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  1. R

    Express with no Reverb

    Awesome, let us know how you like it! I'm thinking of getting one... Rob
  2. R

    ebay bidders, seems fishy

    Hello, Sorry found the answer to my silly question... Thanks. Rob
  3. R

    Best Mesas for low volumes?

    I am on the same quest, although I'm really looking for the DR crunch. My thread on using a Recto-Verb in my bedroom yielded some great responses about good tone at low volumes. I've also heard the Express line and was impressed with the tone at low volumes but I found out I need speaker...
  4. R

    Price Check on a Tremoverb Head

    I'll second the Commander. I saw a perfect condition one without footswitch, box or anything go for $900 and one that was all scratched up for $1200. I missed the boat on the $900 one because I believe 100 watts is too much for a bedroom amp. But it was still a great deal in my opinion...
  5. R

    Express 5:25/Tone 5W vs 25W settings

    Just curious since I was looking at the Express line. What's the odd order third harmonic thing of a Push Pull amp? Does this mean the 5:50 in 50 watts is different than a 50 watt regular Mesa head? Very curious... Thanks in advance, Rob
  6. R

    mesa boogie set prices?

    Sounds like I better make a decision and fast if I want to save some money! Thanks for the heads up, that really makes a difference! Rob
  7. R

    mesa boogie set prices?

    Thanks folks, I'll try the used market but was also interested in getting this in a custom color, for only $159 I can get exactly what I want, worth it to me. Thanks again for the assistance. Rob
  8. R

    Recto-Verb as a Bedroom Amp, Attenuator?

    Awesome! So many great opinions. I'm glad there are many options to what I'd like to get. I did consider the rack mount option but I really like the classic head look, not to mention just wanting to own one of these beasts. Sounds like I'll probably go for the ROV head and fiddle with the...
  9. R

    Recto-Verb as a Bedroom Amp, Attenuator?

    Wow! Thanks folks, I'm very grateful for all of the feedback. Perhaps the ROV is doable, I agree I won't get great sound but perhaps I'd get a better sound than the 5:50 since everyone pretty much agrees that the 5:50 won't get the DR sounds. Platypus, what would you suggest for a home amp...
  10. R

    Recto-Verb as a Bedroom Amp, Attenuator?

    Hello, I'm really liking the Recto-Verb and will be using it primarily for home use. I'm wondering if anyone has used an attenuator on this or any other DR amp. When I spoke with Mesa, they recommended the Express series for home use and said I could get the DR sound from the 5:50 but I still...
  11. R

    mesa boogie set prices?

    Sorry, I was offline this weekend, thanks for the responses guys, I live in Seattle, WA so I guess I could save tax and buy it in Oregon. Thanks for the info, now if I can only decide on an Amp... Rob
  12. R

    mesa boogie set prices?

    Hello, Newbie here, am I to assume that you can only purchase Boogies at list price? I tried searching but it didn't turn up much. Is Mesa that strict about the dealers all selling at the same price? Just curious as I'm buying a new Boogie this month and am looking at getting the best price...
  13. R

    whats a good mesa for me?

    Hello, Newbie here but I was told by Mesa that the Express 5:50 could replicate the Dual Rectifier sound. I called them about 2 weeks ago asking about a good home amp that could still deliver the DR sound and he recommended the Express 5:50. Just throwing that out there. Rob