I tore my rotator cuff and look/feel like a cripple right now, so I'm not making a video yet. I played yesterday for a little bit after tweaking to that design and I'm in a lot of pain for doing so. The mod's mix control actually takes almost all of the clipping out unless you really, really SLAM the strings. My JH pickups are in a guitar that had the 18V mod for an 81/85 set and I never changed it, so I'm using the higher voltage, too. I'm going to eventually make it 9V again and see what the difference is.
With the older EMGs, the 18 Volt mod improves clarity by supplying more voltage to the op amp. It can only put out as much as the source voltage. A 9 volt battery is divided to supply +/-4.5 volts. That's why they list the maximum output voltage as that. When you do 18V, it gets split to provide +/-9 volts to the op amp. Since an op amp cannot output a larger voltage than it's supply, it's easier to clip at the lower voltage as it approaches the max. Raising the supply doesn't really make your output much higher (if at all), it makes it cleaner and it sounds better.
With the Fuzz mod, I have my Modern mode on channel three with the volume at 9:30 or 10 and the gain set around 9. It sounds like a Big Muff without the brick wall compression. In Raw on channel 2 and gain at about 10, it is more like a Fuzz Face. Channel 1 Clean sounds like the Gibson Fuzz on '(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction'. The end result is very dependent on the amp and how the player plays, but it's fairly intuitive to get the feel of it.
When I turn the mix down, I get more headroom and the volume change is rather subtle. I can tell it increases a little, but it isn't incredibly different. The diodes are cutting my headroom to roughly .7V/1.4V + the pot's voltage drop when they are full on. It's most apparent on the 6th and 5 strings, since they oscillate more. I haven't put the meter on it to confirm how far it rises, but when I turn the mix completely down it becomes rather difficult to create clipping, as much more of the original signal voltage is being applied to the circuit by the larger voltage drop across the pot.