What 4x12 Should I get for my Dual Rectifier?

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Apr 14, 2008
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I got, sitting in my room, a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 3 Channel Solo Head. I have no cabinet. Its very sad and emotionally traumatizing having to stare at the beauty everyday and not be able to play on it. So I need a 4x12. The other guitarist in my band has a Traynor Custom Special combo head and 4x12 and its pretty sweet, much sweeter than I was expecting it to be. Basically I need to keep up with that and I want a 4x12 to meet the volume of his traynor while making sure it is something with good speakers. I no basically nothing about speakers but I have heard Celegions are are the way to go and I am wanting a metal/hardcore ish sound at least for now, and I have heard that you need a cabinet with speakers that can handle the boogie. What that means I was hoping someone else could tell me. Right now I have $400 sitting in paypal, and I'm sure the band can loan me some cash to seal the deal, but basically it would be nice to get something equally good but less expensive then a mesa brand cab. So it would be great if someone who plays this sorta genre or at least knows about it could help me out on what 4x12 I should get. Thanks a ton!
FTWS said:
I got, sitting in my room, a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 3 Channel Solo Head. I have no cabinet. Its very sad and emotionally traumatizing having to stare at the beauty everyday and not be able to play on it. So I need a 4x12. The other guitarist in my band has a Traynor Custom Special combo head and 4x12 and its pretty sweet, much sweeter than I was expecting it to be. Basically I need to keep up with that and I want a 4x12 to meet the volume of his traynor while making sure it is something with good speakers. I no basically nothing about speakers but I have heard Celegions are are the way to go and I am wanting a metal/hardcore ish sound at least for now, and I have heard that you need a cabinet with speakers that can handle the boogie. What that means I was hoping someone else could tell me. Right now I have $400 sitting in paypal, and I'm sure the band can loan me some cash to seal the deal, but basically it would be nice to get something equally good but less expensive then a mesa brand cab. So it would be great if someone who plays this sorta genre or at least knows about it could help me out on what 4x12 I should get. Thanks a ton!

you can get a basson 4x12 shipped to you for 550..... just contact shawn green at bassonsound.com .... bassons are super tight cabs that to my ears are designed for very tight tracking and to have a huge bottom end while keeping clarity through the mids and highs which is very suited for metalcore.... also avatars are pretty good especially for the price... you can get a brand new one shipped to you for around 500.... if you go the avatar route get the g412 as it has a sturdier construction than some of the other avatars.... also since they let you pick your speakers make you might wnat to go something like a v30/gt75 in an x pattern or just four g100t's

for used cabs 400 can get you something decent.... i've scene used mesa cabs between 450-550 on craigslist.... even cheaper for marshalls but make sure with marshall you get something like the 1960As or 1960Bs.... just look around on cragslist and see what comes up.... almsot forgot... rnadall makes some quality affordible cabs... you can check those out at msuiciansfriend
The cheapest new cab I could recomend would be a Behringer 4x12. I bought one new for $250 a few monthes ago. I have a Triple Rec and a matching cab, so your asking why did I buy this cab. Well I wanted a cheaper cab to lug around, also the Behringer has a metal front to protect the speakers. It has some kind of Jensen speakers but it sounds good to me. The Mesa has more bottom but on the Triple you just dial in more bass. The bad part of this cab is that it is cheap, the covering tears real easy, Ive had it around a year and it looks old. Oh yeah its a stereo cab if that matters.

You can buy a used Mesa for around 500 or you might find one of these Behringers used for around 150. If you are going to leave your cab sitting somewhere all the time and not move it often go for a Mesa, but if you plan on moving it a lot look into one of these Behringers, heck you can always pull the emblem off and put a Mesa or Marshall sticker on it. Tonewise for crunch settings I dont think you can tell the difference cranked up. The Mesa sounds better on straight up clean sounds to me.

My 2 cents.
used Mesa for $500 on ebay or craiglist.

Standard/oversized=big deep bass. Can be boomy or muddy. Good for nu metal

Traditional/Stilleto=tight articulate sound. Good for classic rock and fast percussive metal.

P.S. It' Celestions :wink:
I would say find a used Mesa. You've gotta figure that they're built to go with Mesa amps. Plus, they're built like tanks.
I use a Genz-Benz 2x12 with my DR. It'll keep up with my bandmate's Mesa 4x12 no prob., plus it's easier to get around... well, it was a lot easier until I had a custom flight case built for it. Now it's pretty huge and weighs a ton. Still smaller than a 4x12 though. :)
Thank you for your responses. I think im going for a avatar with vintage 30's in it.
Randall makes some awesome cabs. Especially with the mic eliminator XLR jack on the back. Those are God's gift to tracking guitars both on and off the stage.
Devho said:
Randall makes some awesome cabs. Especially with the mic eliminator XLR jack on the back. Those are God's gift to tracking guitars both on and off the stage.

What is the benefit of the xlr jack on a guitar cab? I was thinking of picking up an XL series randall cab.
Devho said:
Randall makes some awesome cabs. Especially with the mic eliminator XLR jack on the back. Those are God's gift to tracking guitars both on and off the stage.

agreed.... theyre a great value... im not fond of the jaguar speakers you see in some of the cabs but with the v30s they sound nice and tight with a pretty big bottom end
on ebay a mesa boogie goes for over $600 for sure, the best i can find is $500 shipped for an avatar but they don't accept paypal! I contacted the owner of Bosson sound and he said that I won't be finding any of their stuff that cheap unless I get lucky on ebay. Any other suggestions? $500 is really my maximum, I am looking for something with V30's in it probably.
FTWS said:
on ebay a mesa boogie goes for over $600 for sure, the best i can find is $500 shipped for an avatar but they don't accept paypal! I contacted the owner of Bosson sound and he said that I won't be finding any of their stuff that cheap unless I get lucky on ebay. Any other suggestions? $500 is really my maximum, I am looking for something with V30's in it probably.

keep your eyes on your local craigslist. i scored my mesa 4x12 for 400 bucks there.

also, you could just send an MO or use the credit card you used to sign up with paypal to order the avatar. dave is great to work with.
FTWS said:
on ebay a mesa boogie goes for over $600 for sure, the best i can find is $500 shipped for an avatar but they don't accept paypal! I contacted the owner of Bosson sound and he said that I won't be finding any of their stuff that cheap unless I get lucky on ebay. Any other suggestions? $500 is really my maximum, I am looking for something with V30's in it probably.

thats weird because i'm on their email last and it was only a few weeks ago that they were still doing the promotion 550 shipped to your door... maybe the promotion is over..... but like someone here said be patient and you should find a good deal on craigslist
If you play at home or smaller gigs or clubs go with non-Mesa less expensive 4x12 cabs. But, If you are going to play arenas (even once in your lifetime!) you cannot deny that recto 4x12 low end and power! You´re already halfway there with that $400 I think it will be worth going all the way ! Good luck !