2:90 Arrived! Shouldn't it be louder???

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Nov 15, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I just received the 2:90 I've been waiting for. It replaced a 50/50. I noticed someone making a comment about not being able to turn it past 10 o'clock becasue it's so loud. I'm running the Tri -> GMajor -> 2:90 into a stereo 2x12 cab with 8ohm inputs.

I didn't change anything in my setup when I installed the 2:90. I have the 2:90 set at about 1 o'clock (of course keeping in mind the dial starts at about 6 o'clock). At this setting, the volume is still bearable in my bedroom.

Just so everyone gets an idea of my volume settings on the equipment: Tri - set at about 6. G Major Global In at 0db, Global Out at about -9db, and the two Input and Output dials are both set at about 12 o'clock.

Shouldn't it be a bit louder?
I run my 2:90 at full volume and adjust levels from my preamp. Sounds so much better to me like this. It's most definitely loud enough for me - even in band situations with the other guitarist using a 2:50.

Louder !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you pretending to blow down your neighbourhood ???!!!
If you have your 2:90 all the way up, at what volume do you set your Triaxis? And at about what master volume do you have your settings?
triaxis presets = 8

triaxis volume knobs = 8

2.90 = in the middle

Unbelievable loud !!!

Just to gigs to praticing 2.90 = 2
I think it may be the tubes. They were loose in the packaging when I received it. I'm not getting anything out of Channel A. If the little black pole in the middle of the metallic pins on the tubes gets broken does it affect it at all? To me it looks like the black pin is just for stability.
Do all your power tubes light up?
In the case of the tube with the broken "pole" it may lead to a leak of vacum ( I know, I know, how the hell can you leak vacum?!). What i meant to say is that the integrity of the vacum of the tube might be compromised.
Do you have your cab connected to the right outputs of the 2:90. You should know by now there are different outputs for 8 and 4 ohms loads. Download the manual if you don't have it already.
I'd have the global out of the gmajor at 0db too, that should make the output louder.
I do have all the tubes in and they do glow. I have the speakers connected correctly with the speaker cable coming out of the 2:90's 8ohm outputs and into the cab's 8ohm inputs. I am just noticing that I'm not getting anything out of Channel A. I turned Channel B all the way up and it's still bedroom volume. Something's definitely wrong. I'm dreading paying for a new octet of tubes.

Does anyone know which tube positions are for Channel A and B?
adam3247 said:
I do have all the tubes in and they do glow. I have the speakers connected correctly with the speaker cable coming out of the 2:90's 8ohm outputs and into the cab's 8ohm inputs. I am just noticing that I'm not getting anything out of Channel A. I turned Channel B all the way up and it's still bedroom volume. Something's definitely wrong. I'm dreading paying for a new octet of tubes.

Does anyone know which tube positions are for Channel A and B?

I had a similar situation when I got my used Triaxis/2:50 setup not too long ago.

Clearly, you are going from the A and B outs of the Triaxis to the Left and Right inputs of the G Major, right? Then to the 2:90. Are you getting a signal on each side of the G Major? If not then the issue is likely the Triaxis. This is what was happening to my rig...the issue was a bad V5 preamp tube. I replaced that, and not only did both channels work, the entire **** thing sounded much better and louder.

My G Major was only showing a signal (on the two vertical LED bars on the left side of the display) on one side, so that's where I figured it to be the preamp.

Of course this may not be the problem, but it might be a place to start.
Take off gmajor and plug triaxis directly in 2.90.
This way will you see if gmajor has anything wrong.
If not problem is in the triaxis or the 2.90.
Take off triaxis.
Take a cd player and put it in 2.90 .
If cd sound good the problem is in the triaxis.
If the problem still there 2.90 is the problem.
Very, very, very weird. When I plugged the Tri (stereo out) straight into the 2:90 (stereo in), I suddenly got MASSIVE volume and functionality out of both channels! I can't turn the amp past about 8 o'clock in my bedroom! Much better. I wonder why my Major is acting up. I did nothing but replace the power amp.

adam3247 said:
Very, very, very weird. When I plugged the Tri (stereo out) straight into the 2:90 (stereo in), I suddenly got MASSIVE volume and functionality out of both channels! I can't turn the amp past about 8 o'clock in my bedroom! Much better. I wonder why my Major is acting up. I did nothing but replace the power amp.


Are you using Pro or "Consumer" for the level on the G Major? I have most always used pro when I've used it an effects loop of an amp head, but using it between the tri and the 2:50 it seems to sound better on the consumer setting. On the pro, I had to keep the input and output of the G Major wide open to have any type of reasonable level.

To be honest, I think the G Major is one really screwed up unit. While I love quite a few of the effects, it always seems to be the cause of some bizarre problems. For live use, I use a Rocktron Xpression that has given me zero trouble since I got it. The G Major I'm using a part of the rack system I'm building...I might ditch it for some other FX unit.
I always said any rocktron equipment is better than g major .
Rocktron dont suck your tone.
G major is more like a zoom with a lot of stuff in it and the price is low so if the price is low something have to be sacrificed = tone
Fireworks is an other level.
xpression and gmajor are at the same prices .
But xpression has a lot less than g major.
Less things more quality .
Rocktron rules huahuahuhauha
There's no stereo or mono option other than just plugging in cables to the inputs and outputs.

When I ran the 50/50, I only needed to run the tri at about 5 or 6 and had the g major dials (input and output) at 12 o'clock. I had the g major on pro setting and it had plenty of volume.

I'm started to get pissed. what could be going wrong?
What do you guys think of the Lexicon and Rocktron fx units? I've heard a lot of good things about the Lexicon, I think it's the MP something or other.
Rocktron rules huahuahuhauha
I think that tc do a great mistake borning the manhattan series ( that fucking black-plastic multifx like tc m one tc triple c Dtwo and the awful gmajor )
rocktron is rocktron and lexicon is lexicon, rocktron are great for guitars and lexicon are great in studio the lexicon 960xl costs 20.000 dolars, and the lexicon mpx100 costs 100 dollars, lexicon also do the same mistake as tc, creating the lower mpx processors, I owned a lexicon mpx1 and it sounds so amazing but it has a 1 second change delay between presets, like eventide staff. It costs to me 1100 euros
fatboy135 said:
Rocktron rules huahuahuhauha
I think that tc do a great mistake borning the manhattan series ( that f%&# black-plastic multifx like tc m one tc triple c Dtwo and the awful gmajor )
rocktron is rocktron and lexicon is lexicon, rocktron are great for guitars and lexicon are great in studio the lexicon 960xl costs 20.000 dolars, and the lexicon mpx100 costs 100 dollars, lexicon also do the same mistake as tc, creating the lower mpx processors, I owned a lexicon mpx1 and it sounds so amazing but it has a 1 second change delay between presets, like eventide staff. It costs to me 1100 euros

+ 1000

I couldnt agree more with you
I didn't know the Lexicon had a delay in patch switching. That's a huge drawback. I had a Rocktron Prophecy that I hated. But of course I relied on the built in preamp.

I was looking at getting a Lexicon MPX1. On the rocktrons do you guys prefer the intelliflex or the other one. (don't remember the name)
intellifex and xpression I have both.
My ears cannot hear a difference between them.
I love rocktron chorus .
I never used pitch cause I hate it.
I only need chorus,reverb and delay.
Oh and hush of corse