Anyone Using a Boss SD-1 OD w/ a Mark IV on R2?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
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I've got a Nova System in the loop of my Mark IV so I can't use the analog Drive that is built in so I thought I'd try this pedal in front of the amp on R2. At $39.99 I thought I'd take a flyer on it.

The SD-1 is OK. A little noisy if you are overdriving R2 with R2's gain set pretty high.... the actual distortion tone is a little scratchy but that might be OK depending on what you are looking for. What type of tone are you looking to get?
Sounds like it may be the wrong OD for me. I want smooth and sustainy. I tried one at a GC once and remember it sounded warm and smooth to me. But I usually use low-gain and higher output on the OD pedals.
i can vouch for the BB preamp, as many can...also the Diamond J drive...I'd suggest a keeley modded tubescreamer too..all 3 of those can get you that smooth sound you describe.
I am currently using the SD-1 to boost both the R2 and lead.

It seems to work with R2 but with Lead it is cutting lows and making it less smooth, wich is actualy a problem for me since i want to use it to smooth the lead channel for lead playing...
Yeah, I can vouch for the Fulltone OCD. I own one and it's EXTREMELY smooth. I just uploaded a video of myself jamming to a backing track using my Mark IIB and OCD pedal in front of the amp (Nova Delay, Maxon chorus in the loop). So, if you wanna hear the OCD pedal in action, go watch my video. You'll see the thread in the other Mark series forum.
I had a SD-1.
Imho the tone is too much old-style (quite vintage) for the R2 channel (or the whole Mark IV tone). Never sounded killer, just preferred tweaking & tweaking R2's controls :)
One that people overlook a lot is the Xotic RC Booster. It pushes the front end of the amp hard enough with out adding anything like the BB or the SD or the SD.

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