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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2011
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Going back to the store tomorrow night to try the mk5 out with my axe this time.

I'm going to be trying it with two different cabs:

1. vertical 2x12 recto cab (tried it with this cab on the weekend with another axe)
2. 4x12 road king.

Can anyone comment on the mk5 with the road king cab? is the sealed portion of the road king essentially a vertical 2x12 recto cab?

The bonus is that there's someone local selling a 4x12 road king on craigslist for about 1/2 the price of a new one...
The Road King cab isn't a good choice for the MarkV imo. This cab's claim to fame is the Road King's ability to switch speaker outputs to select the open or closed back side. The vertical 2x12 is ok. I used one with my Mark IV for a couple of years but it always seemed boxy. The best cab I had ever used with a Mark amp was the Mesa Stiletto. It just seemed to have the right balance to my ears.
With a roadking 212 is great! 2 great speakers!
1 which is stock on MarkV combo and another which is stock to millions of people...
When recording or live, using the 2 speakers is a must!
I didn't buy it because the guy who i was buying from sold it 5 minutes before i got there. So i bought a recto 212... which is also great!
ryjan said:
The Road King cab isn't a good choice for the MarkV imo. This cab's claim to fame is the Road King's ability to switch speaker outputs to select the open or closed back side. The vertical 2x12 is ok. I used one with my Mark IV for a couple of years but it always seemed boxy. The best cab I had ever used with a Mark amp was the Mesa Stiletto. It just seemed to have the right balance to my ears.

did you try with the roadking 4x12?
borisson said:
ryjan said:
The Road King cab isn't a good choice for the MarkV imo. This cab's claim to fame is the Road King's ability to switch speaker outputs to select the open or closed back side. The vertical 2x12 is ok. I used one with my Mark IV for a couple of years but it always seemed boxy. The best cab I had ever used with a Mark amp was the Mesa Stiletto. It just seemed to have the right balance to my ears.

did you try with the roadking 4x12?
phyrexia said:
the rk cab, if you think about it, is very similar to the old halfback cabs which people love so much.

This. Stick a pair of EV's in the closed half, with the C90's in the open and it should be very close. Those old half-backs are the perfect 4x12 for Mark amps, and work well with just about anything else for that matter.
I would really like to have a 212 vert.
But its very expensive, and there are none in used market...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can run both sides of the road king with only one speaker cable, right?

I suppose you could always use two of the speaker outs on the back of the 5 to each side of the RK cab.
I've got mine through one of those old 80's metal grille 4x12 half open/half closed. As my daughter would text - OMG.
zilla said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can run both sides of the road king with only one speaker cable, right?

I suppose you could always use two of the speaker outs on the back of the 5 to each side of the RK cab.
yes, you can use it in mono with one speaker cable. its just like a regular 4x12, except that the RK is 4 ohms mono/8 ohms stereo, whereas the others (recto, stiletto) are 8 ohms mono/4 ohms stereo (and the speaker/back differences, of course).
I ended up taking the vertical 2x12 recto over the 4x12 road king. The 2x12 had a tighter bottom end and a bit more 'edge' to it over the RK.

Still can't believe that i own a boogie. it's taken me 25 years to get to this point :)