Alabama Shootout - The DC-5 Challenge

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Okay boys, I've read the reviews and heard the clips, and I'm officially taking off the gloves and slapping the Mk V in its face. I'll go ahead and say it right here that I don't think that the Mk V will be able to hang with my lowly DC-5 in a clean to scream shootout.

Ch1? The DC series already has waaaay better cleans and reverb than the Mk IV, so with "Fat Clean" on the V being the one to beat, I'm itching to see how they compare. Be prepared for big, round cleans from the DC, with plenty of sparkle.

Ch2? I run the DC's ch1 gain high and ride the guitar's volume, and then use a OD for a boost if needed. Technically, the V wins as the DC doesn't have a "crunch" channel, but I'm interested in real-world "crunchiness". Think James Gang level crunchiness from the DC, unboosted.

Ch3? If the vids I've heard of ch3-Extreme are as heavy as that channel gets, then it's gonna running crying all the way back to CA, when I fire up my DC-5 through my 4x12 halfback, and that's with my Strat. Frankly, I expected more out of the Mk V's third channel. A lot more. It's almost as if Mesa aimed that amp at the classic rock guitarist, leaving the truly heavy stuff to the Recs again. Okay, maybe that's a little too far, but I did expect more out of a setting called "Extreme".


Alright Alabama gang, who's going to step up to defend the honor of the mighty Mk V and when?

GIG4FUN said:
insert emotionicon of the little guy eating popcorn... (prescribing)

We need that guy, don't we? :wink:

I tell you, if you can't go on an internet forum and make wild boasts that run the risk of making you looking like an idiot, where can you? :D Believe me, my wallet, and my wife, want the Mk V fall flat on its face next to my DC-5. I, on the other hand will reserve judgment until said shootout.
after having my bandmates mark 5 head at my house for 2 weeks i have to call bullcrap...THIS AMP HAS BALLS!!! And im close to birmingham 2
DudewithFr0 said:
after having my bandmates mark 5 head at my house for 2 weeks i have to call bullcrap...THIS AMP HAS BALLS!!! And im close to birmingham 2

And I'm ready to hear it, too. If there's a $1200 difference between the two amps, my wife (and wallet) could be getting bad news. My gut is saying there isn't. My local dealer got two new amps out of me in the last two years, and I'm wondering if the V has what it takes to make it three.

My gut also tells me it thinks the MK V Stage II will be the shiznit of Mark amps.
phyrexia said:
Hey, bring that sh!t to work tomorrow. Give me a call and I'll arrange to have my amp up there :D

I'm not sure I can make that, but the boys are coming over to my house Thursday evening around 8:00. Interested? Oops. I guess you can't make it, sorry. Lemme see what I can do about tomorrow.
Nermel said:
ah HA!...see he's heard the clips and read all the reviews...everything BUT played on one....

He just wants personal time with the MK V :lol:

What this "stage II" talk

SHHHHHHHH!!!!! Ixnay on the ersonalpay imetay alktay!

And just idle speculation on the Stage II talk, but you did have... what... four different Mk IIs, five different Mk IIIs, and two different Mk IVs?
I owned a DC-5 head for a few years about 10 years ago,played a ton of gigs with it. It's really a vanilla sounding amp. Every guitar you play through it sounds the same. It's a great amp if you don't like any dynamics whatsoever in your tone. The Mark V is in another league. :lol:
Go DC-5!

...and rest assured, the DC Cartel will be in your corner ready to carry you out of the ring. (Hopefully on our shoulders, but more likely on a stretcher) :)

(popcorn munching smiley)
danyeo1 said:
I owned a DC-5 head for a few years about 10 years ago,played a ton of gigs with it. It's really a vanilla sounding amp. Every guitar you play through it sounds the same. It's a great amp if you don't like any dynamics whatsoever in your tone. The Mark V is in another league. :lol:

GD_NC said:
Go DC-5!

...and rest assured, the DC Cartel will be in your corner ready to carry you out of the ring. (Hopefully on our shoulders, but more likely on a stretcher) :)

(popcorn munching smiley)

Well, there is this possibility :lol: :

lesterpaul said:
:) I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Hey! That was my line! :lol:
If I don't get to play a V soon so I come back here with my tail between my legs extolling the virtues of fair Maid Mk V, I may get a holy hand grenade thrown at me by the faithful.

Of course maybe the Mk V can't hang...

(frantically looking for the ducking smiley)

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