A proud newbie forum user and Mesa owner.

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Hi all. I have been reading the forums and whatnot for a little while now during the course of an amp hunt that has just recently ended. I went to a place called Lakeshore music near where I live looking to buy a Marshall TSL 60. I liked the gritty lower watt guts that I felt from the TSL60 when I play tested it in another store but this particular store had none in stock. To kill time while waiting for some friends to peruse (spelling??) the area for whatever, I decided to try out a Single recto. 10 mins later the store clerk on hand was ringing it in for me.
Nice Bright yet warm cleans, greasy and articulate overdrive, bleeding edgy hairybalzak crunch. And...way louder than the 60 watt Marshall TSL. I mean the Single Rec put its foot on the TSL's head and didn't let it up. No contest! 50 watts not enough? OMG Mesa is lying! It has to be more than 50 Watts! ;)
Either way...I stand by my decision. Single rec Fits!
I must say I am happy to be part of the family. Hi all and cheers!!

Welcome to the forum.

Ten minutes is pretty quick to decide which amp to get. Well at least for me it is.
Yeah 10 mins IS kinda fast but I had play tested the Dual Rec many times and liked it but...there was always that but there. I had also tried the Peavey JSX, Triple X, Marshall DSL 100, and the bluesbreaker, Fender Metalhead, and although I kept going back to the Dual Rect. I was never really sold on it. I kinda like that easier break up of a lesser powerd amp but the TSL 60 was a bit too muddy. Then it was a matter of trying the Single Rect. and I knew right away what all of those other amps was missing.
For me it just seemed to fit and I knew right away. Love at first sight? hehe who knows. All I know is it has all that I want and nothing that I wont use.
Deffinatly a keeper

Cochise said:
Welcome to the forum.

Ten minutes is pretty quick to decide which amp to get. Well at least for me it is.

it took me 4 months to decide what amp I wanted. I would go to Guitar Center almost everyday. Mesa wins!
I did kind of the same thing when I bought my first boogie 6 months ago. I was on an amp hunt and was avoiding boogies because I didn't want that "Nu-Metal" sound. I tried all the amps you listed and more and I was basically out of options. So there I was sitting in the music store in front of a Peavey XXX and right next to it was a Triple Rectifier, so I thought "What the hell" and plugged in to it and set everything to about 50% on the Vintage setting........ I played it about 30 seconds and said "This is it"!!! That is the sound I'd been looking for for the last 2 years and 12 amps (yep, I went through 12 different amps before owning a boogie). I have owned a Triple Rectifier now for 6 months and just bought a Rectoverb combo last week.

Welcome to the board, look forward to seeing more post.
WOW! its nice to know that others are or were just a tortured as I was when looking for "the amp" . It got very frustrating for a while. I think it was about 2 years ago when the seed was planted that I wanted a bigger sound...meaning I guess something 4x12 or just with 12's in it in general. I have owned and been using a Peavey Classic 50 4x10 with a 1x15 ext cab for about 8 years. Really clean amp with a nice smooth overdrive but to obtain a nice crunchy sound, I was running an older early series Danelectro Fabtone through it. Actually that setup sounds really really good but I have tried other fabtones and the newer models are made from different componants and dont have nearly the guts that mine does. That said, I realized that if I want the sound that I had been trying to reasonably facimilate for the past 8 or so years, why not got get the real thing. So I guess until now I didn't know what the REAL thing was until I heard it in the Single Recto. More volume, more balls, more character, more tone, more versitility, yet still stark in the fact that its still a 50 watt amp. There is just something delicious about finding that spot in the amp....the edge of chaos right when it starts to sound ...well...you know ....Right! And man does the single recto ever have it and in a big way.
Tonally satisfied!

Though I try to be as open minded as possible when it comes to gear, and try my very hardest to avoid brand name loyalty, I am something of a fan boy for Mesas. Considering for me they are local, and countless of my favorite local bands when I was growing up used them, I wanted one since first picked up a guitar. It took me 7 years til I finally got my hands on my Recto, and for the money there really arent any other amps Id consider. Im currently working on picking up my 3rd Mesa amp. Its a horrible addiction, I really should go try to get a Soldano or something..
lol I wonder if that addiction is gonna grab hold of me as well. I found that for a while I had stopped playing as much. My band was kinda "sleeping" and things were going kinda sour. But now we are playing more...and I also am starting a second band and...well I kinda needed another stage worthy amp so even more reason to get the Mesa.
I can understand why yer a bit of a fan boy. hmm bad choice of words maybe but I can totally relate. But that was with Fender guitars before. I have a major thing for the Fender Jaguar. I had 2 but sold 1 a long time ago cuz I really really needed the money. But now I can see that Mesa is going to be hard act to follow also.
Funny story: I brought the head over to a friends house just to ...well I guess show boat a lil (so sue me lol) and there was another guy there that I knew to be a not-so-hot player and when I took the cover off of the Single rect. and he goes,
"OMFG THATS AMAZING! I would love to check that out sometime!" Then followed rediculous *** kissing on his part.
This guy wouldn't even so much as piss in my mouth if I was dying of thirst in the desert before. Never ever gave me the time of day before. I just thought that was so funny. See Mesa brings ppl together haha

I find the SR to be lacking in the clean dept, however with fine tuning and adjusting the guitars output volume, there are so many dirty tones, it's worth it. I think pretty soon, I would get a Twin Reverb Reissue for cleans and run through a stereo volume between the two.
vshine: it would be really cool if you could mod a stereo vol pedal to be
a flip flop, kind of like an ABY box. toe down would be all one amp, and
toe up would be all the other. it would be like rolling the gtr volume back
to clean up the amp :)
sorry to double post, but i just realized it probably wouldnt be too hard
to mod the ernie ball vol pedal jr to do just that, since it already has
an always-on tuner out jack.
vulture2600 said:
vshine: it would be really cool if you could mod a stereo vol pedal to be
a flip flop, kind of like an ABY box. toe down would be all one amp, and
toe up would be all the other. it would be like rolling the gtr volume back
to clean up the amp :)

I got the tip from Giventowail.com. Mike McCready of Pearl Jam has been doing blending two amps together with the Ernie Ball Volume Pedal for years. :D
Vshine said:
I find the SR to be lacking in the clean dept, however with fine tuning and adjusting the guitars output volume, there are so many dirty tones, it's worth it. I think pretty soon, I would get a Twin Reverb Reissue for cleans and run through a stereo volume between the two.

Lacking in the clean dept compared to what now? A Fender Twin, well sure... but hey what isnt? Keep in minde this is a SUPER HIGH GAIN amp, and for that class of amp the 2nd gen single rectos have AMAZING clean channels. It beats out all the other recto cleans, thats for sure and most other high gainers easily.

Thats why I like the F series though, high gain AND an amazing clean channel, that can run with fenders easily.
I got the tip from Giventowail.com. Mike McCready of Pearl Jam has been doing blending two amps together with the Ernie Ball Volume Pedal for years.

yeah but was it a flip-flop blend or both-on-at-the-same-time blend?
Yeah I could see a real useable application flip floping two amps like that. Although the SR has a great clean compared to most other high gain amps that I have tried, I have a Peavey Classic 50 that just sings in the clean dpt. Maybe an ABY box might be nice there. then I can always use the 2 SR channels for dirt. ooooo the possibilities. lol


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