Any Subway Blues Fans Here?

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Jan 28, 2006
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I bought mine new in 1997 and I am still fascinated by the sounds I can
get out of it. I love the simpicity and the way the whole amp can be played
without going deaf while playing in the house. Any thoughts on why they discontinued it or how many might have been made? I know some of the original ones had issues. Maybe it wasn't a big seller. I wonder if MESA will ever offer such a simple amp again in the future.

Happy Friday!
I almost bought one new about 10 years ago, but then opted for a DC-5. I wouldn't mind getting one now but I would need to educate myself on the different versions. They are selling used for more than they were new, if in good condition..
I am definitely a fan of the Subway Blues and the Rocket as well.

I love the voxy thing it can do if you push it. Better than the Blue Angel for that IMO, but I haven't spent as much time with the Angel.

For recording or late night playing it's great and it's got the 1/2 power option. It couldn't keep up as well in a band situation as my Subway Rocket does but surely would do better with another cab. But I think it's a really sick little amp.
i ´ve got a subway rocket since 8 or 10 years, and i´m very happy with it.

It sounds very good. :D
I tried one in a store once. I thought it sounded decent but far less than spectacular. A bit boxy as well. Too much noise for such a low gain amp. I would prefer a Champ or Princeton any day but that may just be me.