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Been on the hunt for a lunchbox low powered amp for awhile now and finally found the bees knees. The Mesa Mini Recto sounds extremely good!! Already had for about 5 days and it's been to one gig and 2 practices.... As far as power.. It's almost TOO loud. Tone report.. In clean and modern mode my PRS 25th CU24 sounds best, but in pushed and vintage modes the Les Paul kills. I'm running through a 4x12 right now and plan on getting a 2x12 or a matching 1x12 Mini cab. I like the sound better than my old Dual Recto. You can achieve pretty much any tone possible with tweaking and this amp is way easier to tweak than its big brothers. 2 channels. The effects loop is a big plus and sounds great with pedals I've put through it and my TC GMajor rack effects. Got a great deal on mine with a free quad of EL34's for my Mark V amp.
Ch1 clean there's plenty of headroom for medium sized venues and cleans are super nice. Ch1 pushed is like a whole different amp.. Very good classic rock tone, smooth gain with articulatation in pushed and the tone knobs as so versatile that you can make pushed mode even classic rock, modern, or metal.. JUST from the pushed mode. *Pushed Tone Settings*.... 25 watts gain maxed, master around 12 noon, tone knobs around 12 except mids bumped up to 2:30. That tone is one of THE best tones I've ever heard from an amp period. (joe perry Aerosmith like tone).
Ch 2 can be about any kinda gain and rock tone you want. In modern mode with the gain down really low and master cranked you can get some very good blues tones on the neck pup of a Les Paul. In modern mode you do have to have "some" knowledge of Rectos and Mesa amps and the way they work and the controls interact with each other. I find the modern mode very good on 25 watts, but on the 10 watt setting Modern clips a little too much. *Modern Tone Settings*... Gain 11:30, treble 12, mids 11:30, bass 11, presense around 9, Master 10 o'clock and it's extremely loud cause that's gigging volume. The Vintage mode is very smooth liquid type tone like from a Mark type amp. I like the gain around 12 on Vintage, very mid heavy mode so mids almost rolled off, bass around 2, precence around 1 and master cranked around 1. Vintage mode is very versatile too and sounds really good in the 10 watt mode.
All around this amp is worth every penny ($1000). It's seriously the most rugged build amp I've ever owned. I was kinda turned off by the Mini when it first cam out cause I had a Dual Recto before and wasn't too big on the Recto tone, but this EL84 amp is a whole new world of Mesa Engineering gain. Through my Mesa 4x12 it sound great, but I imagine it'll sound even better pushing 1 or 2 V30s. The stock Mesa tubes are JJ's preamps and not sure on the power tubes, but they all sound great. Did some tube swapping from some I had laying around but the stock tubes sounded best to my ears. Thinking about getting some JJ EL84's for the power section since I've heard from many other Mini owners that it's an improvement over stock power tubes.
This amp is really blowing me away, more than any other "new amp day". FORGET THE SIZE OF IT. I suggest if you have a thousand dollar budget and need one good all around gigging, recording, ane super easy to transport (arent we all?), I would recommend the Mini Rectifier for any style of music or any music type applications. Very articulate, warm, and versatile amp.