Best Mesas for low volumes?

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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Which Mesas sound the best at low volumes? Express, F-30? Not trying to achieve any certain tone, just a convincing crunch.
alex1fly said:
Which Mesas sound the best at low volumes? Express, F-30? Not trying to achieve any certain tone, just a convincing crunch.

I haven't played through many other Mesas (LS & 5:50) but I can tell you that the Express 5:25 sounds very nice on the Crunch setting, especially in the 5W mode.
Actually the MKIV is very good at low volume. I liked it better a low volume than when it was turned up.
I am on the same quest, although I'm really looking for the DR crunch. My thread on using a Recto-Verb in my bedroom yielded some great responses about good tone at low volumes. I've also heard the Express line and was impressed with the tone at low volumes but I found out I need speaker movement for the tone that I love. Tough spot to be in when you want great tone at low volumes...

I have NOT played enough Mesas to give you a comprehensive answer ...but can tell you that my MKIII in Class-A yields a great crunch at medium-low volumes. And the nice thing about any of the Marks is that you have the GEQ that can shape better than a 3-knob tone stack, especially when compensating for low-ish volumes.

Yes, the Mark IV sounds good at low volumes, BUT the master volume knob is hella sensitive! I used an attenuator to level out the volume knob. For instance - 1.2 would be just barely not loud enough and then 1.3 would be band practice level. Very frustrating. The attenuator made it MUCH more linear as opposed to being exponential...

My Roadster sounds great at all volumes and the master volume is very linear...
LnTh said:

PM'd you.

There's a lot of different factors in determining the best amp for you. You'll have to find the one that suits you best. I started with a Series 1 Rectoverb (and should have stayed with it quite honestly) and progressed to an older 2ch DR. I justified the jump from ROV to DR based on the idea of being able to play at 50 or 100 watts by pulling tubes, running EL-34's, channel assignable loop (parallel loops suck tone IMO FYI, go serial) and tube rectification. What I found with the particular one I owned, was that I couldn't tame it for 90% of where I was playing it, around the house.

Read what Lnth has to say on his low volume clip as it makes some sense. Don't rule out an amp because it's X watts. Each tube amp is different even within the same line. I find that lower wattage stuff breaks up differently and suits me better for home use.

A lot of guys get GAS. I know I've done it, bought and sold the two rectifiers to prove it and got T-shirts. I suggest be patient. Take the time and read about as many amps as you can then try them out one at a time. If you go to GC, get away from the main floors and the 15 year old "shredders." and their line 6 metallness.

My .02.
the mark III and IV's can sound great at really low volumes.
rectos not so much.
when i say low, i mean like normal speaking voice is louder.
JimAnsell said:
the mark III and IV's can sound great at really low volumes.
rectos not so much.
when i say low, i mean like normal speaking voice is louder.

That's pretty low... I think my Roadster sounds OK at that volume, but I usually play at least at speaking volume.
MusicManJP6 said:
JimAnsell said:
the mark III and IV's can sound great at really low volumes.
rectos not so much.
when i say low, i mean like normal speaking voice is louder.

That's pretty low... I think my Roadster sounds OK at that volume, but I usually play at least at speaking volume.

i live in an apartment so sometimes if its late, i have to play super quiet like that.
that god the mark stuff does it well.
the roadster sounded like *** like that.
but then again, i only liked the roadster at band volume.
different strokes for different folks :D

What cab/speakers did you use a Roadster with? I thought my Roadster sounded horrible through a Recto 2x12 and only decent through a Road King 2x12. A 1x12 3/4 back and an EV loaded thiele cab (dual thieles were the ****!) sounded best with the Roadster to my ears...
Lonestar Special all the way! works in the bedroom, studio, rehearsals, and stage. i'm amazed nobody has mentioned this one yet.
JimAnsell said:
when i say low, i mean like normal speaking voice is louder.

Why bother with a Mesa if your going to play that low? Sorta like buying a Ferrari to drive around the block... :roll:
thinskin57 said:
Lonestar Special all the way! works in the bedroom, studio, rehearsals, and stage. i'm amazed nobody has mentioned this one yet.

+1 on this. Five watts gets great sounds a a variety of volume levels; I think the LSC sounds great for certain things at lower volumes. That's one of the reasons I'm keeping it over a Dr. Z Maz 38 Sr.
art_n_music said:
JimAnsell said:
when i say low, i mean like normal speaking voice is louder.

Why bother with a Mesa if your going to play that low? Sorta like buying a Ferrari to drive around the block... :roll:

Better to have it and not need it, then vice-versa......
That's my motto, anyway.
How loud would a Mark IV head into a 1x12 cab be compared to the combo? It would make sense to be the same thing, but I'm debating between the two, since I think a head is more practical. I'd play at low volumes too.