a good overdrive pedal for my Lone Star?

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2005
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hermosa beach california
these things are just amazing tone wise, but I wish they had more gain for shred lead stuff. Do you know of any good overdrive units that work well with the Lonestar? Thanks
For overdrive any of the Tubescreamer clones work well. If you can get a Analogman modded TS9 those are great but also the Maxon OD808s are really good. Not sure if pushing the tubes harded will get you to shred level distortion, may need something more than OD - Bottle Rocket or V-Twin might work. Or a Ibanez MS10 Metal Charger.

if u've got deep pockets ibanez reissued the ts808 for like $170. hey, it's pocket change compared to a mint original :wink:
I'm a fan of Robert Keeley's Tubescreamer used with my Nomad. If you wanted I could send you a song of my band, with me using a Keeley TS-808 into an overdriven Boogie with a strat. PM me or something.
I have the Lone Star Special, so this might not be 100% relevant ...

For the Special, I tried the MXR Zakk Wylde pedal, which was quite good and very transparent, but I was looking for something with a little more gain (even run into the dirty channel, it didn't quite get there). I am now using the Tonebone Hot British, and I love it. I can go from good overdrive to really pretty serious levels of distortion running it through the clean channel. Lots of opportunities to tweak the tone with this pedal, too. It's a keeper for me.

Some of the clips of that new Fulltone OCD sound pretty good though---especially that guy with the Blues Junior on The Gear Page forum.

I've run a Tonebone Hot British, but I found it was too much gain..too much for the red channel anyway.. ..I've also used a Tube Screamer TS-9 reissue, which I found to be not enough...too thin....what i'm using now is the MXR Zakk Wylde overdrive...I really like it...I use it in the red channel... I don't run the gain really high for my dirty tone,.drive switch set to the middle position (gain@1:00...drive@12:00).....it's a "transparent" sounding pedal, so it won't color your sound much...I don't run the gain any higher than 10:00 on the pedal, as it can get pretty distorted past that point I think....I go for a chunky AC/DC...ZEPPELIN type rythym tone, then kick the pedal in for leads...works for me anyway
LONESTAR1x12 said:
I've run a Tonebone Hot British, but I found it was too much gain..too much for the red channel anyway.. ..I've also used a Tube Screamer TS-9 reissue, which I found to be not enough...too thin....what i'm using now is the MXR Zakk Wylde overdrive...I really like it...I use it in the red channel... I don't run the gain really high for my dirty tone,.drive switch set to the middle position (gain@1:00...drive@12:00).....it's a "transparent" sounding pedal, so it won't color your sound much...I don't run the gain any higher than 10:00 on the pedal, as it can get pretty distorted past that point I think....I go for a chunky AC/DC...ZEPPELIN type rythym tone, then kick the pedal in for leads...works for me anyway
I am looking for that Eric Johnson lead tone, or maybe Satriani, Vai type stuff, and just not really sure if those Tube Screamers will do the trick. Is that more for a S.R.V type tone? Not really sure because I have never owned one. Thanks
Try the Austin-Taceous setting in the database it may be a EJ type tone or it could be closer to SRV. On a Plexi the Cliffs of Dover sound usually has the mid and bass equal at about 12:30 with the treble and presence rolled back treble = 9:30 and presense = 8. Drive and volume should be about 3 oclock.

The real trick is the delay, EJ uses big delay times over 350ms. I'm pretty sure the LoneStar series can nail this tone.

ned said:
Try the Austin-Taceous setting in the database it may be a EJ type tone or it could be closer to SRV. On a Plexi the Cliffs of Dover sound usually has the mid and bass equal at about 12:30 with the treble and presence rolled back treble = 9:30 and presense = 8. Drive and volume should be about 3 oclock.

The real trick is the delay, EJ uses big delay times over 350ms. I'm pretty sure the LoneStar series can nail this tone.


Yeah I saw that setting in the owners manual, but just assumed that it was a SRV setting. Man I love Steve Ray like everyone else but would like to get as far away as possible from his tech and sound. Thanks I will try those settings. I saw Alien Love Child at Austin City Limits back in 2000, and got to go check out his amps and such before the show, and he had everything on his lead Marshall set real low. I think a big mistake that a lot of guitar players make when going after his tone is cranking the bass to 12 and such, and that was not really the case. Cheers :D
if you have the cash, check out fulltone!!! (fulltone.com, all hand made pedals!) fulldrive 2 or the OCD (obsessive compulsive distortion)
the hot british is also a great choice as mentioned above
What does anyone think about real tube driven OD pedals such as the boogie ones or the older chandler tube drivers. I was thinking about something like this to boost my DC-3 and give me a more Metallica type drive or a over the top lead tone. Also, How do y0u guys set the drive on the pedal going into the dirty/lead channel? Everytime I try it's almost always uncontrolable.
mtnb1kr said:
...real tube driven OD pedals such as the boogie ones or the older chandler tube drivers.

+1! The old tubeworks BlueTube (pedal version) is a killer as well. IMO nothing does tube overdrive better than overdriven tubes. You can also get good results with a clean boost or an EQ pedal to slam the front end. Make the amp do the work.
I have a LS special. I just got a Menatone Fish Factory. Its an OD (Red Snapper) and Distortion (Blue Collar) in one pedal. You can use either the OD side or the Dist side or both together! I'm telling you this thing is UNBELIEVABLE!!! Best tubescreamer type clone I've heard, and the distortion side gives you a plexi type crunch. Matches real nice with the lonestar. Other Menatone pedals do other variations on OD and Distortion and are worth checking out as well. One called the Howie is a Dumble amp clone. Menatone pedals are not cheap but they are top notch. Highly recommended! Check out their website for soundclips.
I have to agree with Nomad 777...any of the Robert Keeley modded Tube Screamers would do the trick. As far as being an EJ tone...he has used Tube Screamers in the past, but as far as I know, he's now using a Chandler Tube Driver and a Dallas Arbiter Fuzzface.

Noting that, I would think our beloved Mesa VTwin could do anything the Chandler could....hmmmm.....

Fulltone FullDrive 2. I use one with my Mark IV. Also the OCD and Tone Bones.

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