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  1. D

    Single Rectifier Tone test

    That sounds sweet man! Yea an overdrive pedal will tighten that up and should be really good for it. How did you record it? Is that direct in or did you mic it?
  2. D

    Mesa/amp techs

    Haha! Nice. I only ask because I'm considering a possible career change and was interested in that. Any advice on how to get started?
  3. D

    Mesa/amp techs

    So how much do Mesa techs or just amp techs in general make a year? I imagine it varies slightly from place to place. Any techs out there?
  4. D

    How to record a Triple Rectifier

    It never hurts to roll back the bass a little bit on your amp and then do a little bit of MINOR eq stuff after you record. Keep in mind MINOR; you don't want to lose the tone you're going of/already have. A little compression never hurt anyone either.
  5. D

    I just had to share this experience...

    I envy you, my friend! I would love an RKII. Good to hear you're happy with what you got! Maybe we'll hear you on a record one day.
  6. D

    "Mr. Mesa"

    I never thought this thread would get so much attention. I agree most with bluesymetal who says it can be defined by era. And honestly, I didn't know Metallica played Mesa. I knew James had tampered with a Diezel on Some Kind of Monster. But I think we can narrow it down to 4 choices...
  7. D

    My "Lone-Stack"

    That's pretty cool man! I'm always interested in those unique home made rigs. Are those two different sized speakers and two different cabs or are my eyes just playing tricks on me?
  8. D

    Anyone with a RKII....

    MUCH appreciated! Thank you very much!
  9. D

    Anyone with a RKII....

    If someone wouldn't mind taking a hi-res picture of the Rectifier logo on the front I would appreciate it. I couldn't find one on Google because they're all far too small. I just want a nice, big, hi-res image of the logo. :) Thanks in advance!
  10. D

    Dual Rec vs. F-50

    I know it was a rather broad topic, and thanks for the replies. But I've been looking at getting an F-100 head. Does anyone know where I can find one other than eBay and craigslist? They don't seem to be listed on the Mesa website either.
  11. D

    Dual Rec vs. F-50

    Can anyone tell me what the main differences between the Dual Rec and the F-50 are? I heard some sound bites of both and couldn't really notice much of a difference. How many of you swear by either one and why?
  12. D

    What was your first amp???

    The Fender Frontman 15 :) 15 mega watts packed into an 8 inch speaker, along with my Squire strat. Came in a jam pack that I got from the pawn shop for $150. 8)
  13. D

    Randall RM100 tubes

    My buddy has a Randall RM100 that he absolutely loves. Thing is, they're run with EL34s. If he were to swap in some 6L6s, would he get more of the Mesa drive and power, or would it affect its playability negatively? Any one have any experience with these or other similar amps/tubes?
  14. D

    Where to put it ??

    Before :D
  15. D

    Where to put it ??

    Before :D
  16. D

    Where to put it ??

    Before :D
  17. D

    What 4x12 Should I get for my Dual Rectifier?

    Randall makes some awesome cabs. Especially with the mic eliminator XLR jack on the back. Those are God's gift to tracking guitars both on and off the stage.
  18. D

    "Mr. Mesa"

    Who is the most famous/most recognizable/most widely known Mesa user? Who do you think is the best essential "spokesman" for Mesa? I'm gonna vote Mark Tremonti, for obvious reasons. Everyone who knows his music equates him with Mesa.
  19. D

    B-52.... Poor man's Mesa?

    Thanks for the input guys. I was never really that interested in buying one, just wanted to know everyone else's take on them. For the money, they sound great but I'd rather have the real thing; the Mesa.