i'm very fimiliar with that guy.
i've sold him things many times locally only to see him list them weeks later at the very inflated prices.
those were probably mine at one point.
i sold him an unloaded metal grill cab with no castors for like 200 bucks.
since one of the castors had broken, i listed it without castors, then when i delivered it to his trailor, i basicly just said "Here are whats left of the castors", and i gave him the other 3 with mounting plates for free.
he then listed the 3 of them for sale for like 80 bucks on ebay.
he probably just got ahold of a 4th one and now its double the price.
i often see his auctions and know its him before i even open the page.
i can't believe he sells ANYTHING with how much he asks for stuff.
he recently sold an UNLOADED JCM800 era marshall 4x12 for 500 bucks!!
i don't know who that sap buyer was... i wouldn't even buy one loaded for that much!
right now he is selling an unloaded blackback era 4x12 for 800 buy it now.
thats about what they go for loaded these days.
i think he basicly flips gear for a living and doesn't have a real job.
i did that for money while i was layed off for a while, and so we've crossed paths several times.
hes not a bad dude to talk gear with, and what not... but some of those asking prices are pretty out there.