Anyone use LSC as a poweramp???

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I own a POD XT Live and for one of my bands I need TONS of modulation and delay and it just sounds better through a poweramp. But for my other band, it's all amp, no pedals.

So my questions, have you done it? How did it work? Did the presence know really do it's job on channel 1?

Also, what does this mean from the manual:
"1.) Connect “Dummy” plug or loose cable to SEND jack. ( This prevents any possible loading that could result in diminished RETURN

Thanks! Yes, I know blasphemy. But one of the reasons I got it was flexibility and that amp offers more flexibility than anything I have even seen before.

And yes, one of those is the poweramp section.

Incidentally, I use speaker emulation with guitar speakers and it brings life into the POD. I know, I know, I know, you'd think it would muddy it up and be redundant but it surprising brings a little more life into the solid state preamp.

Again, thanks.

This intrigues me. I am close to purchasing a POD XT Live and an LSC, although I hadn't intended to use them together. I'd like to discuss this with you further. Tell me about your band and the style of music you play.

I've got a few irons in the fire:
Classic Rock
Grateful Dead

The Classic Rock is straight LSC, the XTL is really for the GD band. For the country band I use the LSC straight up except for 2 songs which need something different.

In most rehearsal spaces I only travel with my XTL. Guitar to XTL to hotbox to the board. Nothing beats this arrangement. The tone is about 90% ideal but the convenience makes up for it.

Gigs are split between the LSC and XTL. I've got a great setup of poweramps and cabs for the XTL which works well. And in all honesty I prefer to be on-stage with that setup since it's 2 poweramps, 2 cabs, integrated setup with a double guitar rack all taking less of a footprint than a tilted-back Fender Twin.

The LSC is really being used more for my quick gigs of in and out and less to travel with but not comprimising sound. I've got an amp case which can hold the LSC and it has wheels so it makes for unmatched sound with simplicity.