be here by Thanksgiving. Red Tolex with Marshall Basketweave grillcloth.
Personally I don't know much about Zinky other than he worked for Fender but my friend who has very bad case of G.A.S. (sells real estate, he could afford anything) was telling about these amps. So that where I got the info about pre-sets of the Superfly. I think my friend has one because he bought one Zinky and he was pleased with it but then G.A.S. kicked in when he went to the Zinky site and saw the SuperFly and pleaded with Zinky to trade in his current Zinky for the Superfly.
Nice! I hang out at a store here that is a dealer for Zinky. I've tried everything except the Superfly. I can't praise his stuff enough. If you ever player a Fender Tone Master... Imagine that on steroids and in a 50W package.
Hey Guitarzan:

Tell me how's it go with the Blue Velvet when you get it.

That I do know about Zinky's design of the Tonemaster. Those amps are "wolves in sheep skin." I was such a sucker for "burlap blond tolex and oxyblood" grill I dress my old 300 Series Colesium the same way.
I'd have to say it was a Bogner Uberschall. However, I need to add that the way I have my Dual Recto set up, it's a pretty darn close second to the Uber IMO. Definitely makes it not worth the extra grand or so just for the head.
RR said:
Hey Guitarzan:

Tell me how's it go with the Blue Velvet when you get it.

That I do know about Zinky's design of the Tonemaster. Those amps are "wolves in sheep skin." I was such a sucker for "burlap blond tolex and oxyblood" grill I dress my old 300 Series Colesium the same way.

Shall do!
I recently plugged into a Badcat Hotcat last week... The think has to be the best sounding amp I have played through in a long time, and at $3,400 it should be. The only thing I didn't like was that the salesman didnt know his product, and tried to BS me.
before i started buying MESA it was my ADA MP-1 PREAMP WITH TUBEWORKS MOS VALVE PWRAMP ,any tone i wanted. Now its my STILETTO DEUCE,i dont even play my TREMOVERB. still wish i had the ADA setup that was way cool,just spent to much time looking for more sounds.

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