Any Ernie Ball Music Man fans around here?

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Oct 24, 2007
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Charleston, SC
Personally, I can't get enough of the Axis guitar through the Lone Star and Mark IV!

Anyway....newbie to talk gear!

I hope all is well!

I've got a Wolfie Flame Top Special too that is really cool. Pups are a little more aggressive than the Axis Sports and the neck is a tad different. Both are great guitars.
I've got a Wolfgang Flame Top Special.

Here's my Axis Sport:

Here is my Wolfie:
Not sure if you were asking Ned or me for pics but here ya go:

Mystic Dream JP:

White JP:

Platinum PRS CE22:

Custom Peavey (el cheapo early '80s Peavey Predator that I customized):

If our sigs allowed more characters I would link to pics of my guitars in there like I do on most other forums... :lol:
i do believe that ernie ball guitars are the best around. I have 9 guitars including a limited addition Custom Shop gibson explorer, USA strat and Tele, Les Paul Ibanez etc SO a good variety and my JP6 wipes the floor with them all. Admiteddly its all down to personal style but i genuinely believe that my JP6 would fit into any guitar players arsenal. It does everything amazingly well and that neck just plays like a dream.
I have always been a Music Man fan. Great guitars, great buys for people that play the used market since MM's dont hold their value.

My personal fav is the original Steve Morse model....back when it has the larger neck.
An early prototype. Notice Hipshot vibrato arm and a smaller embossed logo on the headstock. Slightly different body contour. And, oh yeah, that beat up, 'vintage' look. It was brand new at the time.





MusicManJP6 said:
ernie ball's don't hold their value?

Not really. I'd never buy one new cause I like flipping guitars and they dont retain.
i bought both mine new coz I was too afraid of buying one used on ebay coz the condition is hard to determine sometimes. Although I bought a PRS on ebay and have been very happy with it. I checked and saw that my JPs would get about $1100 on ebay and I paid $1500 for them new. I guess that is to be expected though as used gear never earns what they go for new. Peavey's are MUCH worse when it comes to retaining value. They basically are worth nothing as soon as you buy anything that says PEAVEY on it... Haha. It's like a bad word or something...
Peavey and resale value?

Unless the word 'no' is added before resale you are hearing lies.
Except for the EVH stuff. The wolfgang guitars have gone up in value since EVH's departure and the same goes for the old 5150 heads. I bought a 5150 head for $400 shipped back in 2000 or 2001 and now they collect $6-$800 on ebay. The original wolfgangs have always gone for a lot of money with the rare quilt top.

Just about everything else in the Peavey line.................yeah no resale value WHAT SO EVER. I just bought a PV Tubefex rack unit to go with my TA as a Marshall type preamp and plus it has effects.....I got two preamps for less than the price that one would go for back in 2000-2001 (and they were discontinued before then). I don't need two but it was a package deal.

The best guitar I have laid my hands on has been a Parker Fly classic that I bought unplayed. It is my #1 and I don't know if I could give it up for anything else. I really want to play a JP6 but all the music stores in Japan carry the more common models (Axis, silhouette, Luke, etc).

Yee, MM Fans in da house!

I own a JP6 and a JP7. They are the greatest things I own and I wouldn't trade for anything, except maybe a different colour if I get bored. :roll:

Sweeeeeeeet instruments. :twisted:

and, Greg, have you checked with a dealer called "Kanda Shokai"(sp?)? Over at the MM forum, they have a thread where the mods post pics of all out-going BFRs and that dealer is getting some absolutely beautiful guitars! (Lots of 'em, too.)
love 'em!

got an AXIS cherry sunburst a while ago. birdseye maple neck (it truly looks like one piece, just one small cut on the lower site shows it was opened ;-)

actually, from all the guitars i own the AXIS took the most time and effort to make it sound well. the neck needed to be bold off completely to adjust the angle and put some spacer under, but the five screw joint is a hype!

the bridge hb had a cold joint just between the coils, in the shop all went fine, home all was wrong ;-) opened the back i could see someone tried to solve that already by resoldering the pu switch joints (which was kinda helpless)

the outputplug had a buzz-shortcut caused by bad soldering and heatening the insulation to melt, sigh :)

now i seek for the buzz the high e string causes, something is definetely rattling - but what? tried truss rod, bridge and saddle contacts - let me solve the riddle hehehe

... bought a guitar to punish my ma ... if you know what a mean

but a fine piece of guitarcraftsmenship, actually i think THE best rock guitar ever! after all this classics strat's and paula's the best what could happen to rockguitars.